
Spring Heeled Madman

DaoistaaTTkM · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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1 Chs

Prologue: How I obtain the powers of a Spring heeled Madman

Sigh..... Finally back home.... A voice said while opening the door to his house

Adam a 19 year old has finally returned home after a gruelling day at work. Now what was his work..... Well he doesn't do much.....  He usually just guard's a certain area, not allowing anyone to enter it but today his work was different... The Higher-ups were tense and more demanding.....  Telling them to carry big boxes that probably contain something really heavy that even with his enhance strength he had a hard time carrying it.

Adam all exhausted didn't even bothered to take off his uniform and just fall on his bed, after a few seconds the tiredness overtook his mind and he fall asleep..... BOOM!  A loud noise awoken Adam from his sleep. He quickly got up and open his window to only see carnage..... The Daimon race was attacking the city, he turns his head towards a giant building that can be seen from his apartment. The gates of the giant building started opening and many guards started running out and towards the attackers. Adam then grabs his helmet and put it on his head and then his face was covered by a blue visor and white mask. He opened his windows and jumped down then ran towards the battle .......

Adam Pov

Huh.... Huh.... Huh... 

I shouldn't have run.... Adam said

Immediately regretting his idea of running towards the battle. Now he was hiding behind some debris from a destroyed building. He popped his head out and saw that a giant Daimon

Daimons... They are the new generation of demons....  Can't explain much about them but all I know was that they were genetically modified Daimons that over throw their Masters the original Demons and now seek to conquer the rest of the world...

The Daimon was walking around looking for new victims.... Then all of a sudden another guard appeared holding a gun on his right hand and a dagger on his left. The guards then ran towards the Daimon, the Daimon charge towards the guard and tried to smash the guard by sending it's fist to the ground but it only allowed the guard to jump to its arms and the guard jump towards the Daimon face and shot it's head. The beam penetrated the skull of the Daimon and went through it. The Daimon then lose it balance and fall to the ground dead. Then Guard look at his win and celebrated by himself. 

Adam wanted to join this other guard in the battle because the guard was really good at fighting even better than Adam. The guard was probably a C-Class fighter but Adam stop moving when the other guard started holding his head and making noises that could only mean one thing. The other guard was in pain. Pop! The other guard's head exploded, the helmet that the other guard was wearing also exploded. The body of the guard then drop down to the ground dead.

What the... Adam asked while continue looking at what was happening. He then notice a cloaked humanoid figure with tentacles coming from the opening of its cloak. One of the tentacles of the figure then pointed to the place that Adam was hiding. Adam quickly hide his head and the debris exploded, now revealing Adam to the enemy.

Adam: .......

Humanoid Tentacle Daimon:........

Adam:  Selamat Ha....

Before Adam could finish his sentence the the Daimon pointed two of its tentacles at Adam. Adam quickly ran to the side to not get hit by the force that was causing those tiny explosions.

This thing must be a psychic Daimon Adam thought. Psychic Daimons are really strong but physically they are really weak. One good hit can kill it but the problem now is.... How do I get close enough to stab this thing. While dodging the onslaught of psychic attacks Adam notice the gun that was dropped by the dead guard.

Adam quickly maneuver himself towards the gun, grabbing and firing a barrage of beams towards the Daimon but the Daimon use it psychic powers to stop the beams and send them back to Adam. Adam quickly role to the side to dodge the beams but the Daimon used one of its tentacles at Adam and smack him, crashing him to the window of a building nearby.

The Daimon then pointed it's tentacles at the building causing it to crumble down. After the building fall the Daimon turn it's back but a few beams penetrated its head and body. From the rumble of the fallen building we can see a hand holding the gun pointing to the direction of the once alive Daimon and if we look at the bottom we can see a tiny hole with a blue visor inside it looking out.

Adam: I'm stuck.....

I can't move my right arm but I can still feel it... It didn't turn into mash potatoes and there's no pain so there's nothing broken. It probably can't move because of the debris of the building, Same for my legs.

Sigh..... Why the hell did those shitty Daimons had to attack today! They could've attack like next week or next month! But noooooo they had to attack today....  I wanted  to sleep wake up at 3:30am for dinner ,play some games or watch history channel or even a movie or anime but noooooo the universe had other plans and now the Daimons are attacking..

.... Sigh

Now some of you guys might be thinking shouldn't he be worried about the Daimon attack and try his best to get out of the rumble and not just laying around. Well you see in his mind as long as he doesn't die and fight a few battles he will be paid a lot of money. Being a GUARD he will get a lot of money every two or three months and if he fights to defend the base he will get double the normal amount that he is paid. So as long as he killed a Daimon or two he will still get paid. Now what's normal amount that he gets every two or three months... Well depending on his attitude, how much minor jobs he does in the base and how responsible he is ,he'll probably get 200000 credits or 250000 credits. Now that's a lot even if the GUARDS don't show it they are probably as rich as the 7 Holy Warriors of the church and The United Nations Top Heroes but to make sure that the public and others won't go on a riot because of the unfairness the GUARDS cannot show that they are rich. So most GUARDS just buy really expensive stuff and hide it in their apartments or homes. GUARDS are not allowed to wear any expensive clothing when they are out and must wear their uniforms every time they do go out. Now what is GUARD well to the public eye they are the foot soldiers of the Church and United Nations heroes. Most guards can't use magic and all are not born with some sort of powerful ability that they are given before birth by the gods. So to obtain power they train their bodies and fight against the enemy of peace currently the enemies are the Daimon race. If they lose a limb or two they can visit a Doctor Who works with the GUARDS and get free operation to get a robotic limb. When they obtain a robotic limb the doctor will inject nano machines into the body of an individual, so that the robotic limb can be at full operational capacity and the individual won't need to visit the Dr every few months for maintenance. The nano machines also enhance the strength of the individual so they become stronger and have more pain tolerance.... So more power!!! But the downside is if a individual is a 15 year old when they lost their limb and get a new robotic limb the nano machines won't let you age so the body of the individual will always be a 15 year old even though they are actually 70 or something.

Adam is a 19 year old who is forever stuck in his 17 year old boy because he lost his right leg in a battle. He got a new robotic leg but now he can't age. Now why do teenagers join guards well to get money, free food breakfast, lunch and dinner and... Because Adam and the teenagers who join GUARDS are homeless orphans and got bored eating shit on the road and went to work for GUARDS. Now anybody can join GUARDS they don't care about the species, the age,  the gender if you wanna join ,you join and stay loyal.


Adam was pulled out from his thoughts when he saw a person wearing a black uniform, gray helmet, orange visor and claws for hands guy shouting at him.

Adam : Sorry Sorry I was daydreaming

????: Oh that's good thought ya were dead.....  Ya need help getting out?

Adam: Yes please

????: K K I'll get you out

The mysterious person took the hand that was still holding the gun and forcefully pulled Adam out of the debris. Once he got out Adam shakes his head and looks at the stranger.

Adam: Thanks dude. Who are you?

Hansel: No problem No Problem. Name's Hansel Oliver one of the United Nations heroes that were sent here. What about you?

Adam: My name is Adam I'm a guard working here and wow didn't know that the heroes use such similar uniforms.

Hansel: Well I was a guard but I was transferred and became a hero. So were you the one who killed that psychic Daimon there Hansel pointed at the dead Daimon

Adam: Ahh I did

Hansel: Well that's some mighty fighting spirit you got there! Hey want a reward for killing that psychic Daimon

Adam : I don't think I need a....

Hansel:  Hey Hey shut your mouth up I'm giving you this because I want to and because who knows you probably become a Hero too and I won't be so lonely

Hansel attached something to your hand

Adam: What's this?

Hansel: it's called the Augment Watch created by the great Dr Asher

Adam : What does it do

Hansel: Here a manual I made go read it! He gave Adam a manual

( Hey Author here I'll type the manual in the next chapter OK sorry)

Element Augment = EA

Historia Augment = HA

Fantasia Augment = FA

Adam: So it allows me to use the powers of dead and fictional people and elemental powers too

Hansel: Yup! I've loaded a Fantasia Augment into the watch so you better check it!

Adam looks at the watch and saw that one of the screens had a picture of a person wearing a mask with fiery eyes, a black cape at his back, metal claws on both hands and surrounded by blue flames. At the bottom of the picture the word Spring Heeled Jack can be seen and some info about him.

Armed with iron claws and the ability to shot blue flames this is the boogeyman of London Spring Heeled Jack! Terrorise the good citizens of London especially woman and by jumping to high places he escaped the authorities. You now have the powers of a harassing madman Hahahaha......  Sign Dr Asher

What the hell..... That was all Adam said while reading the info