World is at a war, a big war. We don't fight against another human but we struggle against the living dead. No one survive, except the chosen one. The chosen one can't survive without spirit of live. The chosen one must start to fight to kill the living dead. Note : This story will be like a post-apocalyptic story. You will see the main character adventure. He/she will fight the living deads or zombies. Survive is main priority.
The missile succeeded to blow Roland up until the hybrid man thrown away then hiting an abandoned car.
"Roland!" Scott shouted as he running toward Roland. "Are you okay?" he added after reaching Roland's position.
"He is not okay! Don't you see that?" Sheila replied Scott's words while reaching Roland.
"Oh, crap! The missile has burnt him down. He is burnt cause of that," Eric said.
Roland is looked like injured badly. His body is blackened cause of the explosion that hit him.
"Roland? Are you still alive?" Scott said while ducking beside Roland's body.
"Scott, we get problem. The hunters who blew Roland is coming to us," Eric said when seeing several men and women carrying firearms and heavy weapons such as rocket launcher.
These guys are in red and black suit with hat like cowboy's hat, are walking while holding their firearms. Several of them are pointing their firearms to Scott and friends from a distance.
"We have to move, now!" Suddenly Roland opens his eyes then awakening quick.
"What the?" Everyone just sticked on their position.
Finally Scott and the others run quick to follow Roland who had run early.
Meanwhile these hunters are running to chase Roland and the others.
"Get them! Don't let them leave so away!" One of these hunters shouted.
Those people chase Roland and the others. Part of them were firing their gun in order their prey stopping movement.
"Holy crap! They are shooting us!" Eric said while running behind Scott and Clara.
"I will punch their face! Really I will!" Sheila swore.
"Hurry! There is a train ahead. We must enter it before it's speed becomes faster," Roland said while pointing his hand at the drove train comes from ahead.
"We will enter this running train? That is not good idea," Sheila complained.
"Yeah, moreover we don't know who is inside the train," Eric said to support Sheila words.
"Just follow my lead. These hunters targeted not only me but whoever who comes with me," Roland said while preparing to grab a handle at rearest wagon train.
Scott, Eric, Clara, and Sheila just run to follow what Roland does.
"So, following you is a mistake," Scott said as he running faster when the train's speed becomes faster.
"Not so simple as you think. These hunters also work to catch fresh alive human to be given to cannibals," Roland said making the others surprised.
Roland jumps quick to the wagon then hanging at the wagon door handle. Then he stabilizes his position to help the others.
"Come on. This train drives at lowest speed. Ladies first," Roland said as he flailing his hand to grab Sheila who is in nearest position.
Several minutes later, Roland succeeded to help everyone climbing the train and entering the last wagon at the driving train.
But, the new problem appears.
"Holy shit! Seriously?" Eric said as he gazing at all passengers inside the wagon who are in army uniform, the Narahita army uniform.
Just in half, inside the wagon filled by injured or dead Narahita soldiers. They have been beaten by Roland and his accompanions.
"Keep silent, you pathetic!" Roland said as he frightening a cowering young Narahita's soldier.
"Roland, they are trying to breach the door," Eric said as he staring at locked inter-wagon door.
"I will shoot them all," Scott said while holding a long bareled gun.
"The hunters chase us. They use a monster truck," Clara said in panic when seeing outside of the wagon through glass window.
Suddenly some gunshots break out from outside.
"God damn it! Are they trying to kill us?" Eric swore.
"Don't worry. This train is in highspeed. They will lost us. Their monster can't buldoze those trees," Roland said as he siting front of the surviving Narahita's soldier.
"You are the Narahita's soldier. What are you doing here, in Roderia territory?" Scott said as he staring at the Narahita's soldier.
"He will not talk. Moreover he doesn't understand our talk," Roland said to reply Scott.
"But he has Gloria's face. Maybe he is a Glorian before then moving to Narahita," Sheila said as she staring at the soldier.
"So, you are a traitor, huh?" Roland said as he squating front of the soldier.
"Wait a minute. I think I had seen you before," Clara said as she staring serious at the soldier.
Unexpected, the soldier looks up at Clara as if he understands what the curly haired girl said.
"So, you understood our language, huh?" Scott commented.
But the soldier looks down without any words from his mouth after looking up at Clara.
"He is one of two Narahita's soldiers who had helped me and someone who came with me in serious wound. He helped me and him from the Faithers attack," Clara said as she looking serious at the soldier.
The soldier just kept silent. But after ten minutes, he opened his mouth.
"My friend had been executed by those fanatics! You must know, whoever you are, you owe him forever and you can't pay it!" the soldier said in trembling tone.
"What? I, I am really sorry for your losing. I hope God places him in peace place," Clara replied. "By the way what is your name? I am Clara. Sorry for the late of me to introduce myself to you."
"My name is not important for you. I am just a soldier who will die soon because of the ego of my emperor," the soldier said.
"You will not die if you will abandon your country and your loyalty to the emperor," Scott said followed by the others gaze. "Emperor Disma Maginon, huh? The young man that has many hareems. I can't think about his ability to fuck with his wives."
The soldier chuckled.
"You are nothing! Don't try to make bullshit front of me. My duty is die for my country and the ego of my emperor," he said sharp.
"I will protect you from every threats which targets you. The emperor of Narahita included. I guarantee it. But you must leave your citizenship first then you are ready to be our companion," Scott said while looking at the soldier.
"Don't making bullshit, Scott. This Narahita's soldier just has one goal, die in duty," Roland talked disagree with what Scott said to the soldier.
"How about die when trying to survive from the undeads attack?" Scott said as he staring at Roland. "I also have duty, survive in this deadly outbreak."
"Guys, this door will be opened soon. Another Narahita's soldiers will gang us," Eric said in panic.
"Let them in. You will be executed immediately," the Narahita's soldier said as he smiling.
"Shut your mouth up! I will kill them all like I killed your accompanions in this wagon!" Roland swore in angry.
Suddenly an explosion breaks out at inter-wagon connection making the last wagon released from another wagon. Because of that, the last wagon that boarded by Roland and the others stopping to drive. Meanwhile the locomotive and another wagons leave the last wagon that stopping on the rusty rail.
"What the hell?" Scott swore as he peeking at small glass window near inter-wagon door.
"They broke the inter-wagon's connection. So they abandon you, pathetic young soldier," Roland said as he insulting the desperated soldier.
"Fuck! I will find them then burn them all!" the soldier swore while trying to attack Roland who is still squating front of him.
Roland hold the soldier attack using his black tentacle making the man in camo slammed to the floor.
"You are now alone. Surrender to survive," Scott said as he pointing his gun at the soldier.
The soldier chuckled.
"Alright, I surrender. Moreover they abandoned me. They thought I was useless. I couldn't be relied as a soldier. Now, we are waiting for the doom," he said as he looking at a window.
The others just stared at every windows where dozens of zombies were roaring while clawing windows. The undeads also tried to break the window to reach alive human inside the wagon.
"We have to find way out. We can't just be waiting here, waiting for the doom," Eric said in panic as he trying to find whatever that can help.
"Easy there. I will fight them. But my power is limited. I hope you can escape when I distract their attention," Roland said as he injecting serum to his harness at his back.
"Are you trying to be hero?" Sheila asked in disagree.
"I will not do nothing. Together we fight them. We fight to survive. Don't forget that, young man!" Scott said as he reloading his firearm. "I will attack them first. Next strategy will be thought later."
Roland just shooked his head.
"Don't be ridiculous or you will die without honor," he said as he starting to attack those zombies.
"I think we will die as prey of them," the soldier said as he firing his gun at those horde of zombies.
"By the way we haven't known your name," Clara said as she kneeling behind the soldier.
"My name is not important. I said that before. But if you force me. Alright, my name is Kinan. You can call me Kinan or Nan," the soldier answered Clara's question.
"Thank you, Kinan. I am Clara. Nice to know your name," Clara said.
"Keep take cover! Don't give your head to these zombies," Scott shouted as he firing his gun.
Roland who attacked zombies by bare hand was looked like be exhausted. Maybe his serum had been depleted.
"Roland, you have to retreat. Your serum is seemed to be run out. Don't force yourself," Eric shouted when seeing Roland at the grave situation.
Roland didn't care about Eric's warn. He kept to fight those zombies until his stamina drained.
"Don't be stupid! Go back, Roland!" Eric shouted as he trying to help Roland by shooting every zombies which was attacking Roland.
Sheila looked at an area that there are no zombies in there. Then she broke one of those windows at the wagon's side.
"Everyone, over here. We have to get out here," she shouted followed by everyone's attention.
Finally, all of them succeded to get out from the surrounded wagon. But, new problem appeared.
After succeeded to get out from wagon, a monster truck came then stopping right front of them.
"Need a ride? Come and get in," a woman in cowgirl clothes said behind a truck's window.
Several minutes later in a warehouse not so far from the abandoned wagon. Scott and the others were being surrounded by the people that called as the Hunter.
Some of those hunters interogated Scott and friends while pointing their firearms.
Scott and the others had been tied. So, they couldn't do any resistance to these hunters.
Meanwhile Roland had been placed in a special cage that had electric wave on it.
"So you are Scott, huh? Actually you and another normal people aren't needed. But, I have a deal with Surturin to give our prisoner to them. They need food, of course. Instead, I and my friends will get money. That is an effort of survive, you know," the cowgirl said to Scott as she looking around.
Scott and the others were jolted when hearing what the girl said.
"Surturin? Are you crazy? You must be a psycophat, helping the cannibals to get human's flesh! You are out of mind, bitch!" Eric spoke in surprised tone.
The cowgirl laughed as she looking at her companion, an aged man with black beard. The man also weared cowboy clothes.
"As she said. Effort to survive. We will do anything to survive. Selling human's flesh included. Now, we have gotten valuable preys. Prepare yourself to be food of Surturins," the man said as he winging to the woman.
Eric, Sheila, and Clara were looked like to be panic. But Scott and Kinan were seemly not panic when facing the situation.
"I know you are the heartless people. In this cruel world, my enemy isn't just zombies. Another human especially people like you is also my enemy," Kinan said sharp while staring in angry to the hunters.
The cowgirl and the aged man laughed followed by their members.
"Keep talking until the Surturins come! After that, I will buy some land ship to get out here," the aged man said as he pick his satellite phone up.
"I am interested to become a captain in the land ship. That will be my new experience," the cowgirl said.
The aged man was seemly talking by the phone.
"Alright, chief. Your foods are here. I am waiting here for your gold, chief."
Scott and Kinan looked each other.
"Did you think they are really going to sell us to the cannibals?" Scott asked to Kinan.
"I think so. But, they will get doom for their act," Kinan replied.
Meanwhile Roland who was in electric cage just stared at his friends. He was seemly thinking about escape way.
"I have no serum anymore. Moreover they have weapon anti-tripper. I can't fight them easily," he said in mind.
Several minutes later, the hunters welcomed Surturin's representatives. Those cannibals came with a truck that has ten wheels with diesel engine.
"Welcome, mr. Carlos. Your foods are inside. I am glad to see you again," the aged man said when arriving front of a muscled man with baldy head.
"I am glad to hear that, Jhon Bon. Finally we eat meat," the baldy man that named Carlos said.
"Please come in, mr. Carlos. By the way chief doesn't come?" Jhon Bon said as he let Carlos to enter the warehouse.
"Don't ask about chief, Jhon Bon. He is too busy to come to this chicken dirty cage," Carlos said while keep moving.
When arriving inside the warehouse, Carlos was welcomed by the cowgirl and the other hunters.
"Welcome to this chicken cage, mr. Carlos. Nice to see you," the cowgirl said when Carlos arrived front of her.
"Ah, that is you, Calina Petrovka. Every nights I dreamed about you. I also imagined you fucking with me. My dick was so warm when entering your pussy," Carlos said as he huging the cowgirl named Calina.
But Jhon Bon prevented what Carlos will do to Calina.
"Remember mr. Carlos. Business is business. Don't try to break our agreement by your bad attitude!" Jhon Bon said as he standing between Calina and Carlos.
Carlos just chuckled.
"Alright, old man who always want to fuck with teenager. I will take my meats immediately. After that, you will get consequences of this!" he said as he pointing his finger to Jhon Bon who were facing him.
Carlos and his men inspected what they called as 'Meats'. They looked at Scott and friends who were their preys that will be butchered.
"They are looked so thin. But I don't mind. But the girl is too beautiful to be eaten. I will take her for my pleasure," Carlos said as he looking at Sheila.
After saying that, Carlos ordered his men to take up Scott and friends to the truck that parked outside. Then, Carlos's men brought them while pointing their weapons.
Meanwhile Roland wasn't prey that wanted by Carlos. So, he kept be inside cage.