

Ethan Blaze survives death by a whisker when his whole family gets wiped out in one particular night by brutal feral creatures. Him being seven years old, he only remembers vague images and scenes of that disturbing night. Being an orphan and the fact that he doesn’t have any known relative, Ethan Blaze transverses many foster homes and orphanages. He runs from most of them due to the abusive treatment that he receives or in other cases, becomes such a thorn to the foster parents that he gets kicked out. With time, he became a child no foster care or orphanage was willing to take in. This led to him being signed up in a juvenile correction facility, a place he would never even dream of escaping until he became old enough. As he grows older, his mind develops many more questions of the night when all his family got murdered, when all his life lost meaning. Headset on unravelling the mystery behind the murders, Ethan Blaze sets back home on his eighteenth birthday, when he finally gains his freedom from the juvenile correction facility that had held him hostage for three years. Ethan Blaze discovers that his family’s death was more than just an unfortunate misfortune. He also unearths many dark secrets about his family that he never knew of, secrets that also incorporated him.

Sam_Reigns · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

The first hunt

"Okay boys, so this is it. I have information that the dogs are holed up in that crappy gym up north. Cockroach you will enter through the rear with Spider, Shane and Samael. Angela you will be on lookout with Ethan while the rest of us led by me will enter through the front door"

"Why lookout?" Angela complained

"You've gotta babysit the newbie, he's your responsibility"

"I can handle myself" I interjected

"Congratulations" he smiled "but I don't give a rat's ass. While we are here, I give the orders"

"I didn't object to any" I shrugged

"Just shut your mouth before I do it for you" he said with a threatening glare.

"Jeez, cool down, he's not our enemy" Angela came to my defense

Ramon glared at me for a second longer before leading his party to the gym.

I expected to hear screams of pain and shouts but instead, I heard the predatory animalistic versions of it. The snarls and growls were so loud that it made my blood begin to boil. According to Angela, I was supposed to be legit terrified of my first hunt but unfortunately, I was not. I was hyped up and energized instead. Listening to bodies crash against the walls and other gym merchandise made me want to join in. Maybe it was the vampire part of me that was making me restless or it was because of the fact that my deepest desire was revenge on the supposed perpetrators of my darkest tragedy. All in all, I itched to get into the fight.

"Are you okay?" Angela asked

"Okay?" I scoffed as I turned to gaze at her "okay doesn't even begin to describe what I'm feeling right now. I'm the opposite of okay, certainly not okay. When are they coming out anyways? We've been waiting here for ages. Maybe they need our help, maybe we should go inside right now and check on…"

"Your eyes…they are Uhm, glowing" she almost stuttered

"Are they? That's weird"

"I get that you are burning to join in the fun but Ramon, he outranks us. If he says we are staying outside as lookout, then we stay. "Angela sighed

"What happens if I hypothetically disobey his order and enter the gym?"

"You will be brought in front of the vampire council where your fangs would be pulled out in front of everyone. After that, your body will be nailed shut inside a coffin"

"That's all?" I frowned

"No, that is the least painful part. The second phase will involve you getting buried alive for five hundred years"

"That severe?" I cringed at the thought of never seeing the sun or anything else for five hundred freaking years.

"Yeah, our ranking system is so strong that no vampire ever does something as stupid as disobeying a direct order from his superior"

"I guess we'll have to stand outside here then" my shoulders sagged depressingly

"It's not that bad though, we get to handle the escapees. It'll be fun, I promise" Angela lightly bumped my shoulder

Speaking of which, out of the blue, something crashed through one of the gym's windows. I was so alert and aware of my surroundings that I flashed the spot almost instantly.

On the ground, was Spider, one of Ramon's men, writhing in what appeared to be his final life moments. A large chunk of his neck had been bitten off revealing a gaping windpipe and a fractured artery. He choked and struggled for a couple of seconds before his form became still.

Instantaneously, another body had been thrown outside through a different window. To be more accurate, half a body. I recognized its head as Cockroach's. As much as I wanted to witness a vampire turn to dust after dying, I knew we would follow them soon if we didn't aid the fighting vampires.

"Still waiting on Ramon's order?" I turned to Angela quizzically

"I think we should…"

"Help them?" I completed "let's go"

The scene inside the gym was gory, bloodier than a cattle slaughter house. I spotted Ramon battling one large predator, twice the size of a large artic wolf. The creature resembled a wolf from furs to paws, the only difference lay on its insane size and over-grown canines. I estimated that when I stood beside it, I wouldn't even make three quarters of its height. Its fur was pitch black, just like the very night sky adding to its obvious ferocity. Judging from its calculated and strong offenses, it was seemingly gaining an upper hand on Ramon. I was momentarily awed by the majestic nature of the legendary werewolves.

At the moment, the vampires were dangerously outnumbered by the werewolves two to one. Even with the odds stacked against them, the vampires still continued to fight. About five werewolves were either dead or too injured to get up. And to my knowledge, seven vampires had already lost their lives. One might say that our attack was miscalculated and badly planned.

Our presence by the door was noticed by three werewolves. They didn't hesitate to charge against us, toppling and crashing equipment on their wake. For creatures their size, they were miraculously fast and agile. Facing them, fear completely disappeared from my mind and soul. I became calm instead, my eyes calculating and gauging their weak spots.

Angela decided to charge forward while I stood my stance.

Putting one foot in front of the other and crouching low, I patiently waited for the racing wolf to arrive. For a whole second, the only thing I saw was teeth. The thick scent of blood that emanated from the creature's mouth flooded my nostrils and as if a switch had been switched on in my brain, I felt energy rush inside my body.

I casually tilted to the side, consequentially letting the grey wolf hurtle by and crash on the door behind me. I was on it before it even got back to its feet, fists and punches ablaze.

Even though I punched with all I got, I felt like I was hitting a windbag. It almost seemed like my offense was only enough to distract it and nothing more. Its yelps and growls were not enough to assure me that I was actually hurting it.

Just as I was going to pick an eighty kilogram weight to add to my offense, another wolf appeared out of nowhere and head-bumped me on the back. I lost control of my body momentarily as I was sent crashing into a bathroom. My head painfully smashed unto a toilet seat and for the first time in my life, I felt what toilet water tasted like.

By the time I got my bearings right, three wolves were already closing down on me inside the bathroom, cornering me in an organized calculated fashion. It was as if they communicated telepathically.

I chuckled as I resumed my usual fighting stance. One thing that I had grasped in my short exchange, the werewolves were insanely strong, way stronger than vampires. Fighting them head on was suicidal. But we held one advantage over them, we were way faster than them. We could punch faster than they could blink.

Picking up one steel rod, I formulated an attack plan. When the first wolf charged towards me, I used its offense to my advantage. From the way it rocketed, it wouldn't be able to halt on time. And thus, I also moved against it at the top of my speed.

Before it even realized what was coming against it, the steel rod was already up its mouth and through its skull. It instantly fell to the floor, blood oozing from the hole on its head. I didn't stop there, I sprung towards the next wolf and tightly clutched my arm around its thick neck, my legs latched around its torso. Since it lacked arms to pry me off him, it resorted to smashing against walls but I was immovable.

With my legs still clung around its ribs, I released its neck and bent to the side. I picked up a knife from the ground, using the wolf as a ride much to its annoyance and anger. Without prior notice, I stabbed the back of its neck at a fast rate a number of times then at the side of its chest. I jumped from the wolf before it crashed against some weights.

I was already charging towards the next wolf the next second.