
The Awakening

With a gasp, Zecharia stumbled forward, feeling as if his very bones were shifting and rearranging beneath his skin. A sharp, tingling sensation spread across his back, and he instinctively reached behind him, his fingers grazing something unfamiliar.

Then, with a sudden rush of euphoria, he felt them—massive, powerful wings unfurling from his back, their sleek, dark gray feathers gleaming in the dim light. Each beat of his heart sent pulses of energy through the newly formed appendages, and he marveled at the sensation of flight stirring within him.

With a triumphant roar, Zecharia spread his wings wide, feeling the rush of air beneath them as he prepared to take flight. His eyes blazed with newfound determination as he faced Yaihr, his wings poised for battle, ready to unleash their full power against the forces of his enemies.

As Zecharia approached closer, he grabbed Yaihr's neck as if he just picking up a thing from the ground. He lifted Yaihr's body while choking him. Yaihr's eyes widened as he struggled to breathe, asking, "Wh... Wha.. What kind of creature are you?"

Zecharia didn't respond but instead tilted his head while his eyes continued to blaze with a fiery red, full of rage.

Then Zecharia flapped his wings once, creating a strong gust of wind. Zecharia slightly knelt, showing signs of preparing to take flight, while still choking Yaihr by the neck.

And Zecharia flew away, leaving dust and a strong wind on the ground as he carried Yaihr. As they soared into the sky, Zecharia pierced through the thick clouds to bring Yaihr into the sunlight. Once they passed beyond the thick cloud cover, the clear sky greeted them.

Above, the sunlight touched Yaihr's body. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.." Yaihr's scream echoed loudly. Due to the pain, his screams seemed to be heard even below. His body slowly decayed and smoked because of the sunlight. It seemed like dust slowly diminishing until nothing but ashes remained. Yaihr's body turned into dust, completely consumed.

Upon his return to the palace, he noticed that everyone seemed shocked by his appearance, as if his looks was closer to a demon, which made most of them afraid of him. However, unexpectedly, he seemed detached from himself. Cole attempted to approach him, walking with difficulty.

As Cole approached, Zecharia rushed towards him and choked him. Everyone was startled and added fear to most.

"Ze.. Ze.. Zecharia. I-I'm your brother, Cole," Cole struggled to speak, clearly in pain.

"Zecharia!" the princess shouted with concern.

"Zech.. Zecharia.." Cole uttered again.

Zecharia seemed confused, glancing downwards briefly and slightly shaking his head as if battling himself. When he faced Cole again, the fire in his eyes was gone, and he seemed surprised to see himself choking Cole. He quickly released him.

And then, the fire ignited once again in his eyes, and it seemed like he's losing control once more. Before he could harm his companions, he took a deep breath and flew away from the palace.

Upon reclaiming the palace from Yaihr's clutches, the sun also started to show its rays. Many were startled by the turn of events. Although they succeeded, everyone was filled with sorrow for their lost companions. Princess and Cole mourned deeply for the loss of their close friend, Jack. Nevertheless, the Princess stood before them all.

"Today, we have reclaimed our home from the clutches of darkness," her voice full of strength and conviction. "We have faced our fears, confronted our enemies, and emerged victorious against overwhelming odds. But let us not forget the sacrifices that have been made, the lives that have been lost in the name of freedom and justice."

She paused, her eyes glistening with unshed tears as she remembered those who had died in battle. "We owe it to them to honor their memory, to continue the fight against the darkness that threatens to engulf our land. We must remain vigilant, steadfast in our resolve, for the forces of evil will not rest until they have put out the light of hope that burns within us."

With determination, Princess Liora raised her sword high, its blade gleaming in the light of the sun rays. "Let this victory serve as a beacon of hope to all who dwell within the kingdom of Eldoria," she declared, her voice resolute.

"Together, we shall rebuild what has been destroyed, forge a brighter future for ourselves and for generations to come. For as long as we stand united, as long as we hold fast to the values that define us, no darkness can ever hope to extinguish the light of our indomitable spirit."

With those words touched the hearts of all who heard them, Princess Liora turned to her companions, a fierce determination burning in her eyes.

"Our journey is far from over," she proclaimed. "But together, we shall face whatever trials may come, knowing that as long as we stand united, we will overcome."

And with that, Princess Liora led her companions forward, their spirits renewed and their resolve unshakable as they embarked on the next chapter of their journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with courage, determination, and unwavering faith in the power of hope and unity.

The entire incident was witnessed by Father Andreas. He picked up Zecharia's necklace and kept it aside, as if he knew the significance the pendant would have in Zecharia's life.

Meanwhile, from Grigori kingdom, Zhemhasa sensed the emergence of Zecharia's true identity, which brought a surge of vitality to her veins. "The time has come my fellow watchers.." Almost unable to contain the smile on his lips.

Similarly, in the deep darkness of hidden places where fallen angels turned demons lurked, it seemed to also bring joy to them, emitting a unique energy that tingled in the air.

And among them, imprisoned and bound in chains, was the intense presence of Azazel, alone and enveloped in darkness."

"The last Nephilim. My lineage, I've awaited you for so long," Azazel whispered with a slight smile..

What fate awaits Zecharia? Where is he headed? What path will he choose?

As questions about his future play on everyones mind, those close to him are filled with concern about his current whereabouts.