

Ethan Blaze survives death by a whisker when his whole family gets wiped out in one particular night by brutal feral creatures. Him being seven years old, he only remembers vague images and scenes of that disturbing night. Being an orphan and the fact that he doesn’t have any known relative, Ethan Blaze transverses many foster homes and orphanages. He runs from most of them due to the abusive treatment that he receives or in other cases, becomes such a thorn to the foster parents that he gets kicked out. With time, he became a child no foster care or orphanage was willing to take in. This led to him being signed up in a juvenile correction facility, a place he would never even dream of escaping until he became old enough. As he grows older, his mind develops many more questions of the night when all his family got murdered, when all his life lost meaning. Headset on unravelling the mystery behind the murders, Ethan Blaze sets back home on his eighteenth birthday, when he finally gains his freedom from the juvenile correction facility that had held him hostage for three years. Ethan Blaze discovers that his family’s death was more than just an unfortunate misfortune. He also unearths many dark secrets about his family that he never knew of, secrets that also incorporated him.

Sam_Reigns · Fantaisie
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19 Chs

Not normal

I sat across from Angela in the large hall that I later learned it was a dining place. At the head of the enormous table sat Christine and across from her was another man I recognized from the club. Almost a dozen maids stood around us, watching and waiting on us, like humble servants. It served to inform me just how filthy rich these guys were. That was without mentioning that everything in the dining hall was either gold ware or silverware.

Aside from my nervous breathing, everything was disconcertingly silent. It was like everyone had been frozen in place. Even without looking, I knew that everyone was staring right at me. But right now, I could care less if someone was gazing at me or not. Food was on the top list of my priorities.

My eyes couldn't peel from the enticing roasted turkey that was begging me to devour it. I wanted to wait for someone to start eating so that I would follow but the hunger pangs in my stomach were against that thought. Furthermore, they were showing no signs of eating. With courtesy, dignity and manners thrown outside the window, I shamelessly did justice to the rows of food on the table. Even though my taste buds weren't working which was more than weird, it felt good to fill my stomach with something.

I indulged myself for close to twenty minutes before dignity decided it was high time I started respecting myself. Slightly embarrassed, I took a napkin that resembled a tablecloth and wiped my mouth. From the looks that some of the maids gave me, I was more than sure that I was using the napkin for the wrong purpose.

"He can eat" the man suddenly spoke

I was a bit perplexed by his comment

"And breath" he added "that's odd"

"Off course Ethan's odd" Christine joined "I can even hear a faint heartbeat"

"Uhm, I'm confused. Doesn't that make me the opposite of odd?" I lightly chuckled

Everyone gave me blank gazes

"I'm sorry, permission to speak?" I added

Angela chuckled

"And he's funny" the man commented again

"Have a drink Ethan" Christine handed me a glass of red wine, or so I thought until I put the thing in my mouth.

I spurted the drink out almost instantly. Using the napkin, I wiped the inside of my mouth vigorously to get rid of the salty iron taste of blood.

"What the hell? " I cursed "is this a cult?"

"That's weird" Angela said

"I'm sorry, am I supposed to drink blood from I don't know whatever animal it was drained from?" I raised my brows in confusion, my voice an all-time high

"Relax, it was blood donated from the hospital" Christine said casually

"That makes it even worse" I widened my eyes

"You are supposed to like it" Angela frowned

"Human blood? Why? "

"Are you sure he completely transformed?" the man asked Christine

"A full week, I'm a hundred percent sure"

"Transformed into a vampire? I'm sorry to disappoint you Christine but I feel normal"

"Are you sure about that?" Christine smirked


"What?" I turned to face the man only to see the glinting sharp edge of a table knife hurtling towards me. My reflexes were so fast that I caught the knife in a millisecond, a couple of inches away from my face.

As I looked at the knife dazed,

"Yeah, he is a vampire alright" the man stood up "we hunt with him tonight, make him ready"

Christine followed the man outside after taking the knife from my hand.

A couple of hours later, on a training yard in the Vlad mansion, I pinned Angela on the floor for the hundredth time. She was always either ten seconds too late to defend against my attacks or three seconds late to counter-attack. Compared to me, she was really slow.

At first, I was unwilling to fight a lady but after she taunted and humiliated me a couple of times, I finally couldn't take any more of her pokes. My first fight was chaotic and frenzied. I couldn't control my speed as I crashed unto the sturdy walls a number of times until I eventually got a hold of it. Everything spelled doom for Angela when I learnt that I was much faster and stronger than her. I could almost predict where she would be when she moved.

"Okay, I admit "she put her hands up in defeat "you win"

"Took you long enough" I gloated over her

"But do you know a vampire's greatest weapon?"

"Speed?" I tried

"Wrong" she snapped "it's your fangs"

"I'm never using those things" I retorted "ever"

"You will have to someday"

"No can do" I vigorously shook my head

"But just so you know, our fangs produce a very dangerous poison, when you feed you must …."

"I'm not going to feed on anything…or anyone" I interjected

"You know blood is our nourishment, without it you'll die"

"I don't need blood to survive"

Sighing dejectedly, she stood up from the ground.

"Tonight's hunting…what are we going to hunt?" I quizzed

"Of course the burden falls on me" she mumbled under her breath


"We are going to hunt a bunch of werewolves" she said

"Werewolves?" my eyes widened

"You have any problem with that?"

"No, not at all" I sighed "they were responsible for murdering my family. It's just that…"

I thought of Diana and Cara and their possibility of them being werewolves. What would Diana think when she learned that I was now a vampire? Judging from her reaction when she knew that I was claimed by Angela, I took it that she won't receive the news well. But there was nothing going on between us so, I wasn't supposed to care about what she would think about me. But personally, I didn't dislike the werewolves the same way the other vampires did. I only sought for revenge and answers against those responsible for my family's tragedy.

"Mmmh?" Angela raised her brows

"Never mind, let's go get ready" I faintly smiled