
Spiderman 3086

"Spiderman 3086" follows the extraordinary journey of Ethan Cross, a gifted young man living in the sprawling metropolis of Neo York. After the tragic loss of his scientist parents, Ethan becomes Spiderman, a vigilante known for his mastery of technology and exceptional hacking skills. Under the guidance of the enigmatic Arachne, he joins the secret society of tech-savvy heroes called the Webweavers, dedicated to combating cybercrime in a city plagued by darkness and corruption.

THEARACHNID · Anime et bandes dessinées
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21 Chs

Threads of Resolve

Within the hallowed halls of the Neo York Institute of Technology, anticipation hung in the air as renowned scientist Dr. Natalie Reyes took the stage. Ethan, among the eager attendees, watched with rapt attention as she began her lecture on the enigmatic world of quantum computing.

The auditorium was filled with the hum of ideas and aspirations, each attendee a thread in the tapestry of knowledge that was being woven. Dr. Reyes' words resonated, reminding Ethan of the profound impact that science and innovation could have on the world.

In the midst of this intellectual journey, an urgent message buzzed in Ethan's earpiece, like an unexpected tear in the fabric of his world.

"Bank robbery in progress.

Hostages taken.

Location: Eastside Financial District," the voice on the other end informed him.

Ethan's heartbeat quickened, and he discreetly left the auditorium, the eyes of his fellow scholars oblivious to his departure.

In one of the hidden alleyways, he swiftly donned his white and black nano suit, ready to respond to the city's cry for help.


Arriving at the scene, he beheld a chaotic tableau. Masked criminals brandishing weapons had seized control of the bank, terrorizing its patrons who pressed against the windows, their faces etched with fear and desperation.

Ethan's senses sharpened as he observed the situation, every fiber of his being focused on the task at hand. Silently, he positioned himself on a nearby rooftop, his AI's senses dissecting the movements and motivations of the criminals below. The lives of the hostages hung by the slenderest of threads, each heartbeat echoing their vulnerability.

He waited for the precise moment, his nanotech-infused suit responsive to the tension in the air. Swift as a shadow, he descended upon the bank's entrance, disarming the criminals before they could even react. His movements were fluid, an intricate dance of precision, ensuring the safety of the innocent.

But Spiderman wasn't able to stay hidden for long. One of the robbers spotted him and opened fire, causing a chain of bullets to fly toward Ethan's direction.

In the midst of the chaos, a small pain lanced through his shoulder as a bullet grazed the suit. The suit rebuilt itself, ensuring the safety of Spiderman. He winced but pushed through, his unwavering focus on the hostages' well-being.

As the rescue operation was unfolding, one heart-wrenching discovery shattered his composure—his friend Lisa lay injured, blood trickling from her leg, her face contorted in pain. Every fiber of Ethan's being screamed in anger and helplessness.

With grit and determination, Ethan ensured the safety of the remaining hostages, his resolve unshaken despite the personal toll it had taken. The criminals were apprehended, and justice served, but the emotional scars would linger.He wasn't able to protect everyone, he was not able to protect his friend. How is he going to be a hero if he can't save everybody? Ethan went on a rampage, hitting one of the robbers so strongly, he broke 4 of his ribs. He hit another robber and dislocated his jaw. A sudden scream pierced his ears as Lisa screamed:

"Ethan, this isn't who you are. You're better than this."

Her words cut through the haze of anger that had threatened to consume him. He halted, the tremors in his fists subsiding, his eyes filled with conflict and raw emotion. It was Lisa's trust and her reminder of his true self that anchored him in that moment.

The scene around him faded, leaving a profound stillness. The criminals were apprehended, and the hostages safe, but Ethan's inner turmoil was far from resolved.

Spiderman left the scene and swung towards the tallest tower in the distance. The city below was a mosaic of lights and lives, and he wondered if he could truly be a hero—a protector and a symbol of hope in the face of adversity.


On a rooftop high above the city, he stood, the weight of responsibility and uncertainty pressing upon him. The neon lights of Neo York shimmered in the distance, a reminder that his journey was far from over. The threads of his existence, a complex tapestry of identities, aspirations, and emotions, converged in a web of introspection, leaving him to ponder the path he had chosen and the hero he aspired to become.