
Spider-Verse: The Devouring Spider

Waking up in someone's body is one thing but finding yourself thrusted in a world full of dangerous things is another. This is a story of a young man who got transmigrated into a chaotic world with superheroes and supernaturals. Ps- The universe/world the mc is a combinations of cartoon movies like Incredibles, Megamind and many more, I have also changed the timelines, places, and names in the story. =This is a new writers work so don't expect much, I only started writing a month ago and English is not even my second language so there will be grammar errors, flaws, and plot holes in the story. This will also be kinda slow phase=

PHONEIX_PRIMA · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Ability Testing 1

Ace looked at his father with a newfound appreciation, the realization sinking in that his family had a history of extraordinary abilities. "I didn't know... I mean, you were..."

"A hero? Yeah, I used to be," Derick said with a nod. "But now it's your turn. I'm here to help you understand and control these powers. We'll figure it out together."

Derick sat beside Ace on the hospital bed, a thoughtful expression on his face. "You know, I wasn't expecting this to happen. Most supers awaken their powers when they're around 7 to 10 years old. It's unusual for it to manifest later."

Ace looked at his father, a mix of curiosity and confusion in his eyes. "Why do you think it happened now?"

Derick sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's hard to say. Sometimes these things are unpredictable. Your mother and I totally thought it might have skipped you. That's why we didn't tell you about my past as a superhero."

"I see"

Ace looked at his father a question forming on his lips. "Dad, does Mom know about... well, you know, my condition?"

Derick met his son's gaze with a thoughtful expression. "Not yet. We thought it best to make sure you were alright first. But she'll find out soon. Your mother is a former NSA agent, just like your Uncle Rick. She has a way of uncovering things."

Ace's eyes widened in surprise. "Mom was an NSA agent? I had no idea."

Derick nodded, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, she was. And she's exceptionally good at what she does. When the time is right, we'll talk to her about it."

The revelation about his mother's past left Ace in awe, realizing that his family's history was even more intricate than he had imagined.

'My family is totally not on the normal side aren't they' Ace thought.

"In the meantime," Derick continued, "you should rest. The doctors say you'll be discharged after a day of rest. We'll head somewhere safe where you can start training and understanding these abilities of yours."

Ace's eyes brightened at the news, grateful for the support and understanding he was receiving. "I understand."

A sense of relief washed over Ace as he realized that, despite the challenges, he had the support of both his parents. As they discussed the plan for his recovery and training, he knew that this unexpected journey was just beginning, and with his family by his side, he felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.


Next day

With the hospital behind them, Ace, having been discharged, walked alongside his father, Derick, towards the parking space. The air outside felt refreshing, and the sunlight hinted at the beginning of a new chapter.

They reached the sleek, inconspicuous car that belonged to his father. As they got in, Ace couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and uncertainty about what lay ahead.

"So, where are we going?" he asked, looking at his father.

Derick started the car and smiled reassuringly. "We're heading to a place where you can train and better understand your abilities. It's time to unlock the full potential of those powers of yours."

As the car pulled away from the hospital, Ace gazed out of the car window, lost in contemplation. The passing scenery blurred as thoughts of the possible future unfolded in his mind.

The prospect of training and having powers to became a superhero, stirred a mix of excitement and uncertainty. The world beyond the car window seemed to hold endless possibilities, and the weight of his newfound abilities added a layer of complexity to his thoughts.

As the car rolled on, Ace wondered about the challenges that awaited him.

As his father drove, the sleek car glided smoothly towards a dome-like building that held an air of secrecy. Ace, seated beside his father, couldn't help but feel a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.

Pulling up to the entrance, Derick parked the car and turned to his son. "Welcome to the former base of the Beta Force. Now, it serves a different purpose. This is where new awaken supers come to learn how to control their abilities, to blend in, and avoid causing trouble in the public eye."

Ace gazed at the imposing structure, absorbing the significance of the place. "So, this is where I'll be training?"

Derick nodded. "Exactly. You'll meet others like you, and under the guidance of experienced supers, you'll learn how to navigate this new world of ours. It's a place of support and understanding."

They stepped out of the car, and as they entered the building, Ace couldn't help but feel a sense of belonging, knowing that this former base held the key to unlocking his potential while providing a sanctuary for those like him – individuals with extraordinary abilities trying to find their place in the world.

As they entered the dome-like building, Ace's eyes widened at the bustling activity within. Agents, scientists, and superheroes in various costumes moved purposefully, creating an atmosphere of organized chaos.

Derick led his son through the facility until they reached a middle-aged scientist who seemed to be coordinating various activities. "Dr. Reynolds," Derick greeted.

"Derick," Dr. Reynolds replied with a nod. "What brings you here?"

Derick motioned to his son. "This is my son. He recently awakened his abilities. We need to test and understand the extent of what he can do."

Dr. Reynolds examined the young man with a thoughtful gaze. "Of course. Follow me."

They were led into a large white room with advanced monitoring equipment. Dr. Reynolds explained, "We'll be conducting some tests to assess your abilities. It's standard procedure for new awaken supers."

Ace nodded in understanding. In the controlled environment of the room, he was asked to demonstrate his abilities.

Scientists and researchers observed with a mix of anticipation and curiosity to what is the power of the former hero son.

"Alright, Ace, let's see what you can do," one of the scientists encouraged.

"Alright let's do this." Taking a deep breath, Ace focused on his wrists, attempting to summon the organic web-shooters that now resided within him. After a moment of concentration, thin strands of webbing shot out, but not without a degree of clumsiness. Ace winced, still adjusting to the newfound abilities.

'Fuck!!, This is awkward!' Ace thought uncomfortably.

'Focus Ace, Focus!'

Ace shake his head as he approached a vertical surface, attempting to crawl. However, the process was far from smooth. Ace stuck to the wall, but his movements were awkward and uncertain. The scientists observed, some exchanging glances as they witnessed the young man's early attempts at wall crawling.

'Its fucking hard to unstuck!!'

As the demonstration continued, Ace showcased the organic web and wall crawling, even with the occasional stumble. The scientists took note, understanding that mastery over these abilities would come with time and practice for the newly awaked super..

As the demonstration continued, Ace extended his talons and displayed his fangs, showcasing the adaptations that made him more spider like. Finally, he unfurled the four spider legs concealed behind his back. The metallic like appendages gleamed, highlighting his genetically altered physiology.

The room buzzed with conversation and analysis as Ace concluded the demonstration.

As Ace showcased his powers in the testing facility, the scientist Dr. Reynolds observed with keen interest. After the demonstration, the Dr. Reynolds approached him.

"You have some impressive abilities," Dr. Reynolds commented.

Ace, still adjusting to his newfound powers, looked earnestly at the scientist. "Thanks, but I'm still figuring things out. I mean, I can do this..." He gestured towards the showcased powers. "But there are other abilities, like these spider legs," he continued, indicating the metallic like appendages on his back. "I have no idea how to use them."

'And I don't even know how to use that -Atomic Density Manipulation- thing.' Ace thought.

Dr. Reynolds nodded understandingly. "It's a learning process. We'll work on understanding and harnessing each aspect of your abilities. With time and guidance, you'll become more adept at using all your powers."


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