
Stains of Destiny

In the city that never sleeps, an accidental wine spill binds Emily, A passionate student, to the enigmatic billionaire, Alexander, in an unconventional contract of revenge. As they navigate a dark twist of fate, secrets unravel, and an unexpected love story emerges. ‘Stains of Destiny’ is a captivating tale of love, secrets, and an unpredictable journey that will keep you hooked till the end.”

Bisma_Hussain · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter 32: Beneath the Veil of Dreams

Emily had just finished making up the sofa for herself, arranging the cushions and blankets to her liking when she heard the study room door open. It had been quite some time since Alexander had disappeared into his work, and she wondered if he had even noticed the passage of time.


As he entered the room, his brow furrowed with the remnants of concentration, Emily couldn't help but tease him a little. "Working late again, Mr. Caesar? I hope you didn't forget that you have a wife now."


Alexander, looking a tad weary but still exuding an air of grace, offered a faint smile. "Ah, my dear Emily, how could I forget? But work calls, and I must answer."


Emily playfully rolled her eyes, her tone teasing as she sat on the sofa. "I hope you're not burying yourself in those dusty old books again. I mean, it's not like you're studying for an exam, right?"


Alexander's gaze flickered with amusement, and he played along with her banter. "You have a point there, Mrs. Caesar. No exams for me anymore, thankfully."


With a sly grin, Emily couldn't resist the opportunity to dig a little deeper. "Speaking of exams and old memories, I heard a certain name today, Isabelle. Any thoughts on that?"


Alexander's reaction was subtle, but Emily caught a fleeting glimpse of surprise in his eyes. He leaned against the doorway; his expression thoughtful. "Isabelle," he repeated softly. "That's a name from the past."


Emily raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "Oh, a name from the past, you say? Do tell."


Alexander chuckled, his demeanor shifting from the serious scholar to the enigmatic man she had married. "Isabelle was a part of my life a long time ago. High school sweetheart, you could say. We had our secrets, and we had to keep them well."


Emily leaned in; her interest fully engaged. "Secrets, you say? How mysterious. What happened to this Isabelle?"


Alexander's gaze held a hint of nostalgia as he replied, "Well, we went our separate ways, as life often dictates. But Isabelle will always hold a special place in my memories."


Emily couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy, but she masked it with a playful smile. "High school sweethearts and secrets, Mr. Caesar? You were quite the enigma, weren't you?"


Alexander, his hands comfortably tucked into his pockets, took a step closer to Emily, a playful glint in his eyes. "Something is burning, isn't it?" he teased a hint of mischief in his tone.


Emily feigned innocence, trying not to let on that she was caught in her own little world of curiosity. She tilted her head, her expression matching his playful demeanor. "Burning? Oh, you must be mistaken, Mr. Caesar. There's nothing burning here."


Alexander leaned in a little closer, his voice lowering conspiratorially. "Are you sure about that, Mrs. Caesar? I could swear I smell something... intriguing."


Emily couldn't help but chuckle at his teasing. She decided to play along, her tone equally mischievous. "Intriguing, you say? Well, perhaps it's just the scent of secrets in the air."


Alexander chuckled and settled onto the sofa beside her in response, to which Emily couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and a subtle jolt of electricity. 


She instinctively moved a bit farther away, creating a comfortable distance between them, but it seemed Alexander had other plans. With a playful glint in his eyes, he inched closer once more, his teasing smile intact.


"What's wrong with you?" Emily couldn't help but ask, as she was annoyed by his behavior.


Alexander's gaze remained locked onto hers, and he leaned in closer, his voice a soft whisper that sent shivers down her spine. "Say that you're already in love with me, Mrs. Emily Caesar."


Emily blinked, momentarily taken aback by his audacious statement. She quickly regained her composure, adopting an expression of mock annoyance. "In love? With you?" She scoffed and folded her arms across her chest as if to shield herself from his playful advances. "Are you kidding?"


Alexander's teasing smile only widened, and he maintained eye contact, their gazes locked in a silent exchange that held a hint of intrigue. 


"Yes, why not?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 


His confidence was palpable as he ran his fingers through his hair, emphasizing his strong physique and eliciting a subtle reaction from Emily.


For a moment, Emily's jaw dropped in response to his audacity, but she quickly averted her gaze, her words tumbling out as she tried to maintain her composure.


"I wouldn't fall for you, even if you were the last man on earth," she replied, her voice laced with a mixture of amusement and feigned indifference.


Alexander let out a sigh as he settled back on the sofa, his arms draped over the backrest like an eagle surveying its domain.


  His intense gaze remained fixed on Emily's face. "You seem to hate me quite a bit, don't you?" he remarked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.


"Yes," Emily's blunt response hung in the air, but Alexander remained silent, his searching gaze fixed upon her.


It was as though he was attempting to decipher something hidden beneath her words, something she hadn't revealed.

"But if I were to say that I'm falling for you?" Alexander's voice held a subtle undertone as he posed the question.


Emily's brows furrowed in response, and their gazes locked in a moment of intense scrutiny.


"Stop it," Emily replied, her attempt at a casual tone failing to hide the underlying tension in her voice.


"Don't worry, I'm just kidding," he replied with a mischievous smile, reaching out to playfully pinch her nose. 


"Ouch!" Emily exclaimed as she pushed his hand away, her playful annoyance evident in her expression.


"Alright, it's time for me to get some rest," she declared with a hint of impatience. "Off you go!"


"You're planning to sleep on the sofa again tonight?" Alexander inquired as he folded his arms across his chest. 


Emily shrugged nonchalantly. "Well, it seems like the most comfortable option right now."


"Ah, comfortability is just an excuse, I wonder. You're just afraid of losing control," he teased, causing her to furrow her brow in irritation.


Emily shot him a disapproving look, her irritation clear. "You really do love pushing my buttons, don't you?"


Alexander chuckled softly. "Perhaps I do, Emily. It keeps things interesting." With that, he stood up and walked towards the bed.


She rolled her eyes, not wanting to engage in a further exchange of banter. Instead, she settled on the sofa, preparing to spend another night in this beautifully decorated but unfamiliar penthouse.


"Good night, Wifey," Alexander playfully quipped as he settled into the bed.


Emily couldn't help but chuckle at his teasing tone. "Good night, Husband," she replied, a playful glint in her eyes. Their banter filled the room with a sense of camaraderie, a surprising twist in their evolving relationship.






The night had been restless, and Emily had just managed to drift into a fitful slumber when the haunting murmurs began once more. Her eyes snapped open as she heard Alexander's distressed cries, the echoes of his nightmares returning to torment him.


"No... Please, don't hurt her," he pleaded, his voice trembling with fear and anguish. It was as if he was trapped in the same harrowing dream, reliving the torment of his past.


Emily's heart clenched with a mixture of fear and compassion. She couldn't bear to see him suffer like this again. Without a second thought, she sprang from the sofa and rushed to the side of the bed where Alexander lay, his body contorted in the throes of his nightmare.


"Alexander, wake up!" she urged urgently, her hands shaking as she reached out to gently shake him. "It's just a dream, you need to wake up!"


But this time, Alexander's grip on the nightmare was stronger, and he continued to murmur incoherently, lost in the torment of his subconscious. Emily's worry deepened, and she knew that she needed to do something more to rouse him from his nightmarish reverie.


Without hesitation, she shifted her position and sat down on the edge of the bed next to him. She leaned in closer, her hands trembling as she grasped his shoulders firmly.


"Alexander!" she called out; her voice tinged with desperation. "You have to wake up! It's not real, you're safe!"


With a determined resolve, Emily began to shake him more vigorously, her efforts bordering on desperation. She couldn't bear to see him like this, trapped in the torment of his own mind.


And then, just as before, Alexander's eyes flew open, and he gasped for breath, his chest heaving with the remnants of his nightmare. It took him a few moments longer to fully regain his awareness, but when he did, he found himself staring into Emily's concerned eyes.


"Emily..." he whispered, his voice a fragile echo of the fear he had just experienced.


Emily's hands remained on his shoulders, providing a steady anchor. She offered him a reassuring smile, her own relief palpable. "You're okay," she said softly. "It was just a bad dream."


Alexander nodded, his breathing gradually returning to normal. He reached up to rub a hand across his face as if trying to shake off the lingering remnants of the nightmare.


"I'm sorry you had to see that," he admitted, his voice filled with vulnerability.


Emily shook her head gently, her gaze filled with empathy. "You don't have to apologize," she assured him. "We all have our demons, and sometimes they find their way into our dreams."


They sat there in the dimly lit room, the weight of the shared experience hanging in the air. Emily's presence had been a lifeline, pulling Alexander back from the brink of his nightmares. 


She stirred, her gaze falling upon the glass of water on the nearby side table. With a gentle touch, she picked it up and turned to Alexander, offering it to him.


"Here," she said softly, her eyes filled with concern. "You should have some water."


Alexander, still groggy from the remnants of his nightmare, accepted the glass with a grateful nod.



Emily's fingers curled around the glass; her concern etched across her face as she watched Alexander drink the water. Her gaze remained unwavering, her attention focused solely on him, her worry evident in the furrow of her brow.


"Thank you," he murmured, his voice still carrying the weight of the nightmare.


After he had drained the glass, she gently took it from his hand, her fingers brushing against his in a fleeting touch. 


She was about to rise from the edge of the bed, her intent to give him some space when she felt the unexpected grip of his hand on her wrist.


Her eyes widened slightly as she turned to look at him, their gazes locking in a moment of unspoken connection. Alexander's touch was warm, his hold gentle yet firm, and it held a silent plea that she couldn't ignore.


"You okay now?" she asked softly, her voice a mixture of concern and reassurance.


Alexander nodded, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. The vulnerability that had been exposed in the midst of his nightmares still lingered in his eyes, but there was also a sense of gratitude in his gaze as he held her wrist.


"Please, don't go," Alexander implored, his vulnerability showing through his tired eyes.


Emily nodded in understanding and moved closer, settling on the other side of the bed.


She whispered, "I'm not leaving," with a warm smile.


Alexander couldn't help himself and pulled her into a comforting hug under the sheets. His embrace tightened, drawing her closer, and Emily remained still, her heart touched by the depth of his need. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them wrapped in the cocoon of the moment.


Emily felt a surge of electricity at his touch but stayed still. She felt his warmth and the subtle tremors of vulnerability that coursed through him.


Gradually, Emily sensed the tranquility returning to Alexander's form, his breathing steady as he slipped back into a peaceful slumber. She couldn't help but chuckle softly at his unexpected vulnerability.


With a tender smile, she wrapped her arms around him, embracing the connection they had forged in that intimate moment. As she closed her eyes, a sense of contentment washed over her, and she drifted into a peaceful sleep, knowing that they were both finding comfort in each other's presence.


In the quiet of the night, they slept side by side, two souls navigating the uncharted waters of their unexpected journey together.