
Spiritual Energy Rekindled: I Become Strong By Completing Achievements

As spiritual energy surged, the Blue Star heralded the dawn of the superpower era. A myriad of individuals awakened their latent abilities, yet amidst the opportunities, dangers lurked. The unveiling of secret realms brought forth a parade of monsters into the public eye. Amidst this unfolding spectacle, Ye Qing embarked on a journey to Blue Star, seizing the invincible achievement system—a gateway to boundless rewards through completing diverse feats. Embarking on the quest, Ye Qing faced the tantalizing prospect of the S-level achievement, time travel. Success promised not only resurrection coins in the tens of billions but also the understanding of a peerless genius magnified a hundred billion times and SSS-level superpowers. The A-level challenges beckoned, promising a level 12 sword guardian spirit for those who could break the elusive gene lock. Meanwhile, the allure of B-level achievements presented an opportunity for Ye Qing to master ninth-grade ice skills. Yet, a mysterious challenge awaited—a cryptic C-level achievement that urged him to speak... speak? The enigma left him pondering, adding an air of intrigue to his already adventurous journey on the vibrant Blue Star. https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial if you want to support

Ahmed_Riaz · Fantaisie
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20 Chs

Chapter 2 The Realm Of Superpowers

"And He is the best of providers." - Quran 62:11

As the chaotic symphony of the classroom bell rang, Ye Qing found himself facing Su Yu, a strikingly handsome comrade, and his best friend of two generations. Su Yu, the embodiment of charm and camaraderie, greeted Ye Qing with a mix of concern and genuine friendship.

"Oh, I'm still Jiuxing," Ye Qing responded, realizing he had only unlocked the first level of the gene lock - nine stars.

[Ding! When the host completes the C-level achievement, he will be rewarded with unlimited peach blossoms. ]

Ye Qing's bewildered expression mirrored the confusion of every student within earshot. Talking? Was that truly considered an achievement, let alone one at the lowest C level?

"Damn it, talking is considered an achievement? It's just a C-level achievement, the lowest level," Ye Qing muttered, caught in the absurdity of the situation.

"Old Ye, what's going on with you? Why are you still nine stars? The college entrance examination is coming soon. The minimum requirement for college admissions is that the first level of the gene lock has been unlocked!" Su Yu fretted.

Ye Qing chuckled, dispelling Su Yu's worry. "Don't fret, Old Su. I'll reach the first level of strength before the college entrance examination."

Seated comfortably, Su Yu, armed with an S-level special power of sword control, offered reassurance. Ye Qing reciprocated, promising they'd enter the same college.

Ring ring ring~

The school bell interrupted their banter, and Su Yu returned to his seat. Just in time, Shen Yuan, the head teacher, entered the classroom. Shen Yuan, a figure of authority and wisdom, addressed the students.

"Dear students, there's only one month left before the college entrance examination. From today on, some of you will choose to go to Class 5. You all have special abilities. Even if your academic performance is not good, you can still get into a good college with extra points through your special abilities."

The gravity of the impending college entrance exam hung in the air. Shen Yuan explained the class divisions, highlighting the crucial difference between classes for superpowers and those for ordinary individuals.

And so, the stage was set for the upcoming month of challenges, camaraderie, and perhaps a touch of the unexpected.

 "And He found you lost and guided [you]." - Quran 93:7

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