

Being rejected by her mate hurt but having the moon goddess throw a harem of men her way was something she was not prepared for.Its a give and take world and because she had dared to complain about the way the moon goddess chose mate he got marked by what? she has no clue but she knows she will not let destiny control her. "I am not having a harem of men I can barely stand one man,what the hell do you have expect me to do with a bunch of them" will she be able to save herself from the terrible fate that awaits her?will she eventually give into destiny?will she break or grow? nobody knows but the moon goddess just needed a little amusement in her dull godly life she decided to find fun in messing up someone else's life

Shania_Portagas · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


After her uncomfortable meeting with her alpha the girl was on her way back home when she saw the badly beaten up omega,he was curled in a ball on the ground she could see the bruises his and she guessed the rest of his body was even worse,werewolves are cruel creature especially when it comes to weaker being and being an omega made you the weakest at least according to the werewolf hierarchy.

The boy flinched when the girl crouched down beside him.

"Are you alright?"

The boy peeked at her when he heard her gentle voice,she wasn't the type to get involved in issues that didn't directly affect her but this was ridiculous and her heart hurt,when she saw all the bruises left on him ,her mind filled with memories of the people that would bully her and she felt tears fall from her eyes.

The young mans face filled with panic when he saw the tears falling down her face and without thinking twice he embraced the girl while apologizing profusely,this action caused akira to cry more because she was the one who was supposed to be comforting the guy and instead even while he was probably in pain he was trying to get her to stop crying.

This was around the time that Hideyoshi had picked up on the females scent and followed it to where the girl was his eyes glowed dangerously as he watched his mate be hugged by another werewolf and an omega at that she was letting that disgusting thing touch her and he felt his wolf growl both Akira and the omega tensed when they heard the growl ,looking at Hideyoshi her lovely black eyes filled with confusion before she saw his deadly glare.

Feeling as if she were in danger she grabbed the omegas hand before running away,leaving behind a shocked and angry hideyoshi his red orbs glared at the place where they were embracing if he didn't have note control his wolf would have ended up ripping him into a million little pieces.

Akira knew that he could catch up with them and at some point she couldn't sense him anymore so she stopped running,both of them were panting the male looked at the girl standing next to him unsure of what to say.

Akira pulled the male along when she realized they were close to her house,thinking of treating his wounds it was pretty clear he was bleeding probably from the bullies claws her jaw clenched when she thought about them.

You could see the frustration on her face and the male who was so accustomed to seeing angry faces began apologizing,he was so used to apologizing that it was almost like a second nature.

The girl looked at him confused at first but her face softened when she realized he thought he had done something wrong,she almost sighed but knowing that would cause him to apologize more so she bit her lip to keep from sighing.

"You shouldn't apologize when you've done nothing wrong"

"You were upset"

"Did you do anything to make me upset?"

"I'm an omega that's enough to make anyone upset"

"Don't be ridiculous" the girl shouted furiously her face contorting to one of anger again.

"Just because you're an omega doesn't mean you should be treated this way and you should learn to stand up for yourself next time they beat you hit them back don't just stand there taking it"

The mans eyes widened as he looked at the woman in front of him.

"I'm sorry"

"And stop apologizing for everything" she huffed before continuing to walk away she had stopped holding his hand when she was yelling so he ran after her and walked next to her,he was still nervous but the fact that she got angry at him for not standing up for himself made him feel a little less awkward.

The young man scratched his head before opening his mouth to say something but the girl beat him to it.

"What's your name?" Akira asked quietly she was embarrassed that she didnt know his name even though they were from the same pack but she never really spoke to people so she hardly knew anyone.

"Um my name is Sana Aoki "

"Its nice to meet you I'm Akira AI "

"Its nice to meet you too I- I hope t-that maybe w-we could...only if you're OK with....we could be ....friends"

The girl laughed at how nervous he was

"Of course"

She smile at him before opening the door and inviting him inside.

As they walked in Akira noticed her sister standing and watching her when her sister saw Sana she pulled her face in disgust.

"Why'd you bring the mutt here,thats so disgusting"

"Shut up,you're pissing me off just mind your own damn business and don't involve yourself in mine"

"Well forget it,you would hang out with him,you are the same after all,sometimes I forget my sister is a loser omega too"

Her sister smirked before walking out of the house.

"I'm sorry for causing problems with your sister"

"What did I tell you about apologizing when you've done nothing wrong?"

The girl led him to the lounge while she went to get a first aid kit ,she disinfected his wounds and bandaged him up she remembered having to this for herself when she was bullied and beaten,life was hard on omegas and she knew other packs had it worse not every packs alpha would be kind and still talk civilly to the weaker members of their packs so even though her life was hard she focused on some of the better things.

Akira and Sana had just sat in the house doing nothing but they were comfortable together,so comfortable they didn't realize how late it was until they saw Akira's sister come back Akira smile gently at him and told him he should go home.

He looked sad but brightened up when she said they could hang out again tomorrow.

"I can walk you home"

"No its fine I'll walk myself"

"I don't mind,I could just walk you halfway"

He was about to decline again but she had already walked out.