
SSS-Class: Villain Hero

Note: This novel indeed falls under the Harem genre, but don't expect me to write a brainless Harem story. Victor will not be the typical main character who, wherever he goes, he'll get another woman - no, he's not like that. However, I do intend to add like two, three, or a maximum of four heroines. Surely, they won't be like the princess in the tower needing to be rescued. They'll be akin to the reincarnations of an empress herself, overpowered woman from top families, or cold-blooded/ demon woman, or something along those lines. ********** Victor Redfield finds himself grappling with the reality of being transported to an entirely new world—a world where terrifying monsters roam freely, and humans possess super abilities. In this modern world, magic, mythical creatures, magus, cultivators, and emperors coexist, shaping the course of history. As Victor ponders his uncertain future, fortune smiles upon him in the form of a powerful gift. [Divine Stealing System activated] [Kill monsters or humans and steal their abilities and talents] Armed with this extraordinary power, Victor leaves his old moral compass behind. [Successful kill: Legendary S-class Wolf. Steal complete. Ability gained: Gravity Manipulation] [Successful kill: Hydra. Steal complete. Ability gained: Regeneration] Adapting to his new surroundings, Victor enrolls in a prestigious academy, embarking on the path to becoming a Magus while fulfilling his deepest ambitions. Yet, as his journey unfolds, things take an even more intriguing turn... [Villain detected. Kill him and obtain the Destiny Villain System] [Protagonist detected. Kill him and obtain the Protagonist Halo] With a world full of heroes and villains, Victor chose to eliminate them. [Congratulations, you got the sign-in system] [Congratulations, you got the super summoning system] [Congratulations, you got the demon king system]

abinn · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Gravity manipulation

"Wha-what is happening?"

Freya gaped, her disbelief echoing through the night. The spectacle before her was beyond comprehension.

She rubbed at her eyes, as if the act might dispel this surreal vision. But the scene remained unchanged - a man astride a horse, his spear absorbing the gargantuan blast from the wolf.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaargh!" The man's roar echoed through the still air, a desperate battle cry against the raw power of the wolf's onslaught.

The energy blast was immense, the pressure it exerted equally formidable, yet it was being swallowed by the man's spear.

Ten seconds.

Twenty seconds.

Half a minute trickled by, and the energy blast continued its relentless assault.

Miraculously, the spear continued to absorb the energy.

Cracks began to web across its surface, a testament to the strain it was under.

Suddenly, the energy blast seemed to wane.

Seizing the opportunity, the man tightened his grip on the spear, seemingly oblivious to the searing heat radiating from it.

"Take this!!!" He roared, reversing the flow of the energy blast, directing it straight back towards the monstrous wolf.


An energy blast of equal magnitude retaliated, obliterating the giant wolf.

The resultant explosion painted the dark night sky with hues of sinister purple. The spectacle was awe-inspiring, a giant laser shooting through the heavens, visible even miles away.

Those who had watched this unfold were rooted in place, their eyes wide with disbelief.

"Is that... an S-class Magus?"

"Thank god, it must be. We're safe!"

"Finally, a breather..."

Relief spread through the crowd like a soothing balm. They were all too aware of the wolf's power. And if there was someone who could parry its attack, it had to be an S-class Magus.

Meanwhile, the mysterious man's face was etched with exhaustion, his hands trembling from the exertion of absorbing the energy burst. His face was blistered and scorched from the blast.

Moments later...


The spear shattered, and along with it, the man crumbled to the ground.


Lying on the ground, his hands still shook, and his vision blurred, everything appearing in hazy outlines.

The searing pain from the heat was a cruel reminder of his daring act.

"Did... did I succeed?"

[You killed the Legendary S-class monster: Valgram]

[You successfully stole its power]

[Congratulations, you gained gravity manipulation]

A holographic display materialized before him, and a slow smile spread across his face.

'I did it.'

He was Victor. Ever since the meteor strike, he had been observing Freya's struggle against the wolf.

Coincidentally, the wolf had flung Freya not far from his location, prompting him to intervene and counter the wolf's energy blast.

Recently, he had discovered the unique power of the Gungnir spear - its ability to absorb energy. It was the perfect weapon against the wolf.

Add to that, the steed he rode had a unique ability to hover in the air momentarily.

Without these factors, he wouldn't have dared confront the giant wolf, an S-class monster.

But the victory had come at a price - the spear was no more...

[Do you want to extract the gravity manipulation?]

'Extract it,' Victor simply nodded, his body wracked with pain, making speech difficult.

The system was integrated with his body and mind, enabling it to comprehend his thoughts.

[Extraction started]

Victor allowed himself to relax, a strange sensation coursing through his veins as the extraction began.

But then, an unexpected vibration resonated from nearby. Stirred, Victor's eyes flicked open to witness a churning dark-purple ball of energy, a grotesque transformation of the giant wolf's corpse.

Freya, making her way towards Victor, faltered, her gaze drawn to the ominous energy mass.

Moments later, the vibrations intensified, and the dark orb radiated with an even more sinister glow.

Understanding dawned on Freya's face. She sprinted towards Victor, her voice echoing through the night, "Shield!" With a sweeping gesture of her hand, a golden barrier materialized, encasing both her and Victor within its protective sphere.

Simultaneously, the dark-purple ball detonated!


A gravity explosion rippled through the air, causing destructive tremors that ravaged the surrounding terrain.

The explosion's force shattered the protective barrier, hurling Freya and Victor towards a distant mountain.

The remaining Magus stood frozen, their faces etched with shock and confusion.

While some were bewildered, others bore grim expressions. They recognized the explosion for what it was - a rare occurrence when a monster, brimming with elemental power, dies. The residual energy doesn't dissipate immediately but accumulates, leading to a catastrophic explosion.

Each explosion varies based on the monster's elemental power. Lightning begets lightning; fire yields fire.

"What should we do?" A voice broke the stunned silence.

No response came forth. The silence hung heavy in the air.

But a blond young man, a large sword strapped to his back, stepped forward. "We should get Alex out of here and report to the government. Hans' death should make them reconsider sending the magus to the Raid."

"But what about Freya and that S-class magus?" Another voice piped up.

"I don't know their fate. Considering the magnitude of the explosion, I doubt they survived. Let's report this to the government first, they can conduct a thorough investigation," the blonde-haired young man responded.

"That makes sense. Alright, let's get Alex and leave."

With a unanimous agreement, the group began their retreat, leaving behind the eerie remnants of the exploded monster.