
:Believe Me... I'm On Your Side

Cyrus stood, staring at Being, who had not laughed like the maniac Cyrus thought of him as.

"You've completed the test. Now, for your final test," Being kept saying. However, Cyrus was expecting a fight or some sort, since he could already feel himself able to use his abilities. But Being didn't seem like he was up for a battle or anything; he was just staring at Cyrus.

"You're not my enemy," said Cyrus. "All this, I didn't lose anything; more like I gained more than I thought was possible."

Cyrus began observing Being, who hit the tip of his finger against the armrest of the stone throne.

"I gained more stats."

-[Current Stat: 60,000]

"I got to see my mom. It's as if all this is like a preparation for something... And the final test isn't a battle. Your test is to see if I realized all this," Cyrus said.

Being grinned, his stone face almost wanting to crack.

-[Believe me, I'm on your side... bwahaha, hehehe...]