
Year 20780

Chapter 1: Starting war of the dead warriors and living warriors: year 20780

Chapter A2: But war is hard as we fight in torreakus by our self's: year 11342

Chapter A3: More torreakus and new men called aliens and there warriors that eat meat and suck blued and there controlled by one mined which is a female but know one no for shore if there's a second mined

Chapter A4: The name of the aliens is gorgons and doegons

Chapter A5: Lost in blindness of the darkness doegons and gorgons that are on our side in pees

Chapter A6: Torreakusroller and torreakus on our side agents hell gods and the his warriors

Chapter A7: Torreakusroller aged the dead dragons and the hellhounds and weepers and weeper hounds, dead dragons hounds

Chapter A8: The master of dead, living and ghost

Chapter A9: The gods are angry at each other in horror, destruction, darkness, anger, blackness, and madness

Chapter A1A0: The master is hare now for the death

Chapter A1A1: The master cannot kill Catlin the elflorn nite queen of death, life, dark, light, evil, and good

Chapter A1A2: The dead came from the war and went to kill more of the living thing with chainsaws and other things

Chapter A1A3: The new invention roll bots

Chapter A1A4: The roller bots a tack

Chapter A1A5: World War X T F S U 400, 342, 143, 677, 126, 698, 414, 662, 132, 525, 188, 297, 888, 800, 344, 668, 445, 678, 999, 577, 899, 999, 976, 558, 668, 778, 668, 744, 223, 421, 459, 899, 779

Chapter A1A6: Men warriors of the dead and living and monster and mutants and 5,004,657,566, 857, 907, 198, 911, 589, 546, 463, 273, 299, 999, 666, 689, 999, 100, 000 women warriors of the dead and living and monster and mutants that are living

Chapter A1A7 The true name comes out

Chapter A1A8: Into outer space

Chapter 1: Starting Wars of the dead, warrior and living warrior

Year: 20780

I cannot tell you my name, but I can only tell you this: war is a horrible place. War and I go together like apple pie with no whip cream. This is different; it is not like any other war. It is much worse now. War is horrible and dangerous, but the one thing that went wrong, happened before this war even started: zombies came from the dead, beings from different planets with real dragons showed up, teleporters with futuristic armor, humanoids, mutants, etc. and the worst is yet to come!

The first wave of creatures died thanks to my friend and me. The first wave had about two dozen beings. We killed them all. We shot and stabbed them, sliced and cut their heads and limbs; blood splattered on the ground, oozing out of them, with their guts, intestines and the inners falling out while trickling and dripping everywhere. Although they were in major pain, we had to finish their lives; there was no other way to keep them from dominating our world.

Before the war I live in Yaki Yoki; it is the new name for Japan. My mother and father said all the time that I was unique. I did not know why they said that I was unique, but now I know. They believed that I could do amazing things for the world! My mother gave me the books that had strange writing in them; I quickly learned to read them and write like that, as if I were not from this place. (My father always, ALWAYS said, "You were born from your mother and me, so you are from this planet!")

School was not my favorite place to be at and it didn't it not help that the kids there hated me for some reason! At school, I always wished that I were at home riding horses, milking the cows, collecting eggs, reading and writing. Besides, school was evil! The good thing was I could go home by running away from school, and my mother and father understood my trouble at school!

My father told me to run when needed depending on the circumstances. My mother told me this song "hush little birdy don't say a word. Everyone is different even when the birds sing there songs little birdy sing my words and I'll always be with you whenever you're hurt and if you're hurt is true I'll be forever with you". I would always sing that song and my mother would always come and find me no matter what the problem, at school or not. Whenever, Wherever, I would be my mother would be there. But as with all good there is evil. If we get rid of one, other one takes over if we get writ of both there is nothing.

The thing I hated, and I mean hated, was the kid at school. And they thought that school it is the thing to put me in. I know you grownups think school is the first step to a future, but it's not. The only thing that helped was the math and science, that's it No but, if, and or what about it! Some days I wish that I was treated differently then the other kids and other days, I could just kill the other kids but my mother and father would have never approved of that action. Although I knew that, I had the GUTS to kill the kids at school; I just could not deal with my mother and father being mad at me. I don't know what I would do if my parents didn't raise me the way they did! I never would have had anyone to go too but that has come hu and gone in hu hu a snap! I'm sorry I just need a moment a lone hu, hu hu hu wan wan wan!!! Sorry that was my emotion getting to me now I am going to tell you why I'm focus on this part. It All started on a summer day of 2064 my mother and father left to go camping and never came back left with a baby sitter to take care of me then twelve day later the creature attacked.

Then the second wave came with the walking dead, space invader, mutants, from who knows where in the space-time continuum. That is when the real war started is. It was much worse than we expected. This time there were hundreds of creatures and beings; our hearts filled with weird feelings that rapidly changed. We knew that we had zero chances in this fight, so we went searching for new recruits. Otherwise, we would all be dead! We found new recruits! A dozen recruits. Exactly twelve new recreates went through training and growing!

. We really believe that we do need to boost the soldiers' confidence and this is our motto: In war thou shall die with dignity but thou who do not die with dignity are failures to loved ones. This is where we begin the story.

My friend is X-06cc Operate. His plane is call the haywire it was name after his twin brother's nickname who died but his real name is Haywire Racer because they knew he had potential to be speedy. We protected the 13th District but we were starving to death. Now we are excellent at eating now we are not starving in any sort of way. The war started to become worse. Now it is our turn, but first X-50cc gets a bazooka and I get a rocket launcher that comes with heat seeking rocket. I am working on a chainsaw sword for war. We were out of boot camp finely. Now war is starting to get worse and worse. Droids, Clones and Torreakus are on our side.

"X-05ccguard the brig down stairs at the bottom of the space ship". (Said X-04cc.)

"I do not want to". (Said X-05cc.)

"This is a bad place to be at this time of war because there are Doegons 🡨(Doa-goons)."

"I will go see want is there but I will not chicken out and do not chicken out"

"There are not any doegons"

"There are no doegons down here,"

"I am still not coming down there okay"

"Chicken bock, bock, b, b, B. B. O. O. O. O. O. OCK"

"Okay I am coming down there to beat you up with horror in the dark while its "pitch black down their."

"You cannot do that to me."

"Why not."

"Are you a Walkersaum 🡨(Wo-k-or-sum)?"

"Yes, I am a Walkersaum. You cannot stop me from becoming a supper walkersaum".

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha… I will not lose to a pathetic goon, which you will be when I am done with you."



"I talk to the General."

"So what"

"Don't make me get her"

"I am good"