
srilak homes

Sherlock Holmes is a book I read with great interest. Although I cannot attend such heroic events I had the opportunity to meet such a detective. Now I am getting ready to unfold one of Home's stories by entering Watson's character.

Udara_Amarasekara · Fantaisie
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Srilak homes

I am Asanka , 22 year old boy. Manoj whom I met at my ordinary level classes, is a joyful character. He always wanted a joke to laugh at. Both of us didn't have a good response from our family members because of our advanced level results.

Both of us didn't pass our exams. That caused us to be neglected by our family members. Because both of the families expected high-ranked results from us. That's because both of our families were from rich and high-class families. They wanted us to keep their status on the summit through such things as exams. So we decided to live separately from our families. For that, we needed a place and for that we needed money. So we committed to selling some of our pieces of stuff to gain some money. So manoj sold his desktop computer while I sold my electric piano. Then we were able to buy some land. That was only big enough for building a small room. But that's enough. We were happy there. We used betting and small jobs for earning our day-to-day income and spent the overbalance on prostitutes and alcohol. Those were the days we spend most happily in our lives without bothering even to think about a day called tomorrow. [mycred_sell_this]

The NASCAR car racing competition started perseveringly for the 23rd time with huge publicity. The only Srilankan player who participated in this event was modest lankagamuwa. He was the most difficult challenge for all the rest players. That's because of his recent records. He won several racing events during the last five years by defeating a lot of American and European players. He was the winner of the following event for the last three years too. lankagamuwa is a real champion. There are a few reasons to say so. In Sri Lanka, car racing is not that popular. Also, most Sri Lankans don't like to see others' well-being. Here people are more jealous (not everyone). also, Sri Lanka is still a developing country and a poor country when compared with American and European countries. that is why it is so hard to become such a character from a country like Sri Lanka. even after he became a winner Sri Lankans didn't give him the necessary status. they admired gems from other countries while forgetting their diamond. surely lankagamuwa will have a better status if he gave up Sri Lanka and played for another country. But he didn't forget his motherland although there was no appreciation. It is so hard to bear those things with a smile on his face. But he did it.

That was only another one day for Sri Lankans who tasted cricket. But all the car racing lovers were in fear for lankagamuwa. They were afraid to see losing their heroes after being defeated by lankagamuwa. For all the competitors there was only one common fear. That was lankagamuwa.


The starting time came. All the vehicles went to the starting line. All of them started moving forward with the starting signal.

The cheers became mute slowly because lanakagamuwa was able to shift to first place and was increasing his lead to second place .all the European and American supporters

were desperate with what they were seeing. They were bemoaning their decision. They came to watch the race to cheer their heroes, not lankagamuwa .so they were not seeing what they want.

But in the next moment, lankagamuwa's vehicle which was traveling parallel to the track and center of the road came to the left side of the track and crashed with a barrier and was overbalanced. Everybody was confused because nobody expected such a situation.

From the lankagamuwa's point of view

There was a lot of crowd and cheers to the rest of the players and not much for himself. But it doesn't matter.