World is at a war, a big war. We don't fight against another human but we struggle against the living dead. No one survive, except the chosen one. The chosen one can't survive without spirit of live. The chosen one must start to fight to kill the living dead. Note : This story will be like a post-apocalyptic story. You will see the main character adventure. He/she will fight the living deads or zombies. Survive is main priority.
Inside the yacht, a man and two women are gathering inside closed room which is being infiltrated by something look like a flowing liquid colored light blue.
"God damn it! It is coming to us! I have no idea how to fight it. It torn Donen into some parts like tearing paper," the man said as he holding an iron stick.
"Morris, do something. Don't let it tears us off like what it had done to Donen," one of these women said in scared.
"Give me time, Ilsa. I need to find out way to escape from here," Morris said while looking at the thing which is getting bigger then merging each it's parts on floor.
The thing is getting bigger then transforming into a giant light blue zombie. It is rushing to Morris and friends.
"Morris, do something to save us!" Ilsa shouted in panic.
"Morris, we need to get out here!" the other woman who is older than Ilsa also said in panic.
"Ahhh, we need something can help! Give me break! Give me break!" Morris shouted frustatedly.
The giant blue zombie apprached to them while sticking it's tongue out. Then it rushed to them while flailing it's hands.
All of them are screaming while the giant zombie reaching them. But, something suddenly happens.
The giant zombie suddenly glued on it's position. Then everyone looked at spot where the zombie glued.
"A liquid? What liquid is that?" the older woman who is Ilsa's mother said.
"That is acid liquid. Finally we found something can hold this zombie," Morris said while looking at the zombie. "Everyone, we need to get out. Watch your step. We will avoid this giant."
Morris grabbed a bottle contained acid liquid. Of course he must be careful to take that because it's cap is broken.
When Morris and the others were trying to reach the door, the giant roared while attacking them. But it can't reach them because the distance is far enough.
After reaching the door there is a significant problem. The problem is some zombies are wandering outside the room.
"I need a flame thrower to burn them. This is impossible for us to escape when these zombies are still around meanwhile the giant is right behind us," Morris said then looking behind.
"Mom, can you distract them? So far, mother didn't do anything useful for our safety," Ilsa said made her mother looks at her.
"Ilsa, I am your mother. But why did you say like that?" Ilsa mother said sad.
"I say what I was thinking all this time, mom. I have not seen your effort to get us out of here," Ilsa said while diverting her views.
Morris who heard that conversation just shooked his head.
"Everyone, calm down. If you don't wanna do something. Just keep silent, okay?" he said. "Damn, these zombies are too many. Where are they come from? Even though this yacht has not this many passengers."
"Morris, I and my mother will leave early. I see empty area at left. Could you hold them, Morris?" Ilsa said while looking at a door which located at an area that free from zombies.
"Alright. Just go. I will hold them. They will not chase you. Go," Morris said while rising up his iron stick. "Come here, you the undead!"
Morris fought these zombies using the iron stick meanwhile Ilsa and her mother leaving him through the door. Several zombies fell down to the ground after hit by Morris's iron stick.
But Morris was outnumbered because the number of these zombies still doesn't decrease. Moreover the giant light blue zombie succeeded to release itself from acid liquid.
"God damn it! I will be part of them at this rate." Morris ran away to the door where Ilsa and her mother passed through.
But suddenly the door closed from outside. Morris tried to open the door but it's locked.
"Fuck! Ilsa, Madam Donna! Open the door! Why do you lock me?" Morris shouted in panic while looking behind.
Those zombies and the giant were approaching to him. They're looked enraged while wailing.
Morris shouted in panic while knocking the door.
"Ilsa! Madam Donna! Open the door!"
No one answered Morris shout. Silence. Just sound of zombies wailing that heard.
The huge wave of zombies were getting closer to Morris. They're ready to prey this guy.
At the grave situation, Morris saw a long-handled hatchet lied on the floor. He took the hatchet then continuing to fight these zombies. But he always tried to avoid direct contact with the giant zombie. He would run when seeing an empty area when the giant rushing to him.
Then Morris saw a single glassed window. Using the hatchet, he broke the window. When these zombies almost reached him, Morris jumps out of the yacht. Then he falls to the ground roughly.
"Fuck! It's hurt!" Morris swore while getting up of his fall.
Morris saw those zombies were trying to jump through the window where he jumping out before.
"Crap! I have to leave. Where the fuck are Ilsa and Madame Donna?" Morris runs away of the yacht to the south.
After several minutes he ran, he reached a house that settled by some people. He could see that from light that shining one of the house room.
We leave Morris for a while.
Meanwhile Billy, Scott, Talisa, reached a border which just marked by border pegs. They're standing for long front of the border pegs.
"Are you sure?" Talisa asked to Scott while staring at the guy.
"We have no other way. No, I meant we have but this way is shortcut for us to reach the City of Peace," Scott said while considering what he must decide to.
"Yeah, this is a shortcut but we are going to pass another country territory illegally. I suggest we have to find another way," Billy said dissagree.
"No, this is the only one our right choice. We can't find another way by circling the border of Roderia and Gloria. Moreover we will still cross another country territory after Gloria," Scott explained. "Remember we will encounter every dead city or dead village which filled by zombies. We can't take risk by obeying your suggestion."
"So, we will enter Roderia illegally? You must know that inside this small country there are several village occupied by strange communities. They are not friendly to comers," Billy said as he explaining what he worries about.
Scott shooks his head.
"Yeah, I know. Roderia is a small country but not whole of this country occupied by these communities. We can pass safest area through," he spoke.
"Guys, we have to move. We can't stay here for long. I heard the growl of them. I think they are heading here," Talisa said affraidly.
"Fine. We pass the shortcut through. It's outbreak time. Every countries are so busy to against that," Billy said as he walking through the border.
Suddenly Scott pulled Billy backward.
"Watch out!"
Suddenly an explosion happens after Billy succeeded be pulled back by Scott.
"Mine!" Talisa shrieked.
"It's so close!" Billy swore while breathing up and down.
"That's good and bad decision to pass this border," Scott said. "Alright we need to find another spot. Maybe we can meet the area clear of mines or planted grenade."
"This country has no many troops. Might it's the reason why they planted mine along Roderia border," Billy said.
Those three people finally didn't pass the border because of the incident that almost killed Billy. Moreover might the soldiers of Roderia are heading to the location after the mine exploded.
"Have you ever been at the city, Scott?" Talisa asked to Scott.
"Yeah, I did. But the city at the time is a shelter which is fortressed. It's being in development. The major of the city has instructed to build some tall building," Scott said.
"Guys, we have to hide. Look at that. These armies," Billy said while going to a hideaway.
Scott and Talisa followed Billy then looking at spot that Billy meant.
"The Narahita Armies. They are marine. Look at the land ships. They are flagged Narahita," Scott spoke.
"Marine? Sailing at land?" Talisa said curious.
"Yeah, just like that. They have unimagined land vehicles such like those land ships. It can sail at land. It will destroy everything that it pass through," Scott said. "Look at that. One of them is sailing while razing forest."
Everyone looked at one of those land ships which is moving while razing trees.
"They are the destroyer! I swear I will eliminate them from this world," Billy said in angry.
"Save your power for positive thing. We can't stay here for long. The ship is heading this way. Come on. We have to leave or we will be destroyed corpses," Scott said while leaving the place sneaky following by Billy and Talisa.
Scott and the others walked to the northeast to avoid the Narahita Armies. So, their journey is going to be further than they hope.
"We will arrive at Docked City, a beachside city. Don't hope to make vacation there. Now, the city is a city of dead. But not impossible for us to find another survivors there," Scott said.
"How far is this city with Oyster City?" Talisa asked.
"Not so far. It's distance between Docked City and Oyster City is 25 kilometers. Why?" Scott replied.
"Oyster City is my hometown. My parents were living there until this outbreak coming. I have lost contact with them. Maybe they are still alive. I hope I can visit my hometown although for last time," Talisa told.
"Sadly, honey. The city is now a war zone after invaded by Narahita. Republic of Gloria of course gave resistance by bombarding the city," Scott said making Talisa surprised.
"What? So, my hometown is now a war zone? How about my parents fate are? I can't imagine that my mom and my daddy are living in fear and hopeless," Talisa said as he trying to not crying.
Scott fell silence. He looked thinking something serious.
"I have lost my daddy at the city. He wasn't a soldier but he must die fierced by the Narahita bullets. He was at duty at the city when the Narahita invaded," Scott said making Talisa stunned. "He was a botanical expert. He was being in final duty to help flower farmers in there. He was a narrator at a workshop held by the Flower Farmers Association."