
Chapter 8

"Fierce bomb ha!"

The Gorgon sisters were each blasted by my energy and I could feel their strength added to my own.

I felt so much stronger!

I was on top of the world!

"Great job Bill," said Aunt Regina as she clapped.

I turned my head, "Were you watch the whole time?"

Aunt Reggie chuckled.

"You think I miss an Opportunity to watch my little nephew kick ass? Have some water."

She tossed me a bottle of Deer park water.

I twisted the cap off of the bottle and drank the whole bottle in one gulp.

"You're welcome." Said Reggie.

Suddenly Auntie Reggie tackles me from behind and pinned me to the ground. She always loved ambushing me, why didn't she just grow up?

"I got you, mr hero." Reggie laughed

"Get off of me!" I said, "I'm not small anymore. Let me go!"

"Never!" She laughed. "You're still a baby to me."

I felt Reggies fingers moving all over my back.

"You're father used to call me the tickle champ."

"Stop it!" I laughed.

"Say the password."

"What password?"

"Make one up."

I slipped out from underneath Reggie and was a top of her instantly.

"How about 'counter?" I said as I held her in a front headlock.

Reggie laughed.

"Maybe I can except that one."

She slipped out of my hold and wrapped her arms around me.

We both laughed.

Then the door leading to the outside opened up.

A tall man with long red hair and a long red beard entered carrying a large box.

"Kyle family?" The man called out.

The man was founded by an old man with long white white carrying a slim blonde woman in his arms.

"Yes," said Reggie, "That's us."

"What's going on?" Said Dad as he and mom approached.

"I'm Thor." Said the red haired man, "We brought you the peaches of immortality."

Thor set the box on the ground.

"I'm Odin and this is Jord." Said the old man as he carefully set down the unconscious woman, "Nothing is left out there."

"Gone?" I said, "Everything?"

"A few stars uninhabited planets are left, but mount Olympus and all of the other inhabit the worlds are gone."

My heart sank!

The earth was destroyed, nothing left. Delaware park was gone, the Dover mall was gone; Rehoboth beach was gone; Rodney square was gone.

I could not taste a McDonald's cheese burger or a Taco Bell taco anymore.

I felt dad's hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry," said Thor, "this must be very upsetting for you, but we still need your help."

Thor opened the box and inside were a dozen flesh peaches.

"Please all of you, eat." Said Odin as I took a peach out of the box and bit into it.

I was going to make everything right again or die trying.

After eating the peaches, all of us gathered at the door of the room of nothingness, ready for the attack that Odin said was coming.

"Lilith herself is coming." Odin said, "This is very bad."

Jord never woke up again, she was out the whole time.

E-Enemies!" came a sudden shriek from Thor, and I gasped.

Pouring from the darkness of space was a group of what appeared to be dark shadows.

"Fierce bomb ha!"

I blasted the first wave of shadows but they kept on coming.

Mom took a defensive stance behind the us of them.

"Ready yourselves!" Dad called, "Fierce bomb ha!" Dad shot his own energy blast at a dozen shadows, they disintegrated in a matter of seconds.

Reggie blasted another row of shadows as I could make out the shade of a man with red skin in the darkness.


Another fierce bomb and a shadows stopped coming.

"Death ray!" Someone called out from the darkness and a beam of energy shot at us.

As the blast came at us, I closed my eyes and braced myself for the attack.

I felt my body fly backward and hit the ground.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that all of us when back in the room of nothingness.

'That must of been one powerful blast.'

The red skinned man laughed as he entered the room. "That was a piece of cake." He said, "I find it hard to believe that you beat Kronos."

I went into my taekwondo stance as I notice a figure in a robe covering its body and face completely.

"What are you waiting for Lucifer?" Said the robed figure; a woman's voice.

Lucifer leaped at me and I countered with a front kicked him in his face. I dodged his punch and spun into a back kick that took Lucifer in the jaw.

I jumped up and did a Roundhouse Kick to Lucifer's head. Lucifer blocked with his arm, and used an uppercut to knock me out of the air.

I hit the floor of the room of nothingness, and then did a kip-up.

I punched to Lucifer's face, spinning and delivering a Roundhouse Kick.

Lucifer fell, but leapt back up, firing his death ray at me. I ducked, and we both engaged in trading punches, all blocked. Lucifer finally landed an uppercut on my chin.

I swung my fist at Lucifer, but he duck and I felt a knee in my stomach. I fell clutching my stomach for a second as Lucifer jumped into the air and did a stomping attack, I rolled out of the way just in time I kicked Lucifer.

I jumped up back to my feet and blocked a series of punches from Lucifer. I side kicked him and Lucifer stumbled back.

Lucifer charged at me and I stopped him with a series a taekwondo kicks.

"Stay away from his legs!" I heard the woman yell.

I jumped into the air to kick Lucifer again but I felt his fist land into my stomach again. I groaned in pain as I heard the mysterious woman giggle.

"Charge up!"

I felt my strength double as a red energy field covered my body.

I dodged another series of attacks from Lucifer and then kicked him backwards just as before.

"It's his gut!" Yelled the woman, "Go for his stomach, but stay way from his right leg!"

I blocked Lucifers punches again then I hit him with a combo my dad calls the three kicks of death; an inside crescent kick; followed by a roundhouse kick and a sidekick. Lucifer went flying backwards again.

"You are so useless!" Yelled the woman, "It's time for you to be erased!"

The woman held out her palm and shouted "Erase!"

"No! Lilith! Please No!"

There was a bright white light as Lucifer's body disappeared completely in a matter of seconds.

"She killed her own teammate." Said Mom, "We are fighting for our lives. She won't take any prisoners."

The woman laughed.

"You are strong boy, but not strong enough. I am the one you have been hearing so much about. I am Lilith!"

So this was it! We were going to face Lilith herself!

Slowly Lilith removes her hood, I was finally going to see her. No one had described her looks to me yet. I suppose that nobody has ever seen her face and lived to tell about it.

Lilith was a Beautiful sultry woman with bright red hair and bright green eye like a cat. A seductress indeed!

For so reason, I was expecting an old hag.

"I have watched you take apart my entire army, you have disrupted my plans; YOU THINK YOU'RE A HERO LITTLE MAN! This is it, it has come to this. One small boy stands between me and my rightful place as the supreme being. I will show you real power! I will wipe out this universe and YOU WITH IT!!"

Lilith completely removes her robe and her muscles begin to tense as they grew larger. She was wearing an outfit that resembled battle armor covered her torso.

I went into my fight stance.

"Get away from my kid you bitch!" I heard my father yell.

Before Lilith could answer, I jumped at her with a kick but she side stepped my attack.

I felt Lilith kick my stomach as Dad ran at her. I clutched my belly in pain as Dad attacked Lilith with a series of punches and kicks, no of them connected.

When I looked up again, I saw Mom and Reggie also fighting Lilith, three on one.

My stomach still hurt, I felt like I was hurt in the gut with a sledgehammer; this was the first time I had ever felt pain since getting my god powers.

Lilith pushed Reggie back several feet and hit Dad with a big right hook, knocking him down.

Mom kicked Lilith in the face and then hit her with several punches.

"Not my son!" I heard Mom yell as she kicked Lilith in her face and body over and over again.

Mom flew back a little as Lilith hit her with a quick punch in the chest.

"Hell's drop kick!" Lilith jumped into the air and kicked Mom with both of her feet.

Mom coughed up blood as she flew backwards and hit the ground hard.

I screamed as Reggie attacked Lilith again.

I hit Lilith with a dozen taekwondo kicks but she didn't seem to be hurt by them.

As Dad attacked Lilith again, I felt another kick in my gut. I felt as if I was going to throw up!

As I fell to the ground again, I noticed that Mom was still laying on the ground.

Dad and Reggie rebounded towards Lilith, but she blocked both of them!

"I'm going to enjoy this!" Said Lilith as she grabbed the both Reggie and Dad by the hair and threw both if them into each other banging their heads together.

As Reggie went down for a moment, Lilith jumped into the air again.

"Double kick!" Lilith's legs kicked Dad like a pair of scissors.

Dad raised his arms to block the kicks but it did no good. The kicks injuries both of his arms so he couldn't use them anymore.

Lilith hit Dad with many punches and kicks until she finished him off with with 'Hell's drop kick' move. Dad was thrown backwards on to the ground and did not get up again.

"Fierce bomb ha!"

Reggie growled as she blasted ki at Lilith who blocked it easily.

Then Lilith appeared behind Reggie and kicked her in the back, sending her flying towards our house!

I looked up at Lilith as both Thor and Odin tried to attack her but to no avail.

Lilith knocked them both out in one second with two quick punches.

I arose from the ground and stood up again.

"You really are a young fool." Said Lilith, "If you had any sense, you would stay down."

I flew at Lilith with the rest of my strength with a flying punch.

The punch connected but Lilith did not ever move. She just laughed again.

I felt another kick, this time it was in my groin. Tears fell from my eyes as I went down again.

"Axe kick of death!"

I held the back of Lilith's heel on top of my head then everything went black.