

Being rejected by her mate hurt but having the moon goddess throw a harem of men her way was something she was not prepared for.Its a give and take world and because she had dared to complain about the way the moon goddess chose mate he got marked by what? she has no clue but she knows she will not let destiny control her. "I am not having a harem of men I can barely stand one man,what the hell do you have expect me to do with a bunch of them" will she be able to save herself from the terrible fate that awaits her?will she eventually give into destiny?will she break or grow? nobody knows but the moon goddess just needed a little amusement in her dull godly life she decided to find fun in messing up someone else's life

Shania_Portagas · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


While walking with Sana her mark started burning again although it was less painful than the first two time this time was more of an uncomfortable sensation,the male noticed how quiet she was but decided to leave her to her thoughts.

The pain eventually subsided and the girl breath a sigh of relief that was short lived when the two Omega's were walking past a group of beta,the group consisted of six females and two males one of the males was someone Akira used to be extremely close to her childhood friend,the one person she always thought would be on her side and the other male was her bully when they were in school.

The group looked at the two and Sana trembled,Akira noticed this and grabbed his hand gently before continuing to walk with the male but the group didn't appreciate this so one of the females stood in front of Akira,she was a curvy woman with frizzy blonde hair,striking blue eyes and plump red lips.

"We didn't say you could go"

"We didn't ask for your permission" the black haired female stepped to the side to once again try to walk away but she felt nails digging into her wrist.

"Let go" the blonde female just smirked this time Sana pulled Akira towards him and started walking away but the action just angered the group more,a red haired girls stepped in front of them and Sana tensed again but this time was worst.

"You think because I rejected you,you're allowed to be with another omega bitch,you're meant to be alone someone as useless as you shouldn't even be with another pathetic omega"

"Shut up and get out of my way" black eyes glared at the red head.

"Akira,when did you get so feisty, you were such a timid girl in school" the female tensed when hearing the voice of her former school bully.

She decided to pretend she didn't hear him and looked at Sana whose hand she was holding he was looking at the ground which caused his hair to cover his eyes but she could see his lip trembling,getting told by his mate must have hurt even if she had rejected him the female squeezed his hand as a form of comfort and his mate got angry.

Not looking at the red head in front of her Akira didn't realize she was gonna get slapped until she felt the hand connect with her cheek her tanned skin turned a dark red,it was dead silent before some of the females started snicker.

"I forgot how much it was to bully her"

She raised her hand again to hit the female again that was before they heard akiras voice.

"Do you wanna die" the danger emitting from her voice made everyone silent and the redhead took a step back when Akira looked at her,the females once black eyes were turning a dark red and fangs were protruding from where her incisors used to be,Sana looked up when the female had let go of his hand only to see her holding the red head by the throat.

Her almost predatory black nails dug into the red heads neck.

"Who gave you permission to touch me with those filthy things you call hands" the voice of the female sounded so different that it scared the people who were present the red head couldn't make a sound she was running out of air so she tried clawing the females arms thinking it would cause her to let go but it just caused her to hold on tighter.

"You have fun bullying people,I have fun choking people and watching closely as they die"

The red heads eyes rolled to the back of her head and she would have died if somebody hadn't pulled her hands of the red heads throat,Alpha Daisuke looked down at the female he had just seen earlier the first thing he noticed was the mark on her shoulder that seemed to be burning a hole through her shirt.

He placed his hands on Akira's face,he noticed the red mark on her cheek and he scowled and glared at the people who were present.

"All of you get home"

Sana looked at the ground intimidated by the presence of the alpha but still decided to ask a question.

"Is she gonna be OK?"

The blonde girl who had been trembling a few seconds ago glared at the female who the alpha was holding.

"She got choked by that thing what do you mean is she gonna be OK? She could have died"

"I wasn't asking about her I was asking about Akira"

"Your mate got choked and you're worried about that bitch"

"She isn't my mate she rejected me and she slapped Akira first"

"I told you people to go hone don't make me say it a third time"

Daisuke watched Sana look at Akira,her eyes were back to their usual beautiful black color and she no longer had her fangs poking out,Daisuke grabbed the females hand pulling her towards the pack house he and his son lived.

The female still seemed to be in a daze she hadn't said anything since choking the girl and the alpha was worried about her,the broken mind link the mark on her shoulder and the change in her appearance, personality and strength when getting angry.

He had never seen an omega strong enough to choke a beta,he stopped walking and turned to look at the female.

"Akira are you alright"

Her face was completely blank and her eyes were lifeless it was almost as if she were a living corpse and as he thought this he saw her black eyes close and her body fell forwards,her face hit his firm chest and he sighed before scooping her in his arms and taking a closer look at the mark that branded in her skin he traced the mark with his fingers and it started glowing again .