
Wake Me Up: Air:

Air Glass House:

"My head is killing me!" Hoseok exclaimed internally.

"Where am I?" He got up on his feet slowly, but he did succeed in the end. However, his question was left unanswered.

He looked around, still not recognising his surrounding, and tried to spot a light switch as the illumination of the room erringly poor. Nothing. He moves around and steps on something soft, the trod is then followed by a grunt.

"What was that?!" the question was accompanied by a sudden halting of all motion from Hoseok and the symbolic hands-out-gesture to ensure nothing within the radius they create can cause him harm. He looks in the direction of the sound. It's Twice's Tzuyu, he recognised her by her long legs. As soon as this is clarified, Hoseok immediately helps her up, once again, slowly.

"She seems to also have the migraine I had," he thought to himself.

She doesn't say a word just bows her head slightly and looks around equally as confused as Hoseok, who has been conscious for several minutes now. Meanwhile, the light begins to brighten ever so slightly. This is when three more silhouettes appear. Hoseok recognises one of them and immediately runs to it;

"Jimin-a wake up!" Hoseok belted giving all three of the moderately conscious members an ongoing ringing sound in their ears and a sudden loss of balance. Jimin wakes up, mostly due to fear, but never-the-less he is awake.

Tzuyu turns around to see two figures behind her that she most definitely can identify: It's Dahyun and Jihyo! She runs to them and shakes them both vigorously. Dahyun wakes up with the intent to throw Tzuyu off a fifth story building but remains calm.

"Unnie!" Tzuyu cries.

"Aish! I'm awake what do you want from me? My head hurts!" Dahyun states as she rips her arm away from the Maknae.

Jihyo doesn't wake up.

She tries again, this time with Dahyun's help.

Jihyo is not waking up.

This Begins to concern the four prisoners. They all crowd around her motionless body trying to wake her up. When Jimin notices something that was out of the ordinary: Jihyo's head was bleeding, almost as if she had been beaten in order to get her unconscious. The only reason this was strange was that none of the others seemed to have any form of external injury that would cause loss of consciousness. He points it out to the others and they immediately move away from her in shock.

"What are we going to do?" Dahyun inquired "She needs a doctor!".

"Where are you going to get a doctor from? We don't even know how many walls this room has" Hoseok pointed out rather impatiently.

Just as the words were coming out of his mouth, the room becomes fully light. This is when they see three more rooms with the rest of the members of both groups in the same position as they were just minutes ago spread out in strange groups.

One of the rooms begins to light up slowly on the inside.

Hope you liked this part of chapter 1!

This is my first story so be patient with me!

Let me know what you thought!!



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