
Greed (4)

Drawing a wide arc, Jeff swung his spear at that minotaur's head.


The minotaur blocked the attack. But it's knocked out of balance as well.

Yet, twisting its body into a weird angle, this monster managed to jab its horns at Jeff in retaliation.

Still in air, Jeff couldn't dodge this one.


Focusing his gaze, holding his spears in front of him, Jeff narrowly blocked this attack.

Jeff was knocked down to the ground.

Jumping sideways, Jeff adjusted his orientation in air. Reaching a tree, Jeff squatted onto the tree trunk.

Shooting himself out, the tree behind him exploded into wooden pieces.

Like a ray of light, Jeff shot towards that minotaur from the side.


Jeff's spear sank into that minotaur's armor like a knife cutting into pudding.


The tip of Jeff's spear exploded!

Before the minotaur could regain its posture, it's knocked out of balance again!