
Spirit Taming

Have a problem where you die too young? Well, Clark had that issue, and lucky for him he was blessed. Clark was reborn right in to a fantasy world of his dreams. Loving parents, amazing future, spectacular partner. No beast? No problem, the system came to his rescue! Or was it too late? Beasts that roam the wilderness, dungeons that spawn from nature, and unique growth plans. All can be achieved if done right. Discover ancient paths and unknown futures. Just remember, not everyone will want to see Clark take power. Some will want what he has while others in power will constantly abuse the weak. This is the way of the world, of the city Clark lives in. Will he take his revenge? Or will he die trying? Don't forget to drop those power stones, leave comments, and eventually drop those golden tickets! This is my entry for Spirity and I can't wait to share it with friends!

1King_Rep1 · Fantaisie
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Battle Style

Clara had walked Clark to a home nearby the tamer's building. It was a very high end place full of luxurious furniture. A maid had taken him to a guest room where he had collapsed in to sleep. He didn't want to wake up. Nightmares of flames and screams tormented him. He would have been trapped in them if Devi hadn't pushed on his shoulder to wake him up.

Once awake, Clark felt everything all over again. The crushing loss of everything he had. When he had died in his past life, he had not felt anything until waking up in this new world as a baby. But he now understood what it must have been like for his family back then. It must have been like an endless hell. Clark was on the receiving end of this pain and he had the tools in his hands to do something about the cause of this pain.

"Devil, you and I will become stronger. We will crush any opposition and rise higher. We are not just some spirit tamer and spirit beast. We are the world's strongest. We just need to get there. It is guaranteed." Devi grinned wide. He was much happier seeing Clark channel the emotions raging within toward getting stronger and righting these wrongs.

"I don't care what limits we need to break or what lines we will cross. We are going to be better and do better than that Mourne family or any like them." Clark was not naive. He knew that the world held more than just one family of corrupt villains. Even if he himself became a villain, then he would do so with joy to prevent others from becoming them.

'Quest: Dream of a spirit tamer

Rewards have been calculated, the host has been awarded three gotcha tickets. Please pull your rewards. The system has given two additional tickets for intriguing the watchful eye of an experienced senior known as the city's top genius.'

Clark watched the words on the screen and knew it meant one thing, greater strength. "Draw!" His voice was hoarse but he still spoke out loud. He felt it was lucky to do so. He needed to use everything he had to get the best.

' healing water- common

This is water from a very potent mana spring. It has the ability to replenish the exhaustion and minor injuries from training.

Cracked soul stone- uncommon

This is a broken soul stone. It houses minimal energy for a ghost type spirit beast to consume. It is best at replenishing energy after a battle.

Phantom Meditation guidebook- unique

This is a unique guidebook for the very unique form of meditation. This is not ranked based on the usual means because it is more valuable or less valuable when held by different people. The information will be automatically downloaded in to the host's brain.'

Clark felt a sharp needle pierce his skull then a warm feeling flowing through him. It was as if someone had started to light his mind on fire from the inside before it suddenly vanished. "This is…amazing."

The phantom meditation guidebook would be useless for anyone else but him. He had a ghost type spirit beast. He could meditate and use this meditation to better understand the bonds of his soul to Devi's soul. Not only would it strengthen their bond, but it would also strengthen them through the sharing of spiritual energy. What lifeforce that Clark had would also be Devi's. They were not simply two beings, they were one with two bodies. It would make them closer than any spirit beast would be to their spirit tamer.

' Quest: Proving your mettle

You have managed to catch the eye of the city's top genius and a general within the city. They have extended a hand allowing you the chance to become greater in every way. Fueled by your losses, rise up and show them that they have made the proper decision. Learn the Mane family crimson battle style and make it your own before the week is up.

Rewards: System upgrade(minor), one hour of enhanced meditation.'

The rewards were enough to show Clark the path he needed to take. He needed to learn and adapt moves to fit him and Devi. How would Devi fight to his full potential if Clark was a weakling? He knew basics of self defense but had never been rich enough to have a family battle style. He had the access to such a technique so he would need to learn it and adapt it to how he should fight.

"Mister Clark, The young Miss is awaiting you in the closed training room. Please wear the clothing set aside for you." The maid that Clark had been blind to showing up spoke out. She had moved silently in to the room and placed the clothing just seconds ago.

"Wait, before you go. How long was I asleep." Clark could feel the stiffness in his body and knew it was not normal for a night's sleep.

"Three days Mister Clark. Miss Clara had a spirit tamer with a water horse check on you. They healed the minor burns you had before cleaning you up. If I may add, you are free to speak with me if you need anything. I hope you can rise above this."

The maid clearly knew what had happened. Clark was sure that staff members in the household did. The small Mane family had brought in a stranger that was just at the age of fifteen and about to choose higher education. It was not a normal situation. Not to mention the boat had shown up covered in ash and burns. Anyone could put two and two together.

"The system said that I had found a hand reaching out to me. It was right." Clark mumbled before getting up and throwing off the loose fitting bed clothes he wore. He put on better fitting pants and a shirt that were made with wisely weaved fabrics. It would easily bend around joints to keep full range of motion.

"Devi, let's go and find Clara. We have already wasted time and I need to prove to her that I can back up my words. We will get much stronger." The halls Clark walked through were lavished with high quality paintings and furniture.

Eventually, the pair came to a large door. Once opened, the sounds of wood hitting wood were easy to hear. Clara was speedily slamming a wooden rapier in to a wooden dummy. Small splinters shattered off creating a large pile around her. This was training for her to work on control and precision of her hits. Clark could easily tell since she was aiming for weak points.

"You're finally here. Good. I have been bored training alone. This room is where you will sleep, train, and eat for the next week. You will be forced to stay. I hope you remember how that bed felt." Clark knew that she was serious. She would give Clark exactly the chance he asked for.

"This book shows the forms of the mane family battle style. We are letting you study it even though you are not a member. Do not share this with a soul ever. I will take it back after you read it once so remember it."

Clark looked at the worn red book. On the cover it read; scarlet battle style. This was the form that the Mane family held dear to their hearts and spent generations refining. They were known for the aggressive and brutal battle style in any fight. Even their allies would tremble when they felt the heat produced.

"It may be a style that expects you to use flames to some degree, but you should find use of it. I expect you to make it your own instead of just following it blindly." Clara stepped back and watched over Clark while he sat down and began to read.

Always make any technique you learn your own. get comfortable with it and face the world!

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