
Spiritual Grace of the Gods

The world of Tirman was created by the Lesser Gods. These gods blessed the world with Grace in order to create landscapes and life. As time progressed, various races discovered how to make use of Grace. These races manifested Grace through the use of Bells. Spiritual representations of each individual, Bells determined one's status and strength as a person. This time of prosperity was termed as "Era of Grace". However, a certain incident caused the Lesser Gods to punish the races and led the world into a flooding. Killing almost 95% of the population of Tirman. Decades later, an individual named Alex Hales is deemed as a cripple due to his inability to manifest a Bell. One night however, he dreams of a nightmare that shook him to his core. But what he didn't know, is that this would soon change his life forever.

bakquak · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Preluding Nightmare

I see houses burning with an everlasting scarlet flame. I hear the agonising screeches of despair. I smell the burning scent of human flesh. I feel... feel? I also try speaking but to no avail.

Noticing this, the fog concealing my mind suddenly clears up.

'I... have no body...'

I look around--trying to discern the situation Im currently in. I can recognise that the burning houses is--was my town. And that the burning flesh was once the joyful townsfolk I've known for my entire life.


I turn my head upwards, following whatever made such a disturbing sound.

There I see a humongous eyeball missing its iris. Strange blue flesh like tendrils cover its back side, wiggling as if it had a mind of its own.

Terrified, I immediately fled the scene. Scouring through the hellish landscape that was once my town. However as if in cue, the eyeball stared straight back at me, it's tendrils looking to attack me and...

Cling! Cling! Cling!

A deafening choir of bells envelope my sense of hearing.

I look up and see the eyeball seemingly become more aggressive. It's tendrils turning bloodshot red and looking more erratic as the seconds go by.

I try my hardest to run away from the tendrils using my non-existent legs. But, I tripped on a nearby plank of wood.

Seeing this opportunity, the eyeball picks me up with one of its many tendrils, hanging me outside down. Im now face-to-face with the eyeball. As the tendrils slowly reach out to me, the ever so loud bells mask my quickening heartbeat. As soon it was about a feet away, I close my eyes.


Noticing how nothing happened I open my eyes. However, almost instantaneously, a rogue tendril reached out to my right foot and grabbed it. Slowly, it painfully pulled out my foot and a disgusting sound of flesh ripping followed it.

Looking back at the monster, it calmed down. Sighing a breath of relief I thought it would be over. But, it turns out it was just an illusion. What I didn't notice was that countless tendrils were already surrounding me from behind ready to attack me. As soon as I notice this one tendril approached me, then the other, and then the rest.

It's tendrils rip apart all four of my limbs one by one. Smaller branches of the tendrils enter each of my orifices and digging as if trying to find a treasure in my body. This torture seemed like it was an eternity but a thundering chime of a bell staggered the creature, letting me go.

The eyeball panicking for some reason puts on a regal aura just before saying...

"Kimi yog o huba"

Then it proceeds to fly away into the sinking abyss of space.

And before I could discern what it said, a blinding flash covers my sight...


"Shit, what in the hell did I just dream"

Turning to my right, I can see that the 'spirit powered' clock indicates that it's 5:30 am.

I look around my house and out the window. No fire, no corpses, and most importantly no gigantic eyeball.

Since I usually wake up around this time, I decided to fully get out of bed and start my day.

"I might as well make a drink"

I head to the kitchen and grabbed my newly bought Criotic bean bag. I heard it was harvested from the tundra regions in the northern seas where these beans are abundant.

"Hmm. This should be enough"

While waiting for my coffee to brew, I tried to digest what happened in my dream.

"That giant eyeball... looks eerily similar to a demigod often mentioned in literature"


A swing of their hands would split the lands. A flick of their wrists would split the sky. A stomp of their feet would create new mountains. Rarely would an ordinary mortal ever cross paths with one.

They are almighty beings that inhabit every circle of the world. Currently we're in the first circle where mortals reside in.

'But... why would it even want to come in this backwater town?'

Before I could develop any more theories, the hissing sound of the coffee machine signalled and end to those thoughts.

Grabbing my coffee, I decided to enjoy the cold morning breeze and head outside.

However, just as I go out the front door, there I see her...