

As time passed by through relentless training, Rod gradually pulled ahead of his fellow warriors. With each study session and practice, he becomes increasingly proficient in swordsmanship and more prepared to face any challenges that come their way.

During their rest from their long hours of training, they discuss their personal ambitions and dreams as warriors of heaven.

"What is your dream, Rod?" Hicarius asked in an inquisitive and probing tone.

Rod pondered for a moment before responding.

"My dream is to become an archangel," he said, causing Hicarius to raise his eyebrows unexpectedly, not anticipating Rod's desire to reach such heights.

"I want to be a defender of heaven with the ability and readiness to help those in need and fight evil at all times," Rod added with determination.

"That is indeed a lofty dream to be counted among God's archangels," replied Hicarius, full of acknowledgment for his ambition. "But let us not forget that being a warrior of heaven also entails duties and responsibilities. You must keep your heart and mind open to the needs of others, and be willing to sacrifice for the greater good of all."

Rod nodded, filled with understanding of their leader's words. "Yes, Master. I promise to follow your teachings and continue to show dedication and loyalty in the face of all the challenges that come our way."

After the training, Rod and Ferdie sat in the garden to rest. As they rested in the garden and watched the souls singing and enjoying themselves in praise, Rod asked Ferdie,

"It's quite different here, Ferdie," Rod began, "life in heaven is unlike anything we've experienced in the world. But, you know, sometimes, I feel something peculiar as I observe the souls, as if there's a deeper story behind their smiles and joy."

Ferdie looked thoughtful. "That's true, Rod. Each soul has its own story and experiences carried over from their life on Earth. And sometimes, in their smiles and joy, we can see their hope and unity despite what they've been through."

"Ferdie," Rod spoke as he watched the souls singing.

"Yes?" Ferdie responded promptly.

"What year did you pass away?" Rod asked.

"Uhm.." Ferdie pondered.

Rod quickly followed up with his question, "What era? What kind of life did you have during your time when you were still alive?"

"Ah! Hehe, I don't remember," Ferdie replied with a chuckle. "I don't remember anything."

"Sorry." Rod said, showing compassion towards Ferdie.

"You know, I used to think I wish I were like other souls who didn't lose their memories, but as time passed, I realized that this is fine too because I won't miss what I left behind in the world and I won't feel longing." Ferdie said, gazing at the joyful souls around them.

Rod fell silent and said to himself, "You're right, Ferdie, those who didn't lose their memories aren't necessarily fortunate," while thinking about his departed parents.


"After a long period of training, Hicarius stood up in front of everyone. He called out each of those who retained their memories and separated them from the majority. There were thirty-five in total, including Rod.

"Listen to me," Hicarius said. "I gathered you because you have an important mission to fulfill."

"What is it?" asked one of the warriors.

With a wave of Hicarius's hand, a portal appeared.

"Enter and you will know," said Hicarius.

Each one looked at each other upon seeing the portal, seemingly contemplating what it held. One by one, they entered the portal, with Rod being the last to enter. Before stepping in, he glanced at Ferdie, who nodded in return, showing support and trust in Rod.

Upon entering the portal, Rod found himself in a place that depicted the life he had always wished for his parents. He saw their luxurious home, the happiness and abundance they enjoyed, and their joy in each other's company. His father had regained his former health, and his mother had succeeded in her life goals.

After seeing this, the joy he felt was unmatched. He was there in their place, as if he had been given the opportunity to return to their world.

His father looked at him, their mutual surprise evident. With joy in his father's eyes upon seeing him despite his astonishment, he approached Rod, walking upright.

"Son," his father said, smiling as he faced Rod, "we love you very much, your mother and I. We want you to be with us again in our lives."

Tears welled up in Rod's eyes from the joy he felt, especially when he saw his mother, who quickly embraced him.

Despite the overwhelming joy and hope Rod felt upon seeing his parents happy and living well, everything suddenly changed when the surroundings darkened abruptly.

"Whoosh..." as if an angel descended from flight and stood before him.

"Here, Rod," the angel said with sadness in its voice, "this is the true condition of your parents."

In an instant, the surroundings changed, and Rod saw his father still crippled and severely weakened, while his mother was suffering from a serious illness and also frail. He witnessed that they had lost their home and were now seeking shelter under a bridge, making it their temporary residence.

After witnessing the true situation of his parents in the world, their surroundings reverted to what they were before.

"Sad, isn't it?" added the angel, while continuing to show the distressing events. "Your parents need help and love."

Rod's heart clenched at what he saw. The overwhelming happiness he felt just moments ago suddenly vanished and was replaced by sadness and anguish. His parents, whom he loved the most, needed help and love that he couldn't provide.

"I cannot abandon my parents," Rod whispered to himself as tears streamed down his cheeks. "No matter what happens, I need to do everything to help and take care of them."

When the angel sensed the desire in Rod's heart to return and be with his parents, it offered a bold proposition.

"Rod," said the angel, its eyes shimmering with light, "as an angel, I have the ability to restore life to those who wish to live again. If you desire, I can bring you back to life so you can be with your parents once more."

"What do I need to do?" Rod asked.

"It's simple. Just ask me," the angel replied immediately, with a smile on its lips.