

Arc - 5 Hellscape 

A year after Karuro completed the Spirit King Trials, Karuro felt like he finally had enough power to defeat Barakmaa and erase evil from the world in its entirety.

Karuro stood before his closest allies - Kaya, Lillian, Nozz, Daigo, Talia, Kotashi, and Yukahn. Taking a deep breath, he steeled himself for the difficult conversation ahead.

Karuro: There's something important I need to tell you all. For a long time, I've wanted to avenge not only my parents' deaths but anyone who lost a part of themselves in that incident by defeating Barakmaa. Now that I'm Spirit King, I finally have the power to do it.

His words were met with stunned silence. Kaya spoke first, her voice shaking.

Kaya: Karuro I understand more than anyone why you want to do this... But It's just too dangerous...

Nozz: Yeah man, we get why you'd want payback. But there's gotta be another way.

Daigo: I know your Spirit King and all that now but what you're trying to do... its suicide...

Karuro shook his head.

Karuro: My mind's made up. I will recruit Soken since I believe he can open a portal to hell. Once I find Barakmaa, I'll kill him.

Lillian grasped his hand, her eyes filled with concern.

Lillian: Karuro, please don't do this. Vengeance will only lead to more pain. Your parents wouldn't want you to take this risk.

Kotashi: Lillian's right, Revenge is a dark path that can consume the brightest soul. Tread carefully, Karuro.

Karuro: I'm sorry, but I have to do this. It's the only way I'll get closure. And as Spirit King, it's my duty to destroy evil - starting with Barakmaa.

Seeing Karuro's determination, Yukahn stepped forward.

Yukahn: If this is the course you've chosen, then I support you. But promise me you'll be cautious. Barakmaa is cunning and ruthless beyond measure.

Karuro placed a hand on Yukahn's shoulder.

Karuro: I know I'll win.

The rest of the group still appeared unconvinced but realized Karuro would not be deterred from his chosen path. With heavy hearts, they began preparations for the perilous journey ahead, hoping against hope that their beloved Karuro would return safely once his vengeance was fulfilled.

After the difficult conversation with his friends and family, Karuro set out alone to the sealed chamber where Soken was imprisoned. As he approached the ancient stone structure, an uneasy feeling washed over him. This would not be an easy recruitment. Karuro entered the dimly lit chamber. Strange runes and glyphs covered the walls, reinforcing the mystic bonds restraining Soken. At the far end of the room floated an ethereal orb of light - Soken's spirit form.

Soken: So, the new Spirit King comes seeking my aid, To what do I owe the pleasure?

Karuro: How did you even know I became king?

Soken: Guards around here sure do talk a lot, it gets annoying...

Karuro: Boo hoo Soken you brought it upon yourself, but look I've come to make you an offer. Help me enter hell and defeat Barakmaa, and I'll grant you your freedom.

Soken: So Revenge blinds even the noblest souls. Are you certain confronting the Devil Lord is worth the price you might pay?

Karuro: I'm willing to pay any price for justice.

Soken: Even if it means unleashing me upon this world once more?

Karuro paused. He knew Soken could not be trusted. But he needed the portal.

Karuro: We'll cross that bridge if we survive. For now, defeating Barakmaa is all that matters.

Soken: Bold, but foolish. Still, far be it from me to stand in the way of such reckless vengeance.

Karuro then snapped his fingers, causing the seals to break and Soken to retain his physical form.

Soken: Finally, I have my body again... Now I know the spell to open a portal to hell but we dont't have enough power to actually open one.

Karuro: So what do we do?

Soken: The only way we would have enough power to open a hell portal is if I had the soul gems...

Karuro gives Soken a look of slight anger and distrust

Karuro: Out of the goddamn question, Soken!...

Soken: Well you really don't have a choice in the matter...

Karuro: The hell I don't!!

Soken: Do you wanna kill Barakmaa or not?...

Karuro had to think for a bit realizing that Soken was right

Karuro then blitzed back to his Castle, grabbed all of the soul gems, and got back to Soken with no one noticing

Karuro: I get four and you get three, OK?

Soken: That's fine.

Soken then creates the portal, once made they jump through it and land on the first circle.

They see the tall and flaming thrown which Barakmaa sat, and the two dashed to it not knowing what lies ahead. As they drew within a hundred meters of the flaming dais, Karuro felt an invisible force root him to the spot. Beside him, Soken strained against the same paralyzing pressure. Barakmaa was aware of their presence.

Barakmaa: Well, well, the new Spirit King and his shackled sorcerer come to challenge me in my own domain? I must applaud your audacity...and stupidity.

Karuro: We've come to end your reign of terror, Barakmaa! To avenge all the innocent lives you've ruined! My parents, and so many others.

Barakmaa smirked, unimpressed by the display.

Barakmaa: How precious, does the little king need closure for his mommy and daddy?

Rage boiled up in Karuro. He launched himself at Barakmaa, fist cocked back and crackling with power. But with a casual wave, the devil lord sent Karuro hurtling backward to crash painfully on the rocky ground.

Barakmaa: Pathetic. Is that the best the mighty Spirit King can do?

Soken's eyes narrowed and he unleashed a volley of machine gun energy blasts. They fizzled harmlessly against Barakmaa's body. With a roar, the devil backhanded Soken, sending him skidding across the plain.

Barakmaa: I expected more from two so bold as to enter my domain, But you are merely gnats to be crushed.

To prove his point, he seized the battered Karuro and Soken in an enormous clawed fist. They struggled helplessly as he squeezed ever tighter. But curiously, he stopped just short of crushing them to a pulp. Barakmaa opened his palm, dropping them to the ground.

Barakmaa: Hm, more resilient than you appear. So you two will be my entertainment for the next 9 hours. That's how much time you have to get back up to the first circle and face me. This outta be good...

Barakmaa then elbows both Karuro and Soken all the way down to the 9th floor, making it to where they have 9 hours to get back to the 1st floor before it is too late

Circle Zero - Limbo Lite

Karuro and Soken descended into the foggy realm of Limbo Lite, filled with the souls of unbaptized pagans and undecided sinners. Grotesque creatures lurked in the mists, hunting for prey. Soken erected a barrier to repel the foul beasts. Weaving between floating tombs and ancient ruins, they crossed fields of black flowers whose thorns drained life. Karuro lit the flowers aflame with sparks, clearing their path. After an eternity in the haze, they reached the boundary of the first circle.

The First Circle - Pride

A desolate wasteland stretches before them, a twisted parody of heaven. In the distance, a colossal angelic figure with piercing blue eyes stands guard. Lucifer, the Prince of Pride, radiates an aura of superiority.

Lucifer: Aww, of course, mortals would be bold enough to enter hell so carelessly.

Karuro: Just like how you were bold enough to challenge god right?

Lucifer: Comparing you to me is like comparing a maggot to a lion.

Soken: Quit talking about yourself if you're not going to fight us.

Lucifer: Very well, face the consequences of your insolence!

Lucifer raised his massive hand, and the ground began to violently shake and crack open. Jagged obsidian spikes erupted from the depths, attempting to impale the group.Karuro's eyes narrowed as he summoned a whirling vortex of soul energy around them all, deflecting the razor-sharp spikes.

With a scream of fury, Lucifer brought his other hand down like a meteor strike. But Soken was ready, using his matter manipulation to turn the ground to liquid state, causing Lucifer's blow to disperse harmlessly.

Soken: My turn...

He reshaped the liquid earth into thousands of shooting stone lances aimed squarely at Lucifer. The fallen angel simply opened his mouth and released a ear-splitting sonic boom that pulverized the lances into dust before they could strike. Coughing from the debris, Karuro combined his copy abilities into a maelstrom of fire, lightning, and compressed air blades that slammed against Lucifer's chest. The angel staggered, but his profound arrogance seemed to bolster his defenses.

Lucifer: Insignificant vermin!

He unleashed blinding light from his eyes that seared away at Karuro and Soken's protective auras. As they faltered against the overwhelming holy radiance, Lucifer raised his foot to crush them underfoot.

But at the last moment, a massive wall of soul force erupted between them, halting Lucifer's stomp. Soken stood defiantly, having summoned the barrier just in time. Lucifer gathered dark energy into his hands and hurled a roaring beam of destructive force towards them both. Karuro and Soken combined their strongest defenses, pushing back against the dark energy ball back at Lucifer, eventually killing him.

The Second Circle - Greed

A cavernous expanse unfolds before them, overflowing with glittering treasures - mountains of gold, jewels the size of fists, artifacts pulsating with arcane energy. Coiled around the treasure hoard is a grotesque dragon - Mammon, the Prince of Greed.

Mammon: You mortals actually made it past Lucifer?

Karuro: Yeah we did, might as well let us past

Soken: I would mind what he says Mammon, I've studied every realm in our world and Lucifer was the strongest out of you 7 princes.

Mammon: True but it seems like he underestimated you two, I wont make the same mistake.

Mammon lunges with a ferocious roar, jaws agape. Karuro dives past, narrowly avoiding a fiery breath attack. Soken unleashes a barrage of atom bombs, but Mammon deflects them with his claws, showering them with molten gold. Karuro, weaves through the falling debris. He focuses his soul energy, forming a concentrated blast of pure force. As Mammon lunges again, Karuro strikes, hitting the dragon square in the chest. The force of the blow sends Mammon sprawling across his treasure hoard. He roars in fury, enraged by the audacity of the mortals. Soken seizes the opportunity, manipulating the earth beneath the dragon's hoard. The ground liquefies, causing the treasure to surge upwards, engulfing Mammon in a glittering avalanche. Disoriented and blinded by the cascading gold, Mammon thrashes blindly. Karuro then creates a sword made of light electrocutes its and follows up with a whirlwind of lighting-coated light slashes, slicing through the exposed underbelly of the dragon. Mammon lets out a final, ear-splitting shriek before succumbing to his wounds. Silence descends upon the cavern, broken only by the clinking of scattered jewels.

The Third Circle - Lust

A twisted realm unfolds before them, a grotesque parody of a pleasure garden. Lush vegetation writhes obscenely, and the air hangs heavy with an intoxicating perfume. A charming figure with an air of nonchalant cruelty approaches - Asmodeus, the Princess of Lust.

Asmodeus: Welcome, mortals, I know Barakmaa sent you down here but I want to toy with you two as well...

Asmodeus snapped her fingers, and alluring figures materialized from the shadows. Lillian's image appears amongst them, a figment conjured by Asmodeus' power.

Asmodeus: Ah, such devotion in your eyes. Surely you yearn for a reunion with your beloved, wouldn't you say?

Karuro's face shifted into one of distaste as he readied himself to fight Asmodeus

Soken just laughs out loud finding Karuro's reaction amusing

Soken: Sorry to be mean spirited but this is quite hilarious

Asmodeus: Then you're going to cry after this one...

Asmodeus then turns into Rikoa, Soken's dead wife.

Soken's face then fills with rage as he and Karuro rush at Asmodeus

Asmodeus throws back her head and unleashes a sonic scream laced with raw power. The illusory figures surge towards Karuro, their touch promising a seductive oblivion. Soken reacts instantly, slamming his sword on the ground. A surge of energy pulses outwards, solidifying the sand and dispelling most of the illusions. Asmodeus doesn't wait to be attacked. With a flourish, she conjures a whip woven from pure desire, the very air crackling with its energy. He lashes out, the whip wrapping around Karuro's leg, anchoring him in place. Soken launched at Asmodeus aiming to cut off her head, but she backed away saving her head but Karuro shot lighting into her chest pushing her back. Asmodeus was about to summon more illusions to fight for her but Soken blitzed and bisected her.

Karuro: Thanks for that...

Soken: Let's just... move on to the next circle, please...

The Fourth Circle - Envy

A churning sea of shadows and despair stretches before them. Massive tentacles erupt from the depths, grasping at the desolate rocks that dot the landscape. A colossal serpent with glowing red eyes surfaces - Leviathan, the Prince of Envy.

Soken: That must be the Leviathan.

Karuro: And it doesn't look happy to us, but oh well...

Enraged, Leviathan thrashes its massive body, causing tremors that threaten to split the ground beneath them. Karuro and Soken utilize their agility to avoid the collapsing landscape. They dart between Leviathan's colossal tentacles, searching for a weak point. Spotting a glowing red orb nestled between Leviathan's eyes, they realize it's the source of the despair aura. Karuro charges forward, while Soken unleashes a barrage of atom bombs to distract the leviathan. Karuro leaps onto Leviathan's head, dodging snapping jaws and thrashing tentacles. With a concentrated blast of soul energy, he strikes the glowing orb. The orb explodes in a blinding flash, momentarily stunning Leviathan. The despair aura dissipates, revealing a grotesque underbelly beneath the massive serpent. Seizing the opportunity, Soken conjures a network of earthen spears from the ground, impaling the vulnerable underbelly. Leviathan lets out a deafening shriek of pain and fury. Weakened and disoriented, it thrashes violently before finally succumbing to its wounds, its enormous body sinking back into the churning sea of shadows.

The Fifth Circle - Gluttony

A grotesque swampland unfolds before them, overflowing with putrid decay. Monstrous flies buzz incessantly, attracted by the stench of a colossal, bloated demon lord – Beelzebub, the Prince of Gluttony.

Beelzebub: Eww... of course, the others couldn't stop two mortals and now there in my filth! I'll make it quick...

Karuro listened but he threw up from the filth they were in, Soken helped him back on his feet

Soken: Get it together Karuro, we're almost done...

Karuro fully got up, wiping his mouth

Karuro: Thanks...

Beelzebub opens his cavernous mouth and unleashes a swarm of monstrous flies, their bodies teeming with decay. The fetid swarm surges towards Karuro and Soken. Karuro channels his soul energy into a protective barrier, deflecting the initial wave of flies. However, the sheer number of them threatens to overwhelm him. Soken reacts quickly, manipulating the earth beneath them to erupt in geysers of mud and boiling water, engulfing a large portion of the swarm. Beelzebub, enraged by their defiance, lunges with a gargantuan, multi-clawed hand. Karuro dodges narrowly, while Soken conjures a massive stone wall to intercept the attack. The blow shatters the wall into rubble but buys Karuro and Soken a precious moment. They realize brute force won't work against this bloated monstrosity. Karuro, his mind racing, remembers Beelzebub's insatiable hunger and the putrid environment. An idea sparks in his eyes. Turning to Soken

Karuro: Distract him with another mud geyser!

Soken nods, slamming his sword on the ground. A geyser erupts right in front of Beelzebub, engulfing him in a geyser of boiling mud and debris. The demon lord roars in fury, thrashing blindly. While Beelzebub's back is turned, Karuro focuses his soul energy, creating a swirling vortex of compressed air. He aims at the base of the geyser, directing the powerful wind current upwards. The pressure within the geyser builds, threatening to explode. Soken, understanding Karuro's plan, creates a series of earthen ramps leading away from Beelzebub. Karuro sprints towards the ramps, leaping onto them just as the geyser explodes with a deafening roar. The putrid mud and debris are propelled skyward, raining down on Beelzebub. Blinded and choked by the filth, the demon lord thrashes wildly. Karuro, reaching the top of the ramps, unleashes another concentrated blast of soul energy, infused with fire. The white-hot flames slice through the contaminated rain, striking Beelzebub directly. The impact sears the flesh beneath the grotesque armor, causing the bloated demon lord to shriek in agony.

Weakened and disoriented, Beelzebub collapses onto the fetid swamp, his massive body slowly sinking into the muck. The remaining flies, deprived of their master's aura, disperse into the stagnant air. Karuro and Soken stand panting, the stench of decay clinging to them.

The Six Circle - Wrath

A volcanic wasteland unfolds before them, ravaged by eternal storms. Lightning splits the sky and rivers of molten rock flow through cracked earth. A hulking figure radiating fury emerges from the flames - Satan, the Prince of Wrath.

Satan: How?... how did just two mortals come so far to kill almost all the princes of hell?!

Karuro: Guess they weren't up to par when it came to power.

Soken: Plus we've fought the strongest one first, weird choice for us to go from the strongest prince to the weakest.

Satan: Oh I assure you, I am the furthest thing from weak... So let me show you the true power of a prince of hell!

Satan unleashes a torrent of fire and brimstone. Karuro, hardened by his previous battles, fights defensively, channeling his controlled anger into precise strikes that deflect Satan's fiery projectiles. Soken utilizes his matter manipulation to create earthen bulwarks and manipulate lava flows, hindering Satan's movements. The battle becomes a dance of fury and control. Satan throws fiery punches that Karuro dodges with acrobatic grace, countering with swift blows infused with soul energy that exploit weaknesses in Satan's fiery defenses. Soken, ever vigilant, creates earthen bridges to allow them to traverse the treacherous terrain and launch surprise attacks. As the fight progresses, Satan's rage intensifies. He unleashes a devastating roar, a sonic shockwave that threatens to shatter the very foundations of hell. Karuro and Soken are thrown back, momentarily stunned. Soken, the first to recover, slams his sword on the ground. A network of earthen pillars erupts around Satan, momentarily binding him in place. Karuro seizes the opportunity, focusing his soul energy to a blinding intensity. He charges towards the immobilized Satan, unleashing a concentrated blast of pure light. The light pierces through the demon lord's fury, momentarily disrupting his aura. Weakened and disoriented, Satan roars in frustration. The earthen pillars crumble under Satan's renewed struggle. He breaks free, his rage reaching a fever pitch. He lunges towards Karuro with a fiery claw, but Soken anticipates the attack. He draws an immense amount of soul energy into a slash creating a deep chasm right before Satan's path. The enraged demon lord plunges headfirst into the chasm, his fiery form engulfed in molten rock and darkness. Silence descends upon the volcanic wasteland, broken only by the crackling of dying flames.

Karuro and Soken stand panting on the precipice of the chasm, the stench of sulfur lingering in the air. They've defeated the Prince of Wrath, but more awaits them in the next circles.

The Seventh Circle - Sloth

A stagnant swamp shrouded in perpetual fog stretches before them. An oppressive silence hangs heavy in the air, draining all motivation and energy. A formless entity begins to seep into their minds, whispering promises of oblivion - Belphegor, the Prince of Sloth.

Belphegor: So I'm just gonna say this, I'm not gonna fight you two but if you guys go beyond me you won't make it. You guys could just chill here if you want.

Karuro: Thank you for the offer?... but we'll pass

Soken: We beat the other princes so I think the odds are in our favor.

Belphegor: Ok but don't say I didn't warn you, you two can go now...

The Eighth Circle - Apocalypse

As Karuro and Soken entered Treachery, five ominous figures appeared to block their path. Before them stood the dreaded Horsemen of the Apocalypse - Conquest, War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death - each exuding an aura of power. Conquest towered upon his white stallion, armor gilded and blade thirsty for blood. Behind him, War thundered forth in his blood-red chariot pulled by fiery steeds. Poison dripped from Pestilence's bow, and flies swarmed Famine's skeletal frame. Death loomed large astride his ethereal pale horse, scythe poised to reap their defiant souls.

Together, the Horsemen charged to overwhelm the two. But Karuro and Soken fought back with righteous ferocity. Karuro grappled directly with Conquest, trading earth-shaking blows as their steeds whinnied and kicked up infernal dust. Meanwhile, Soken Dueled Famine and Pestilence, deflecting their toxic arrows and draining hunger waves with his magic.

Seeing Soken's mastery of matter, War broke off and hurtled back to annihilate him with hellfire spears. But Karuro intercepted the chariot head-on, clashing fiercely against War's blood-drunk assault. The stallions reared and thrashed, but Karuro pacified them with his aura. Furiously, War grabbed his spiked flail and dueled Karuro directly atop the careening chariot.

Soken seized the opening, creating chains to immobilize the remaining three horsemen. But Death shrugged off Soken's technique and charged head-on, scythe singing for his soul. Their weapons rang out as they dueled for supremacy. Soken enveloped himself in protective wards to counter Death's lethal strikes. Seeing an opening, Soken channeled his energy into the scythe itself, causing it to turn on Death.

Meanwhile, Conquest overwhelmed Karuro with his ancient blade of ruin, until Karuro shattered it with a well-timed strike. Weaponless, Conquest resorted to pummeling blows, but Karuro matched him fist for fist. Seizing Conquest, Karuro hurled him into the chariot, knocking it onto its side. War erupted but Soken contained him in soul shackles.

The Horsemen regrouped for one final assault, but Karuro and Soken inhaled deeply, focusing their combined aura into a devastating wave of Heavenly retribution that washed the dreaded Horsemen back down into the pit.

Relieved to be free of the Horsemen, Karuro and Soken sat to regain their strength. After a moment of rest, Karuro broke the silence.

Karuro: Soken, I just wanna say thank you. Throughout this whole journey, you had my back every step of the way, and for that I'm grateful.

Soken: Thank you, Karuro. I think finally understand the choices you made the day we first fought.

Karuro: What do you mean?

Soken: Like your parents, my wife died in that damned Invasion. When Barakmaa insulted you because of that, It put me in a rage and I feel for you.

Karuro: Wow, I'm sorry for your loss... She must've been beautiful.

Soken: Rikoa was that and much much more...

Karuro: have ever thought about having another family?

Soken: I guess that's what you did, I've thought about adopting a daughter but I don't think I'm worthy of anyone's love anymore

Karuro: Everyone deserves some love Soken, believe that.

Karuro then gets up and reaches out to Soken

Karuro: Now let's go end evil

Soken cracked a slight smile and grabbed Karuro's hand

Soken: Right...

Karuro and Soken shared one final nod, channeling their soul energy to the limit. Then, with righteous fury, they charged to the throne to confront Barakmaa.

The Ninth Circle - Gates Of Hell

Karuro and Soken stood before Barakmaa's fiery throne, bodies bruised but resolute. The Devil Lord studied them with amusement.

Barakmaa: Well now, you've traversed my domain and somehow survived, Most impressive...for mortals.

His words dripped condescension. Karuro stepped forward defiantly.

Karuro: I survived far worse than this...

Barakmaa chuckled

Barakmaa: Such arrogance, you too really believe that because you beat my challenge you think that you can defeat me.

His hand shot out and grabbed Soken by the throat before he could react.

Barakmaa: Allow me to demonstrate how laughably outmatched you truly are...

With a flick of his wrist, Barakmaa hurled Soken across the pits of fire. Karuro cried out but Barakmaa seized him next.

Barakmaa: Don't worry, little king. I won't kill him...yet. I want you both to experience utter dread before the end.

Toying with them sadistically, Barakmaa slammed them around like rag dolls, countering their attacks with casual amusement.

Barakmaa: Where's your courage now, oh righteous heroes? Why not beg for mercy?

Each blow felt like a comet, and Barakmaa's laughter echoed through Hell.

Battered and burned, Karuro struggled to rise. But Soken helped him up, resolve in his eyes. Together they stood, bloody but unbroken. Karuro activated his Ultimate God King form, finally gaining the power to truly challenge Barakmaa. The devil roared as Karuro landed crushing blows that actually staggered him. Barakmaa quickly adjusted his tactics, forced to fight seriously. The plain shattered under the force of their clashes. Barakmaa's claws tore through earth and flame, but Karuro evaded them with lightning speed. Yet Barakmaa matched him blow for blow, neither gaining an advantage.

Karuro puts his trust in Soken and throws him the soul gems

Karuro: Hold this bastard down!

Soken then uses all the power that he can to put and hold Barakmaa in a full nelson

Karuro seeing his chance, begins to put his Ultimate god-king mode into one ball of energy with wings and a crown/halo on top of it.

Karuro: For 15 years, I've waited for this moment, The boy you left orphaned now returns the favor, to avenge all you've ruined! This is for the souls you've corrupted and lives you've destroyed. For my parents! And for all your victims throughout history! This is evil's end!

With a primal roar, Karuro unleashed his ultimate attack, Soken used Astral projection to leave his body before it made contact with Barakmaa. The ball of sacred energy enveloped the screeching Devil Lord, atomizing his twisted form until only scattered ashes remained.

Soken and Karuro stood together at the precipice between realms, both bloodied and exhausted but very much alive. Behind them swirled the portal leading back to the mortal world. With Barakmaa defeated, it was time for them to go their separate ways once more.

Soken: We did it... I... I can't thank you enough for allowing me to find redemption.

Karuro: I should be thanking you too, you're the reason we were able to get here in the first place.

Soken glanced thoughtfully at the shimmering portal.

Soken: My long war against evil has ended. Now, I feel drawn to discover who I am without that conflict defining me. Our paths will cross again, I'll make sure of it.

Karuro pulled Soken into a tight embrace.

Karuro: No matter where your journey takes you, know that you'll always have a home with me and my family.

With a last look of heartfelt camaraderie, Soken stepped through the portal, ready to begin his new adventure. Karuro watched his friend disappear into the light before turning towards home. Taking a deep breath, Karuro stepped into the portal. Dazzling rays engulfed him, and when they diminished he found himself back in the grand hall of the Spirit Palace.

Before Karuro could even get his bearings, he was nearly bowled over as Kaya crashed into him.

Kaya: You're alive! Thank god you're alive!!

Karuro: I'm sorry for worrying you, but it's finally over...

The rest of his friends and family surrounded him, shock and joy on their faces. Karuro was a battered mess, his clothes singed and torn, fresh wounds still bleeding. But he had returned to them victorious against all odds.

Lillian threw her arms around him and kissed him, not caring that he was covered in grime and gore.

Lillian: I've never been so happy and terrified to see someone in my entire life.

Nozz tried to play it cool, but his voice cracked with emotion.

Nozz: You crazy bastard, I can't believe you actually did it!

Daigo's mouth was left wide open, seeing Karuro return

Daigo: You really are something else Ashren...

Talia just shook her head in awe, at a loss for words. Yukahn and Kotashi stepped forward, bowing deeply before placing their hands on Karuro's shoulders.

Yukahn: You've truly exceeded my highest expectations, The realms will sing of your triumph for years to come.

As the day's events caught up with him, Karuro sagged with exhaustion. But Lillian and Kaya supported him, keeping him on his feet.

Kaya: Come on, let's get you cleaned up and rested.

Karuro didn't resist as they helped him out of the hall towards his chambers.

Despite his battered body and overwhelmed mind, Karuro had never felt such peace and contentment. The long shadow of Barakmaa had finally been lifted, and he was home among those he loved most.

After healing his wounds and settling his weary soul, there would be much work ahead - rebuilding, guiding, and shaping a brighter future. But for now, Karuro simply allowed himself to be grateful that his long journey was complete. The realms were forever changed, and so was he. 

Arc - 6 Judment Day 

Valkaking, Zeusko's loyal second-in-command, gazed down upon Earth from the Heavens. Since the Spirit King Karuro's victory over Barakmaa, a feeling of imbalance plagued the cosmos itself.

Valkaking: My lord, Too long have we allowed the human stain to spread. Their time must end for cosmic balance to be restored.

Zeusko appeared behind him, wise eyes heavy with sadness.

Zeusko: Mankind is deeply flawed, but still deserving of compassion, my friend.

Valkaking: How can you defend them after the atrocities they committed? They should've never existed in the first place!

Zeusko: All share responsibility for such darkness, ourselves included for not intervening sooner. But there is still hope.

Valkaking turned on Zeusko, eyes blazing.

Valkaking: Your patience with these vermin is naive! We must reforge this chaotic universe in our image!

With that, Valkaking put his hand through Zeusko's chest and blasted holy fire through it before Zeusko could react.

Valkaking: Forgive me, old friend, But your time and the humans have passed...

He merged himself with Zeusko's corpse for power and began marshaling Heaven's angelic legions for a crusade to scour Earth clean of all humans

Back on earth Bells tolled and birds sang as the world rejoiced. For today, Karuro and Lillian would finally be wed. Karuro stood tall in the palace courtyard, surrounded by friends and allies. His sister Kaya adjusted his collar, joyful tears in her eyes.

Kaya: Mom and Dad would be so proud, I know I am.

Nozz elbowed Karuro playfully.

Nozz: Who knew Mr. Lone Wolf would be the first of us hitched? Hope you're ready for the ball and chain life!

Karuro: I've never been more ready for anything.

Daigo walked up behind Karuro and slapped him on the back

Karuro: Owe! What the hell was that for?!

Daigo: For good luck, Ashren.

Karuro: I'll kick your ass for good luck after this wedding.

Daigo: Yeah, Yeah.

Karuro waved as Talia and Kotashi took their seats. His mentor Suno Kidd meditated peacefully under a willow tree nearby. Even Onin Bloodjin stood off to the side, offering an approving nod. The crowd gasped as Lillian entered, resplendent in embroidered finery. Karuro's breath caught at her radiant smile as they began to say their vows. The vows passed in a blissful blur. With a passionate kiss, their union was sealed. Karuro had never felt such joy.

As they walked hand-in-hand through drifting petals, raucous cheers erupted. Nozz and Talia engulfed them in ecstatic hugs.

Kaya: Welcome to the family, Sis!

At the reception, they dined on sumptuous fare from all corners of the realms. Laughter abounded as all worries faded for one perfect day. Night fell upon the celebration, and most guests had drifted home after the long revels. Karuro and Lillian admired the stars from a balcony, excited to begin their new life together.

Suddenly, thunder shook the very heavens. Ominous clouds extinguished the stars and moons. From the boiling darkness descended a platinum-winged figure in gold armor wreathed in divine fire. He raised two golden swords with engraved writing, one said Mother Azrael and the other said Father Death. He stood above the earth and bellowed with righteous fury.

Valkaking: People of Earth, hear me! I am Valkaking, the righteous judgment you have brought upon yourselves through the eons of sin. By slaying Barakmaa, your oh-so-great king, Karuro has undone the sacred balance between good and evil. Without that balance, all of reality shall spiral into chaos. We heavenly beings created you and gave you paradise to flourish. Yet time and again humanity has proven itself unworthy of this gift through cruelty, greed, and hatred. Humanity must be extinguished to restore cosmic order! By sacred divine mandate, I Shall be your Judge, Jury, and Executioner...

After Valkaking's Speech, angels all over Earth started to kill humans and their souls if they didn't turn into something else when they died. Guests fled in terror as angelic steel shattered the palace gates. Nozz and Talia rushed to Karuro, ready to fight beside their king. But they were dangerously outmatched by Heaven's fury.

As celestial steel rained upon the palace, Karuro knew he had to act fast. Grabbing Lillian's hand, he turned to his family and friends.

Karuro: Quickly, to the shelter beneath the throne room!

Reluctantly, they followed Karuro through hidden passages until they reached an underground safe room. Karuro began sealing the stone door behind them.

Lillian: What are we going to do?!

Karuro: I'm going back out there alone to find Soken, He might know a way to stop this.

Kaya: No, please! We can't go through that again!

Nozz punched the wall in frustration, cracking the stone.

Nozz: Damn it man, this is messed up! We should be up there with you!

Talia put a hand on Nozz's shoulder, blinking back tears.

Talia: He's right though. This is beyond even us.

Kotashi stepped forward solemnly

Kotashi: I know you've been trained well, but please do not underestimate what you are about to face.

Daigo: Yeah you survived a lot of stuff but this... I don't know...

Karuro: I know the risks, But the alternative is the end of everything.

Finally, he turned to Lillian.

Karuro: This isn't how we saw this day going...

She forced a tearful smile.

Lillian: Just promise you'll come back to me, alive...

Karuro kissed Lillian deeply, engraving the moment in his mind. Then with an anguished look, he shut the stone door as his family pleaded for him to stay. With the fate of humanity heavy upon his shoulders, Karuro grabs the soul gems, leaves to find Soken, and ascends to face the divine onslaught. All he held dear now depended on him emerging victorious against impossible odds.

After hours of desperate searching, Karuro located Soken's hidden sanctuary. Bursting through the door, he found Soken poring over ancient texts.

Karuro: Thank God I found you, im sorry we had to meet again under these circumstances.

Soken: It's quite alright, im glad you found me safely. I already know what's going on and I've done some research. We need to get the Blade of Mortality, which is located in heaven. To get to heaven we need to find a heaven portal which shouldn't be too hard to find or activate since you brought the soul gems. The only problem is that angels might be guarding the gate and once we get into heaven, we are going to have to make a B-line to the B.O.M.

Karuro: Sounds like you got a plan, Are you ready to follow through?

Soken: Of course, Let's go.

Wasting no time, Karuro and Soken raced across the ravaged land seeking a Heaven Gate. In a secluded glen, they discovered a shimmering portal flanked by two armored angels, swords drawn.

Soken: I'll distract them, you go for the gate!

Leaping forth, Soken unleashed blasts of energy to disorient the angels. They reeled from the impacts, lashing out blindly with their swords. Soken wove between the blows, preventing them from reaching Karuro. Seeing his chance, Karuro sprinted for the portal. But at the last moment, one angel spotted him and dove to block his path. Karuro twisted mid-run and launched a lightning-coated punch, knocking the angel sideways. Without stopping, he dashed into the Heaven Gate's radiance.

Karuro: Your turn, go now!

Soken abandoned his assault and slipped through the portal's light just before the angels could stop him. Their furious cries echoed behind the travelers as the gateway sealed shut.

Meanwhile, back at the hidden sanctuary beneath the palace, Lillian paced anxiously. She could still hear the muffled sounds of screams and steel rending flesh.

Lillian: I can't take this anymore! My people are dying out there while we just hide!

Kaya: I know but going outside is suicide! Karuro is gonna find a way so have faith!

Lillian: Faith isn't enough! I won't hide while others suffer.

Nozz: Don't be stupid! That angel freak will obliterate you!

Talia: Nozz is right, Let Karuro handle this.

Daigo: Yeah Lillian, there's a reason he didn't bring us.

Lillian: Kotshi, help me make them understand!

Kotashi: I can't condone what you want, but I do understand why.

Lillian: Thank you, But would all of you have me simply wait here, doing nothing? What if Karuro fails? At least I can try to save some lives before the end!

Onin: Girl, you court death with this foolishness.

Lillian met his piercing gaze unflinchingly.

Lillian: If I must die defending my people, so be it. We all have a role to play against this darkness.

Onin harrumphed but offered no further protest.

Suno: I cannot guarantee your safety, Lillian. But I know Karuro chose his life partner well. So follow your heart and I will follow you.

Lillian gave a grateful nod before continuing onward.

Yukahn: My child, I cannot stop you any more than I could stop Karuro long ago when he set out to defeat Barakmaa. Your courage does you credit. Let it light the way, even in our darkest hour.

Strengthened by Yukahn's wisdom, Lillian steeled herself and pushed open the heavy stone door. Destruction and lamentations poured in from above. Charging her aura, she ascended without hesitation to offer hope. The others exchanged solemn looks, then followed Lillian's brave example. Onin offered a rare smile of approval before bringing up the rear. Each was frightened of what lay ahead. But united by love and duty, they resolved to fight with all they had - and trust that Karuro would soon return to turn the tide against Valkaking's apocalyptic judgment.

Ascending to the ravaged surface, Lillian and the others beheld a grim sight - bodies littering the streets, buildings in ruins, winged angels mercilessly hunting any survivors. In the sky above hovered the armored figure of Valkaking, overseeing the carnage with a cold gaze.

Lillian: Valkaking! Your so-called judgment upon mankind ends here!

The angel turned, eyes flashing with annoyance at the interruption.

Valkaking: More insects come to fight futilely against their destiny? So be it.

He gestured, and a squad of angels surrounded the group, swords at the ready. Valkaking's eyes narrowed as he studied each of their determined faces.

Valkaking: Ah, the new Spirit Queen leads this hopeless crusade. And the motley band the king left behind in his cowardice.

Kaya summoned a stone saber, eyes burning with rage.

Kaya: Don't you dare mock my brother! He's more of an angel than you could ever be.

Amused, Valkaking glanced between Nozz, Daigo, and Talia.

Valkaking: The failed protectors. Take comfort that you will soon join your fallen people.

He nodded with grudging respect toward Onin, Suno Kidd, and Yukahn

Valkaking: Elder beings who should know better. Though I admit, watching you struggle so desperately is...entertaining.

Finally, his glowing gaze fixed on Kotashi

Valkaking: Ah, the teacher. Tell me, does your faith in your prized student still persist after he abandoned you all to die?

Kotashi met Valkaking's mocking stare evenly

Kotashi: My faith remains unshaken. Can you say the same of your own twisted crusade?

Valkaking's smug expression contorted in anger. With a sweep of his flaming sword, he bellowed "Obliterate them!"

The angels attacked as one. The battle raged on as Valkaking and his angelic forces continued their relentless assault. Lillian's protective dome shielded the remaining civilians, but it couldn't hold forever against such overwhelming divine power. Talia emerged from the shadows, her blades clashing against an angel's sword, barely deflecting the celestial steel. Nozz's psychic blasts sent another winged warrior hurtling away, but two more took its place. Stone golems crafted by Kaya grappled fiercely with the invading angels, but their rocky forms crumbled under the heavenly blades' onslaught. Daigo pulled rubble from a collapsed building, alternating the debris between miniature and massive sizes to bludgeon any angel who came near. As the fearsome battle unfolded around her, Lillian struggled to maintain the protective dome, sweat beading on her brow from the sheer exertion of will required. Kotashi's ice lances shot towards Valkaking, but the arrogant angel lord batted them aside effortlessly. He opened his wings and took flight, aiming his descent straight towards Lillian's faltering barrier. Suno Kidd moved with blinding speed, striking precise pressure points to disable angels with each precise strike. Nearby, Onin became a whirlwind of slashing steel, his blade a blur as he held off multiple opponents at once. Yukahn stood with eyes closed, chanting an ancient invocation. The very ground trembled and buckled, causing angels to lose their footing momentarily. But none of it seemed to faze Valkaking. The divine being simply plowed through any attacks or obstacles, his flaming swords cutting down allies left and right. Kaya cried out as one of Valkaking's wayward strikes sent her crashing backwards in a heap.

The weary defenders rallied around the injured Kaya, battered and panting hard. Still, they stood defiant before Valkaking's overwhelming might, unwilling to surrender their people to his genocidal crusade.

Valkaking hovered above them, eyes flickering with a mixture of disdain and grudging respect.

Valkaking: You fight valiantly for such insignificant insects, Now do you see the folly of challenging the heavens? Savor these final moments before oblivion.

They steeled themselves for a final stand, putting their faith in Karuro to somehow save them before Valkaking's judgment fell upon the world.

Having slipped through the Heaven Gate, Karuro and Soken found themselves walking along clouds in the serene realm of Heaven. But their intrusion swiftly drew attention.

Angel: Intruders! After them

Karuro: Oh shit, run!

Soken sprinted alongside him, a dozen winged angels in pursuit. They dashed through beautiful countryside and ornate structures, dodging celestial fire from their angry pursuers. Soken attempted to slow them with binding spells, to little effect.

Soken: We can't outrun them forever, we need to find the vault with the Blade of Mortality!

Karuro: Working on it!

At last in the distance, he spotted a gleaming tower guarded by angelic knights. Karuro poured on the speed with the angels still hot on their heels. Racing up gleaming steps, they burst into the tower's central chamber. There hovering on a pedestal was an ornate sword etched with runes - the Blade of Mortality. Karuro quickly combined the Soul Gems into the Super Soul Gem and went into his ultimate god king mode, unlocking his full potential. Gripping the relic's hilt, divine energy flowed into him, fueling his spirit. With a mighty pull, Karuro withdrew the Blade of Mortality in a flash of power. Karuro's aura flared brighter than the midday sun, the Blade of Mortality resonating in his hands. All around, angels shielded their eyes, awestruck by Karuro's ascension to godhood. Karuro turned to Soken and nodded. Together, they visualized Earth and tore open a portal back home. Stepping through, they descended from the heavens to finally end Valkaking's judgment. This time, the angels did not give pursuit, such was their reverence for the wielder of the Blade of Mortality.

As soon as they came through the portal Valkaking saw them and dove straight for Karuro, swords burning with holy fire. Karuro raised the Blade, meeting Valkaking's charge head-on. Their blades collided, sending out shockwaves that cracked the very earth beneath them. Soken shielded Karuro's loved ones as the two titans clashed again and again, oblivious to anything but their mortal duel. Karuro matched Valkaking blow for blow, the Blade of Mortality wielding incredible power. But Valkaking drew deeply from Zeusko's stolen essence, determined to purge the human stain. Their battle raged on, devastating landscapes and cities. Valkaking's righteous fury was matched only by Karuro's resolve to protect humanity. At last, their struggle ascended into space itself, each blow shattering planets and stars. The entire cosmos held its breath as Karuro and Valkaking clashed among the stars, their duel threatening to tear all creation asunder. Bellowing in rage, Valkaking combined his divine swords into one massive blade, crackling with power never meant to be wielded by any being.

Valkaking: With this strike, I shall erase existence itself! Then from the ashes, I will forge a new reality free of mankind's stench!

Karuro's blood ran cold at the thought of total oblivion. Channeling all his limitless courage, he raised the Blade of Mortality high. Grabbing energy across space and time. Infinite colors of light converged on the Blade, imbuing it with the hopes of all that ever was and will be. Valkaking sneered and swung his apocalyptic sword down with all his might. Karuro charged forward from across the universe, cradling the Blade thrumming with ancient power. Their weapons collided with a deafening crack, sending out shockwaves that threw the orbits of galaxies into chaos. Valkaking strained against the blow, but Karuro would not yield. With a primal roar, he pressed forward, inch by agonizing inch. The very fabric of existence warped and threatened to tear apart. But Karuro kept pushing, determined to protect all he held dear, no matter the odds or consequences. With a final explosive burst, Karuro shattered Valkaking's dreadful sword and pierced his armor. The Blade of Mortality unleashed its full cosmic fury, banishing Valkaking's essence past heaven, past even the farthest reaches of reality to the timeless void of Nirvana.

Karuro: So this... is Nirvana...

The two then came crashing down back to earth, the black fading away from Karuro's clothes and Valkaking's existence fading. crashing to Earth in a tremendous impact that leveled mountains. Karuro struggled to rise, drained but victorious. Nearby, Valkaking dragged himself from the massive crater, armor shattered and wings burnt. Divine ichor flowed from his wounds as he stared at Karuro with ancient eyes full of bitterness and sorrow.

Valkaking: Why...why must we angels bow to the whims of such flawed beings? Under your reign, mankind will only fall to darker impulses again.

Karuro: Humans are imperfect, but also capable of great beauty, courage, and nobility. Im proof of it.

Valkaking: Lies...empty platitudes...

Karuro: If there is any hope for mankind, it lies in compassion - something we both forgot in our blind crusades.

As Valkaking's essence began dissipating, his anger faded, leaving only profound sadness and disillusionment. With his last shreds of strength, he seized Karuro's arm.

Valkaking: Promise me...you will prove it, Prove that they are worthy...

Karuro watched the last flickers of the fallen angel's light until all that remained were scorched wings. For a long moment, Karuro simply stood in solemn silence over the battlefield where he had saved humanity from judgment, but not hatred. The true battle, he knew, was only just beginning.

5 Years Later

The sun's warm rays filtered through swaying trees as Karuro walked with his wife Lillian and their young son Karlos down a winding forest path. It had been five years since Judgment Day nearly brought humanity to extinction.

Karlos: Daddy, will you tell me the story again about how you saved the world?

little Karlos asked, his eyes bright with wonder. Karuro chuckled softly.

Karuro: Sure little man. It all happened on the day I married your mom.

He lifted Karlos onto his shoulders. As they ambled beneath the shady canopy, Karuro recounted that fateful day - how the angels descended in righteous fury, led by the fallen Valkaking. How Karuro had gone into Heaven to claim the Blade of Mortality. The ferocious cosmic duel that determined humanity's fate. Karlos listened with rapt attention, gasping excitedly at the dangerous parts. Lillian walked beside them with a nostalgic smile, interjecting details here and there.

Lillian: I was so scared for you that day, But I had faith in you nonetheless.

Karuro held her hand tenderly

Karuro: I was scared too, But I had you and my family to protect so I couldn't lose.

After finishing the tale, Karlos furrowed his little brow thoughtfully.

Karlos: Do you think Valkaking would be happy to see how nice Earth is now?

Karuro: I think it would give him hope too. That's what I fight for, to prove humanity deserves a future.

Soon they came upon a sunny meadow blanketed in wildflowers. Karlos scampered about chasing butterflies while Karuro laid out a picnic blanket. He kissed and embraced Lillian while together they watched their son play, his delighted laughter warming their hearts.

As fluffy white clouds drifted by, Karuro's thoughts turned to Valkaking's dying wish - that he prove humanity's worth. He watched Karlos gently cup a ladybug in his hands before freeing it to the wind. Compassion, empathy, sacrifice - these were the seeds of humanity's redemption. Their precious joy was the balm that soothed even heaven's fury. Wherever the path led, they would face it together - with faith, wisdom, and abiding love.