
Such a Broken Group

Inside an abandoned house at a silent village near woods. Keira and the others had been staying for a long. They were waiting for something uncertain. They were waiting for conducive condition after losing Kim As well as the departure of Mila and Khadija.

"The fucking bastard has taken Mila and Khadija, our remain friends! I promised to punch his nose until break. The freak must be punched in the face!" Roland talked as he walking around.

"Stop your useless words, Roland. I was boring to hear your dirty words," Keira spoke as she sitting front of fireplace.

"Keira, Talisa's body's temperature is getting up. She has been sick since losing Kim. What shall we do, Keira?" Billy asked to Keira as he treating Talisa who lying at a bed.

"Leave her, Billy. I will take care of her. Probably she has been sick after attacked by the infected but I found no wounds on her body," Keira answered while coming to Talisa's bed.

Roland spat as he saw at Talisa.

"My responsibility is keeping all of you stay safe. But Talisa's stupid deed at the forest can't be forgiven. She fucked with Kim and now they get the stone." Roland words succeeded makes Keira looks sharply to him.

"They did that but it has been happened. We can't judge them like that. Be silence, Roland. Our priority is now survive not blaming what's happened at the past," Keira replied as she gazing sharply to Roland.

"Am I the leader? Or are you the leader? Why does every your words make you as if the leader of Spike Rose? Tell me, Keira, if you want to be leader to replace me," Roland said with annoyed tone.

Keira just grunted. "Childish. Maybe the better is I replace you as the gang leader. You're incompeten on the position. But forget it. I don't wanna the position because it's useless. Morever this gang has lost many it's members."

"That's your fault, Keira! You're just a woman, a weak woman. I can't rely you as my sidekick. Billy is better than you. Maybe this time I point Billy to replace you as my sidekick," Roland said with fierce tone.

"Very childish. Billy, would you like to be his sidekick? If you will, that will be ridiculous thing I see," Keira said as she shooking her head.

Billy shooked his head. He looks like annoyed by every Roland's statements. Wasn't like Keira, Billy was keeping to silent although has disagreed about Roland decision. Billy only protested Roland's words one time while in the Edgard City wall when Roland bullied Kein.

"You refused my offer, Bill? You're very pathetic as bad as Kein. Do you wanna be part of his group with the old men? Just go, don't be here, you son of bitch!" Roland said with angry tone when glaring to Billy.

"I am sorry, Roland. I will not go before Talisa healed. I will invite her and you and Keira of course. We can't stay here for long. The infected will always come to this village. Morever at night," Billy answered Roland's words quietly.

"Don't pretend to be care to me, you damn shit! Your words are shit! If you wanna go just go and don't comeback!" Roland kept to say the annoying words, makes Billy almost lose his patience.

"Stop it, you son of bitch!" Keira shouted as she jumping out to Roland and punching his right cheek.

"If you shall still act like that, I will have no doubt to disband Spike Rose! And then we will walk alone without knowing each other!" she continued to swear front of Roland.

"What's wrong, guys? Don't talk with loud voices," Talisa talked half muttering.

"Talisa? You had waked up? We are sorry for this commotion. We are sorry to bother your rest time," Billy said as he approaching Talisa.

"Fuck it!" Roland grouched as he leaving the room. He goes to outside the house.

"Have you been fine, Talisa. How about your body? Getting more fine?" Keira asked as she staring at Talisa.

"I thought so, Keira. Where did Roland go? Will he be fine? How about zombies? Will Roland keep safe from them?" Talisa asked with any questions.

"Don't think about him. He can take care himself." Keira heard much grunts coming from outside this house. "God damn it! The zombies are coming! Where the fuck is Roland? Why don't he still come?"

"It's evening. The zombies are coming here. They are coming from the woods. I am dread the giant crocodile will also come. We can't resist it," Billy said panicly.

Suddenly a screaming heard burst out in the evening. It's Roland scream which shrink as he was like being carried by something big.

"Roland!" Keira, Talisa, and Billy just cried out muffled.

Meanwhile outside this house, the zombies are knocking wall while growling. Their grunt makes everyone inside the house are dread out.

Some of the zombies succeeded to break windows glasses. Their thin creepy hands are flailing trying to reach people inside the house.

Keira, Talisa, and Billy now are handling weapons on their hands. The weapons such as machette, barbed wire bat, or steel pipe ha been prepared to against the zombies.

"We will leave this house. We will fight the zombies if they are trying to reach us. Don't fight if unnecessary," Billy said quietly as he gave instruction for Keira and Talisa.

Quietly, Keira, Talisa, and Billy get out from the house. They run after jumped out from a broken window which is there are no zombies in there.

The three youngster are running to the east with hope they can find another hideaway.

"Oh, god. My body is getting to be weakened. My stomach is empty. I want to eat." Talisa complained as her breath rising and downing.

"Mine too, Talisa. But for now, we can't find food." Billy saw at Talisa. "Keira, we must find Roland. I thought he must be still live. We must find him."

Keira nods her head without saying any words.

After few minutes they ran. They found a sedan with warm engine. So the car must has been used several minutes ago.
