
Spiritual Power; Evil Unleashed

Williams was a little boy 13 years of age. He lost his parents at a very tender age and since then has been living with his only surviving aunt Sarah who initially was good and nice to him but later deviated from her best and was mean and wicked to Williams.  It has been a long aunty Sarah had wanted to throw William's property out of her house but the mind of what people will say about her was the only obstacle to her plans.  Moreover, her plans worked out when Williams spent one night outside the house and she found it criteria to send him out of the house.  Williams was all alone, mothering care and love, no form of kindness from anyone.  He went to live on the street after he left his aunt's house where he discovered some strange powers he had, and later became possessed with an evil power.  He had been seeing some of those strange power in him but can't use them.  It later turned out to be that Williams's power which he intended to use in a good way turned out to be a weapon he uses against goodness. He had no other option than to succumb to that.  He grew older to become so evil. Find out how he got his spiritual power and what he used it to accomplish.

Chinemeremihechere · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter Eight

The two friends found themselves caged in the custody of their enemies. They were bounded tightly close to each other in a way they can't move about in the cage.

The young beasts do come around to see and laugh at their catch.

the place where they were locked up was littered with filthy things.

They can do nothing about that now, he just prayed silently for freedom.

"Does it mean that my father can't come to our rescue or what?" Williams thought.

The had the rest of their day spent in that cage.

Towards the night, two giant beasts were sent to guide them where they were caged.

They had a meeting earlier before then on what they will do with their enemy.

"killing them the next day will be nice", one among the suggested.

They decided to eliminate them the following day, but the fear of their escape remained a threat to them which was why the guarding beast was sent to monitor them.

Peter had been calm throughout this epic. He had some premonitions that they might be killed the following day if care is not taken.

"Williams, what are we going to do about this?" He asked.

"I am afraid these enemies might get us killed tomorrow". Peter said.

"If at all we had to escape, it should be tonight". He added.

"Peter how can we escape when we don't even know where we are". Williams said.

"Look out through that tiny hole, those beasts there are after us, if at all we attempt to go away, they will strike us again". Williams said sounding so tired.

"So are you saying we should die and rot in a land we don't know"? Peter asked.

"If that's your wish, it won't come through".

"But what about the spiritual father? Can't he come to help us?." Peter asked.

"That's what I have been thinking of since," Williams said.

"If at all he comes here now, we are free". Williams added.

"Maybe he hasn't been informed that we are missing". Peter said.

"He ought to have known by now, he is a spirit". Williams said.

His last statement sounds like an assurance to him.

To him, it's as if his father is on his way to rescue them.

They both went silent again after they weren't able to get a plan to rescue themselves.

Some moments after, at the peak of the night, Williams began to feel hot inside him.

The thought of using his powers came to his mind.

He thought earlier that his powers won't work in this condition, that's why he didn't bother.

The powers he had are now in control of him, not him controlling them.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Williams shouted as he felt heat inside.

Immediately after the shout, his body caught fire.

the material used in binding them was melted by the head.

Once Peter saw this, the urge of trying his powers took over him.

He was just given the power and he hasn't used it before so he don't knows how it works.

The urge persist and his eyes changed to that of the black blood, one who sees him then won't be able to recognize him.

They both went to the entrance of the cage, where the lock was, and destroyed it.

Williams set ablaze the cage they were kept in.

The two beasts who were at the entrance surrendered.

Peter made them look into his bloody eyes, and they died instantly.

This is a great problem that had to befall the beasts.

Just at the dead hour, that was when this happened.

Williams and Peter weren't in for a fight, they just wanted to get themselves free.

They didn't proceed with the fight, rather they held each other's hands and disappeared.

The said day has come, joy filled everywhere in the land of the beast.

The joy of bringing their enemies to an end filled their hearts.

The beasts gathered at the sound of their gong.

That gong is a very special one which signifies a happy moment is around the corner when it sounds.

The leader of the beast was seen at the center of the crowded place.

His voice could be heard from any angle around the land.

'Today marks the day our troubles and problems come to an end". He said.

Noises were heard all over the place immediately after he said this.

"Our greatest enemies have fallen into our hands and we will do to them what they deserve".

He looked around to send one of the guarding beasts to bring in their prey.

He was surprised not to see any of them.

"Maybe they are watching over them". He thought.

"But they are supposed to be here at the sound of the gong no matter what". He thought

Two other mighty beasts were sent to fetch the guarding beast, to know why they didn't appear in the joyful gathering.

Running and shattering took place when the two beasts returned.

The cage is Burnt up, the two guards have been killed.

Our enemies have escaped, they lastly said.

Fear gripped the entire beast. The gathering was commanded to disappear.

"Run, run there is danger". The same voice that was addressing them happily some moments ago speaks of danger.

The place became empty and calm in a few seconds.

A few older beasts came together to set out a plan on what to do concerning what befell them.

"These enemies are so strong and fearless, that they killed one of us even in our zone". The leader said.

"If care is not taken, we will continue to lose ourselves gradually".

"What do we have to do about this". He asked.

A hand was raised and a suggestion was taken.

"When next we get hold of them, we kill instantly".

He said.

This is one of the greatest suggestions ever. And they agree on that.

* * * *

Williams and Peter found their way back to their domain.

There is a worried look on their faces.

Not too long after they Arrived. The spiritual father came in.

Williams was so angry to see him come.

"Why didn't you come to our rescue, or you wanted us dead?" Williams asked angrily.

Peter also wanted to ask why he didn't come to rescue them, but he kept shut since Williams had done so to avoid annoyance.

"I can't just come alone into the land of my enemies". The spiritual father said.

"Once they get me, everything is over. You two will be killed with ease".

"Can't you come unnoticed and get us freed". Williams asked.

"No, not at all," the spiritual father said.

"That was why I charged the powers in you, to get you freed".

Yea I noticed that. Williams replied.

Thanks for that. He appreciated.

The three ate and had merry for being out of the bondage of their enemies.

After a little time being with them, Williams's father left.