
The Man At The Door


The door bell alarm sang again, shuddering another bolt of fear into me. The news on the television had changed and it was playing the exact same news just like it had been then.

Just that it wasn't Hyun Min.

I clasped my hands together with fear gripping my heart tight.

What mistake have I made?

Why am I facing this same predicament again?

Why am I going to die unjustly?

Why was I given a second chance of rebirth when I'm going to die in the same way I had died back then?


The ball bell cried again waiting for me to give a response.


Back then, I never got a chance to see who had killed me.

Perhaps if I could see who the person was.

If I could talk out some answers out of them to know the reason why they had killed me back then.

Because it was never a fair fight.