
Stand Above Fate

what if Rob gave a random soul 3 wishes and a new life as Shirou Emiya (mc will forget about most of his life and meta knowledge for reasons that will be shown in ch 2 also king crimson won't be as busted at the beginning cuz king crimson will scale off of mc stats so no faster than light speed scaling or a full 10 sec time erase at the start and of course, the six eyes will only be active if he doesn't wear the blindfold so no inf mana with no repercussions.) this story won't be an insta op mc wrecking everyone. Mc will need to use his brain for all of the fights and manage his stamina and mind F---ing with ppl in fights and finally, mc will adopt most of Kiritsugu's mindset

Crash_Master · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Adopting the Emiya name and system unlocked

As the MC's consciousness stirred, he found himself in a hospital room, surrounded by the familiar sterile scent that permeated such environments. The steady beeping of machines and the soft hum of the IV drip were the only sounds that reached his ears, further emphasizing the sterile atmosphere.

Confusion clouded his mind as he tried to comprehend how he had ended up in this hospital room. Gradually, the memories of the fire that had consumed his world began to resurface, like tendrils of smoke curling in his thoughts.

The images flashed before his eyes—the inferno that engulfed everything in its path, the desperate struggle for survival, and the guilt that weighed heavily upon his heart. He remembered crawling through the suffocating air, his body pushed to its limits, his mind consumed by fear and determination.

Now, lying in the hospital bed, he felt the weight of the events pressing upon him. The physical and emotional toll of the fire's aftermath was evident, both in the weary ache of his body and the heaviness that settled in his chest. The faces of those left behind, their pleas for help echoing in his mind, served as constant reminders of the sacrifices made and the price he had to pay.

Yet, within the depths of his weariness, a spark of resilience ignited. The fire had changed him, leaving deep emotional scars, but it also awakened a newfound strength and determination within him. With each passing breath, he embraced the reality of his situation.

As the mc lay in the hospital room, lost in contemplation, a voice broke through the silence, resonating within his ears. The words echoed with an otherworldly quality, captivating his attention and sparking a glimmer of curiosity within him.

"System activation: 1%... 9%... 24%... 65%... 85%... 99%... 100%."

As the system completed its activation, the mc's mind brimmed with anticipation. Eager to explore the possibilities that lay ahead, he focused his thoughts on the word "menu," as instructed.

Instantly, a holographic display materialized before his eyes, showcasing an array of options and information. The menu appeared as a vibrant mosaic of colors and symbols, each representing a different aspect of the system.

The mc's gaze scanned the holographic interface, taking in the wealth of choices at his disposal. Skills, status, perks, quests, inventory, and shop features were presented, inviting him to delve deeper into this newfound realm of abilities.

As the mc stared at the holographic menu, a surge of confusion washed over him. What exactly was this system, and how was he supposed to navigate its intricacies? Sensing his bewilderment, the system responded with a detailed explanation, providing clarity to the bewildering array of features before him.

"Skills: Skills are special abilities that you can acquire and develop. They enhance your capabilities and offer unique advantages in combat, exploration, and interaction within the world. You can acquire new skills or improve existing ones, by repeating different sets of movements for new skills and using these skills repeatedly to improve them."

"Status: The Status feature displays your current attributes, such as strength, agility, intelligence, and more. These attributes directly affect your character's performance and determine your proficiency in various activities. Through training and experience, you can increase your attributes, unlocking new potentials and enhancing your overall effectiveness."

"Quests: Quests provide you with objectives and challenges to undertake within the world. Completing quests grants rewards, including experience points, items, and unique skills. They serve as challenging events in the world."

"Perks: Perks provide extra benefits or drawbacks to the gamer perks are acquired threw specific tasks or interactions and are extremely rare"

"Shop: The Shop feature allows you to acquire items, equipment, and skills. You can trade in-game currency, earned through quests and other endeavors, for a wide range of products that can aid you on your journey. However, be aware that prices may vary, and some items may require significant investment."

With each explanation, the mc's confusion began to subside, replaced by a growing sense of clarity. The system had granted him access to a way of growth, each feature offering a unique avenue for advancement within the world.

As the mc absorbed the information, he realized that the system held the power to transform him from a vulnerable survivor to a formidable presence within this enigmatic world.

As the holographic screen displayed the names of four different skills—Gamer Mind, Gamer Body, King Crimson, and The Six Eyes—along with their respective explanations, the gamer's eyes widened with a sense of awe.


Gamer Mind (Max Level) - Passive: This skill grants the user the ability to calmly and logically think through situations, maintaining a peaceful state of mind. It provides resistance against mind reading and mind control, allowing the user to retain their mental autonomy.

Gamer Body (Max Level) - Passive: With this skill, the user's body is transformed, allowing them to live in the real world as if it were a game. Any damage sustained will heal once their health points (HP) reach 100%, including the regeneration of severed limbs. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, prana, and cures all status effects.

King Crimson (2/20) - Active: This skill utilizes both prana (mana and od) and stamina at a rate of 120 per second (250 if only one attribute is used). It grants the user two distinct abilities:

Epitaph: the user can see into the true path of the future.

Time Erase: This ability allows the user to remove the cause of events while leaving the effects intact. It also enables the user to alter their own fate during the time erasure. The effects of this ability are only perceived by the user and not by anyone else.

when active the user is enveloped in a crimson aura increasing physical stat by 3x(was 2x at level 1) their base value

The Six Eyes (Locked) (1/20) - Passive: This skill optimizes the user's prana (mana and od) usage, ensuring minimal loss infinitesimally close to zero when activating skills. A proper Six Eyes user will never run out of prana. Additionally, the user's mental prowess can stretch a single moment in reality, to encompass over a minute within their own mind. This heightened perception allows for instantaneous analysis and calculation of the positions of everything within their field of view.

The user will experience massive brain damage when the ability is active for more than a minute

Although The Six Eyes skill appeared to be locked at the moment, its potential lay dormant, waiting to be unlocked once the gamer activated their magic circuits.

The mc's mind swirled with possibilities, each skill offering unique advantages and the potential for growth. He understood that acquiring and mastering these skills would enable him to overcome challenges and carve their path toward his redemption.

As the gamer's thoughts shifted to their status, a new holographic screen materialized before his eyes, revealing various attributes that defined their current state.

Name: Shirou

lvl 1 exp:1/10

HP: 100/100 - The gamer's health points, representing their physical well-being. At the moment, it stood at full capacity, indicating a state of optimal health.

Stamina: 600/600 - This attribute measured the gamer's physical energy and endurance. With a value of 600, it indicated a substantial reserve of stamina for physical exertion and sustained activity.

prana: Locked - The prana attribute, representing mana and prana, was currently locked, awaiting the activation of the gamer's magic circuits to unlock.

Circuits: 27 (Locked) - This attribute denoted the gamer's magic circuits, channels within their soul through which they could access and manipulate magical energy. Currently, the circuits remained locked, but their potential lay dormant, ready to be awakened.

Strength (Str): 10 - This attribute reflected the gamer's physical power and raw strength. A value of 10 indicated an average level of strength, capable of handling basic physical tasks.

Agility (Agi): 10 - Agility measured the gamer's speed, reflexes, and nimbleness. With a value of 10, they possessed an average level of agility, allowing them to navigate their surroundings with ease.

Endurance (End): 15 - Endurance represented the gamer's ability to endure physical stress and resist fatigue. At a value of 15, they demonstrated an above-average endurance level, enabling them to sustain prolonged physical exertion.

Dexterity (Dex): 10 - Dexterity gauged the gamer's hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills. With a value of 10, they exhibited an average level of dexterity, proficient in handling everyday tasks.

Intelligence (Int): 10 - Intelligence denoted the gamer's cognitive abilities, logical reasoning, and problem-solving skills. A value of 10 indicated an average level of intelligence, capable of comprehending and analyzing information effectively.

Wisdom (Wis): 10 - Wisdom encompassed the gamer's intuition, judgment, and practical knowledge. With a value of 10, they possessed an average level of wisdom, allowing them to make sound decisions based on their experiences.

Charisma (Char): 10 - Charisma measured the gamer's personal magnetism, persuasiveness, overall attractiveness, and leadership qualities. A value of 10 indicated an average level of charisma, capable of interacting with others in a socially adept manner.

Luck: -10 - Luck represented the gamer's fortune or misfortune. With a negative value of -10, it suggested that unfavorable circumstances might be more prevalent in their journey.

As the holographic display showcased the gamer's attributes, it provided a glimpse into their current capabilities and areas of potential growth.

"huh Shirou that was my name I think well I need to work on my stats and skills but for now perks" the now-named Shirou said

a holographic screen materialized before him, presenting four distinct choices:

The Gamer: This perk grants the skills Gamer Mind and Gamer Body, enhancing Shirou's mental acuity and physical resilience.

Joestar Bloodline (Gift from R.O.B.): This perk bestows the Joestar bloodline and star-shaped birthmark, granting Shirou a +5 increase to his Endurance attribute with each level gained. Additionally, it significantly reduces the stamina and mana consumption required to activate stand skills by 90%.

Six Eyes User (Locked): This perk is tied to the Six Eyes ability, providing Shirou with the extraordinary mental and visual capabilities associated with this skill. Each level increases Intelligence and Charisma by 5. This perk will unlock once Shirou gains access to the Six Eyes.

Survivor of All Worlds' Evil: This perk embodies Shirou's resilience in the face of adversity. It comes with a 50% reduction in wisdom gains and a perpetually locked Luck stat set at -10. However, it amplifies Shirou's resolve each time he finds himself in a seemingly hopeless situation, empowering him to overcome extraordinary challenges.

"damn... I don't remember who this R.O.B. is but he was the only reason I was able to survive against that golden man" said Shirou

As Shirou was about to explore further options within the system, the entrance of a doctor into the hospital room disrupted his train of thought. The doctor's astonishment at Shirou's seemingly miraculous recovery was evident, as he carefully examined the young boy, asking routine questions to assess his condition.

However, the arrival of another individual caught Shirou's attention—a man dressed in a black suit and trench coat. The man's demeanor was peculiar, his face devoid of expression, and his eyes vacant, as if concealing a deeper story. Shirou couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity in the man's presence.

Curiosity piqued, Shirou turned his gaze towards the doctor and inquired, "Who is that man waiting for me outside?"

The doctor hesitated for a moment before responding, "He saved your life. He's been waiting patiently since he brought you here."

As the doctor finished speaking, the man in the black suit stepped forward, his gaze meeting Shirou's. Despite the vacant expression, a subtle intensity emanated from him.

Shirou couldn't shake the feeling that this man held answers to the mysteries that surrounded him—the fire, the system, and its abilities. With a mix of trepidation and determination, Shirou gathered his resolve and decided to confront the enigmatic figure standing before him.

As Shirou gathered his courage, he turned his attention to the man before him and posed the question, "Who are you, and why did you save me?"

Maintaining his stoic expression, the man revealed his identity, "My name is Emiya Kiritsugu. I saved you because you were the sole survivor I could find amidst the inferno." Curiosity piqued, Kiritsugu inquired about Shirou's own name, to which he replied, "My name is Shirou."

However, Kiritsugu's curiosity lingered, prompting him to ask, "Just Shirou? No family name?" Shirou's response was tinged with a hint of sadness, "I... I don't remember anything before the fire. All I have left is my name."

Understanding the weight of Shirou's situation, Kiritsugu presented a crucial decision. "I must ask, would you prefer to go to an orphanage or be adopted by a man you've never met in your life?" Shirou contemplated the options, taking a moment to consider his response before uttering, "I want to go with you."

Kiritsugu's eyes flickered with a glimmer of emotion upon hearing Shirou's choice. However, before moving forward, he felt compelled to disclose an important truth. "There is something you should know. I am a magus."