
Ideal Addition

"Ella, you were right by a mile. These books and that journal are amazing. I wish we could look at more journals, but a beast only let us take the one." Isa wanted as much knowledge as possible. Unfortunately, they had run in to a beast that was keeping watch over Professor Gloria's notebooks.

" I said it before, that's a bookkeeper worm. Don't try and take whatever it is guarding. They only show up in ruins that have libraries. They are very rare and are stronger than you think." Maria knew exactly what kind of beast it was, but Clark had done his analysis nonetheless.

'Bookkeeper worm- ultra rare

The ultra rare tier this beast has is for good reason. Other than the fact that it has an extremely long lifespan, it is also not a worm at all. It is actually a snake that takes on the appearance of a worm. Its spiritual and plant typing allows it to best upkeep and move around books in a library.