

"Everything will be fine. I can handle this before my men comes." Andrea Lee said to herself trying to stay alive. She had been six feet under the ground for almost ten minutes after the culprits buried her alive in their family grave." Yes she was buried alive by her beloved cousin, Samantha Anderson. Just because Samantha secretly loved her cousin's fiancee, Richard Yap. And her initial plan is to eliminate her so that she can seduce Richard and made him fall for her. Although Andrea was born in a rich family, her mother Angelin Anderson died in a car accident with her husband Peterson Lee Andrea's father. Andrea had been running their family business that was built solely by her father. Her life was somewhat bland, planned, and no life even with her fiancee beside her. No excitement at all. She still live her life to what it supposed to be because she's already used to it. And because she doesn't know Richard very well, she thought he was just fine with everything and starting to accept him as her future husband. He was selected as her partner in life by her father after she turned 21 years old before the car accident of her parents. But things turn out to be not what she thought it was. On the day of her 23rd birthday. Her cousin give her a surprise birthday party with almost all the wealthiest family as guest and of coarse her fiancee. Never did she knew that the party was set up by her cousin to ruin her reputation. That night she ended up in a private suit with a stranger. And the next night after her birthday she's already 6feet under the ground. Will she be able to scape from her cousin's scheming hand? And will she be able to protect the life that is starting to form in her womb? There still a lot to uncover in Andrea's life. Hope you can join her in her journey of revenge and single parenthood. ____________________________________________ Writer's Note: Guys I am a new aspiring writer here. Trying to shift the line of job because of COVID19?. HOPE you can support me on my journey and I'll be much welling to accept correction and guides related to my story. Wether it hypothetical or technical....

D_scorpio · Urbain
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4 Chs


Upon hearing the news about her pregnancy, Andrea couldn't contain herself. Her mind wander from the past event of her life and thought if what she had done for Gods from heaven punished her severely. Is she a bad person? Did she do unforgivable mean things to others? But upon thinking deeply, she never commit any! Instead it was others who did mean things towards her. 'So why? Why her? Why fate never sided her? Why things has never been the way like her father told her before, that if she stays good, understanding, and keep on giving love even though the other did not, One day, all her good deeds will be paid off and great things will soon replace them. But at this moment all her faith were gone. Gone with the Andrea whom her cousin buried under the ground. All she could feel inside her right now is emptiness, hallow feeling of being abandoned and betrayed.

Thinking back on the day of her birthday, she was so happy because Samantha said the surprise party for her 23rd birthday was planned by her fiancee Richard so she must attend though she's not use of attending such event, because of him she attended.

When she came on the event hall of Dragon hotel after her work her fiancee wasn't there instead ot was her cousin assisted her and said Richard is on his way just a little late because of traffic jam since it's already peak hour and people are off from work.

Then one man offered her a drink and can do nothing but accept because he is one of her companies' share holder. Then Samantha came over and said, "my dear cousin this is Mr. Alucardo Tan, one of our business partner I'm happy that you two get along with each other." She exclaimed smugly giving a wink to the man. And the other just smirk. Although she noticed that something was off, she just thought of them having an understanding which couple usually had. Maybe the two if them having a secret affair. That was what she think. And drank the wine offered to her. She never like drinking so she thought only a glass of wine knocked her out. Because she felt dizzy and hot, she stays on the caoch and wait for Richard. But after a while Samantha approached her. "Andrea are you fine? Are you drank?" She ask as if really concern about her.

"Yeah.. just a little. Don't worry I can handle myself you entertain the guest for me okay?" She ask her just to look polite because she never knew any of the attendees in her own birthday party though many greeted her. She only thanks them politely.

"Cousin Andrea why don't you go stay in my suit? I booked a room here incase i'll get drunk later. I will just ask Richard to pick you up there." She offered kindly as if really concerned of her. So Andrea did not hesitate she hate this kind ofevent anyway.

"Is that so? Well then i think i will trouble you again.." she said weakly. "What's the room no.? I'll go up by my self they need you her. Stay on my behalf." Andrea said not wanting to break the enjoyment of the guest.

"If you insist then you can look for a delux suite no. 1320." Samantha agreed anyway this is really what she wanted. She help her on her way out and when was out of sight, she emidiately went back and find someone..

Andrea went straight to room 1320... but right after she went in, she could feel her body temperature went up. She felt the need of humans heat to be near her. She felt like stripping off at that moment. Which she really did because she is sure no one will witness if she did soo. And decided to soak in bathtub to lower the heat of her body. She turned off the lights because she hate bright light because her eyes are sensitive. On the middle of soaking, she heard the doorbell. She thought it might be her fiancee. Maybe Samantha ask him to came for her. So she did not think twice and open the door. She also did not mind that she was naked inside and only a suite's bathrobe covered her body. Because she had been trainning herself to get used to be intimate with him since she was her fiancee.

After she open the door, a man came in. So she just let him and said "Richard you're finally here, I feel so hot and dizzy I need to go back soak myself in the tub. Wait for me here."

She did not open the light and just the dim light from the red spot light placed near the door give them a little rays so she cannot see the person totally but still thought it was Richard because he smells like one and even have the same built.

But before she turned back to the bathroom, His hand grab her waist. Placing her in his embrace. When she was about to protest, his lips landed on hers and kissed her hungrily which usually she will refuse because they are not yet married. But to her surprise she feels great as if that's what all she needs. And all of a sudden her body exploded like everything inside wanted to be release and not knowing she is already responding to the other's every touch and kisses. She did not even realize when the man brought her in the bed. And they had sex again and again untill she passed out. She really thought that the man who took her first time was Richard because he seem to care for her even call out her name when they were on their peak and was about to come. So she did not regret what happen.

But on the middle of their rest, a loud push on the door woke her up. Then the light spreading across the room. Then a male voice which is very familliar to her could be heard "Andrea' I-l think so highly of you that you made me very angry and disappointed this time!!!! I never thought that the woman i am trying to protect and care would do this to me! This is too much." He said with his eyes shutting down and hands in fist trying to curb his anger. And try to leave the room.

"W-what? Nooo.. H-how come??" She said confused then look at him and the one in the bed who seem to be sleeping soudly. Then it occur to her what's happenning. Shen stand up fastly wear her cloths which she folded aside neatly before she soak in the tub. She just look at the person in the bed she had realize he is not Richard he is a stranger whom she can't even say who because he is facing with his back on top, she felt so complicated but still went out to follow Richard and explain.

"Richard wait! I'm sorry I was not on my right state yesterday after drinking a glass of wine! And i felt tipsy, dizzy and hot so I just went their to have a rest and someone knocked and i thought he was you...!" She explained trying to make him halt.

He then turn around before going inn in the elevator, " Am i that gullable in your eye?" He then hop inn and press the close botton of the elevator.

Before she could react, the indication of the elevator shows that it already went down. So she can do nothing at that moment but go home and find a way how to find a proof and explain to him what had really happen.

"Andrea! Where is Richard? I thought he pick you up?" Samantha ask as if blind towhat really happened.

"He's gone. Something happened and he misunderstood me." She answer weakly, then walk inside the elevator.

"Is something wrong? You can tell me. Let's see if i can help you." She offered like a very good friend.

"Well let's talk in my car. Are you going home? Or you want in my place?" Andrea ask in depressed tone.

"Okay then I'll stay with you." She said lifting the right corner of her lips.

Inside her BMW car, Andrea told Samantha what had really happen. Hopping she could help her.

"Ohhh!!! Yeah that's quite a difficult one. We'll be needing more time to think of a solution." She said but sound contradicting her thought.

"Here have some water, it will help you think of a better ways." Samantha said offering a bottle of water.

"Thanks." She then drank a mouthful. "We should head home. So that we will arrive before 4am." She then prepare to unlock the car. But a sudden dizziness cover her head and felt that her limbs become weak.

"Samantha what's happening what did you gave me?" She ask when she realize she felt different after drinking the water she gave to her. She felt scared right now looking at her cousin smirking with glee. As if saying she won.

"Dear cousin you need not to know. Just be thankful. Because of me, you can accompany your parents already." Samantha said then dial on her phone.

"Make sure everything are all ready we will be their in half hour." She said talking to the other line then hung up.

Before Andrea lost all her senses, she pressed the mini botton on her watch. This watch is given by her paternal grand parents to her and said that the elders assigned some special forces to her aid at anytime, at any cost. This botton is meant to be pressed when she is in danger then someone will track her whereabout and help her.

Just a few minutes she passed out, and woke up again when she was already in a small elongated box that fit a single person. 'Wait! Am i in a cuffin?' She guess,then all of a sudden she ran out of air and could not breath properly because of panic. All she could do is pray that her men whom her grandparents gave to her will be able to come on time. Before she passed out again, she heard Samantha's voice "Cover it properly! Make sure it's tight. Huh! Andrea... poor Andrea. From now on, everything that had been yours are all mine now. Including my beloved Richard."

Hearing those words, her eyes mist up. And promised that if she will scape in this tragedy, she will make Samantha pay her back....

Waking up from mesmerizing the past event in her life... she cannot do anything about it and just blame her self for being dumb.

All she could do now is accept the her destiny.

And together with the news of her being pregnat, although she hate it! She's not that evil to do something with the child. She knew it wasn't the child's fault. She even felt fond of thinking she is going to become a mother. She had a mixed emotions right now. She hated Samantha for being greedy. She want to get her revenge and never stay nice to other for it will make you weaker. Yet she felt greatful because of the baby.'

While still crying, she touch her belly and rub it. She got an unexplainable feeling. It was her child.. her own flesh and blood. Its not the childs fault to be born with an unknown father.

It already had a heart beat! Or maybe just her own pulse. Even though, she still feel pleasant knowing that she could become a mother, and after giving birth, She promised she will become a loving and strong mother who will protect her child at all cost..