
Spiderman 3086

"Spiderman 3086" follows the extraordinary journey of Ethan Cross, a gifted young man living in the sprawling metropolis of Neo York. After the tragic loss of his scientist parents, Ethan becomes Spiderman, a vigilante known for his mastery of technology and exceptional hacking skills. Under the guidance of the enigmatic Arachne, he joins the secret society of tech-savvy heroes called the Webweavers, dedicated to combating cybercrime in a city plagued by darkness and corruption.

THEARACHNID · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Whispers of Wisdom

The city of Neo York sprawled beneath the midnight sky, its skyline a forest of twinkling lights. High above the streets, Spiderman swung with a heavy heart. His journey through darkness had reached a breaking point, and he yearned for guidance, for a glimmer of hope amid the shadows.

One night, as he perched atop a glistening skyscraper, Ethan's thoughts became a tempest. The weight of his guilt bore down upon him like an insurmountable burden. The events with Lisa and his recent aggressive actions gnawed at his conscience, threatening to consume his very identity.

"Why am I doing this? What have I become?" he whispered into the abyss, his voice trembling with self-doubt.

As if in response to his plea, a spectral figure emerged from the shadows of the rooftop, their silhouette shrouded in mystery. It was a figure, an enigmatic presence with eyes that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages.

"Sometimes, the path of a hero is as treacherous as the web we weave," the figure spoke, their voice carrying the weight of experience.

Startled but desperate for guidance, Ethan turned to face this unexpected visitor, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Who are you? What do you know about me?"

The man's gaze softened, an understanding smile playing at the corners of their lips. "I am known by many names, but you may call me Seraph. I've watched as you grapple with the darkness within and around you, Spiderman."

Ethan's curiosity was piqued, and he couldn't help but ask, "Have you faced the same darkness? Have you made mistakes you couldn't forgive?"

Seraph nodded, their eyes reflecting the weight of their own history.

"Indeed, I have. Being a hero is not a path free from missteps and regrets. It's a journey fraught with trials, where we must confront our own limitations and fallibility."

Ethan's gaze dropped to the city below, his mind awash with memories of his recent actions.

"I've hurt people, Seraph. I've lost sight of why I became Spiderman in the first place."

Seraph's words were gentle but firm.

"To be a hero is to shoulder the responsibility of power, to strive for justice, but also to recognize the sanctity of life, even the lives of those who oppose you. Every hero faces moments of darkness, but it is in those moments that we define ourselves."

"With great power, comes great responsibility". This phrase suddenly flashed in Ethan's mind.

Seraph's words resonated deep within Ethan's soul, a balm to his tortured spirit. "How do I find my way back? How do I become the hero I'm meant to be?"

Seraph extended a hand, a silent invitation for Ethan to stand beside them.

"You start by forgiving yourself, by acknowledging your mistakes and vowing to learn from them. Guilt can be a relentless foe, but it is also a reminder that you have a conscience. Use it to guide your actions."

Ethan took Seraph's hand, a sense of hope blossoming within him. The mentor's presence was a beacon in his darkest hour, a reminder that even heroes needed guidance and support.

"To be a hero is not to be infallible," Seraph continued, "but to be resolute in the pursuit of justice, to protect the innocent, and to inspire hope. You have the power to do great good, but you must also accept that you are capable of making amends."

As the night wore on, Ethan and Seraph stood on that rooftop, their conversation a lifeline in the abyss. The mentor shared their stories of struggle and redemption, offering guidance that would shape Ethan's journey back to the light.

The city of Neo York continued to pulse below, its heartbeat echoing the ebb and flow of heroes and villains. And high above, on the rooftop, a bond had formed—one that would guide Ethan back from the precipice of despair, teaching him that even in the darkest of times, the truest heroism lay in finding the strength to rise above one's flaws.


With newfound resolve, Ethan began a journey of redemption, determined to make amends for his past actions and to rekindle the true spirit of heroism that had inspired him to become Spiderman.

His first step was to visit Lisa once more at the hospital. With a heavy heart and a bouquet of flowers in hand, he entered her room. Her smile, though still tinged with pain, warmed his soul.

"Ethan," she said, her voice filled with forgiveness, "I've been thinking a lot about what happened, and I want you to know that I believe in you. You're still the hero this city needs."

Tears welled in Ethan's eyes as he apologized once more, this time with more sincerity and clarity. He vowed to be a better hero, not just for the city but for himself and Lisa. It was a turning point in their friendship, a symbol of his commitment to change.


One evening, as Ethan swung through the city, he came across a dangerous situation. A massive fire had broken out in an apartment building, and the firefighters were struggling to control the blaze. Without hesitation, he swung into action, using his web-shooters to rescue residents trapped on higher floors.

Saving lives from the inferno was a powerful reminder of his purpose as Spiderman. The grateful faces of the rescued families reaffirmed his commitment to protecting and serving his city.

As weeks turned into months, Ethan continued to seek out opportunities to make amends and inspire hope. He volunteered at community centres, mentored troubled youth, and even used his engineering skills to help improve the city's infrastructure.


In the midst of his efforts, he encountered a new villain, a tech-savvy criminal known as Byte, who was wreaking havoc with cyber-attacks and stolen data. This time, Ethan approached the confrontation with a different mindset. Instead of resorting to violence, he used his technological expertise to track down Byte and expose the criminal's activities to the authorities.

The capture of Byte served as a testament to Ethan's growth as a hero. It was a victory achieved through intelligence, compassion and a commitment to justice rather than brute force.

Word of Spiderman's transformation spread throughout Neo York. The city's residents began to see him not just as a protector, but as a symbol of redemption and positive change. Messages of support flooded social media, and graffiti art depicting Spiderman's new journey adorned the city's walls.

One night, atop a skyscraper overlooking the city, Ethan reflected on how far he had come. His journey of redemption had been filled with challenges, but it had also revealed the true essence of heroism—a dedication to making the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.

The city of Neo York, once a backdrop for his inner turmoil, had become a canvas on which he painted his commitment to positive change. As he looked out over the city's sprawling expanse, he knew that his redemption was an ongoing process, one that required vigilance, self-reflection, and an unwavering belief in the power of transformation.

With each swing through the city, Spiderman's web was no longer just a means of transportation; it had become a symbol of hope, connecting him to the people he had sworn to protect. As he soared through the night, he carried with him the lessons of his past and the promise of a brighter future, a hero forever dedicated to serving his beloved Neo York.