Cyrus and his classmates were summoned by the succubus demon angel not to save, but to destroy the world. However, after passing through several trials, Cy's innate potential was called "supreme trash"... The ability to die and revive stronger than before... The ability to level up and revive dead beings as instant soldiers... the ability of infinite skills... The ability of an immortal demon king... Was called "supreme trash"?
Jack stumbled backward witnessing the beast let out a chaotic roar, and what worsened his case was when the beast stared at him with no eyes, just outer fangs.
The three-headed black eater took a paw step, causing Jack to fall on his butt. Sweat was visible on his face and his eyes flickered with fear like a candle's light.
"I'm going to die," he muttered with fear kissing his voice.
With every step, the humongous monster took, Jack's heartbeat skipped, and he glanced at the destroyed building Cy was knocked against. Oh yes, Cyrus was still lying lifeless on the broken buildings.
As of now, Jack was covered by the shadow of the beast's paw. Just as it was about to smash Jack to mushrooms.
Jack blocked his face with his hands due to instincts. The demon's paw landed inches beside him, and that's when it dawned on him.