

In the bustling city of New York, Peter Parker, a brilliant but struggling student, grapples with the challenges of balancing his dual life as the friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man and a dedicated student. He strives to maintain normalcy as new threats emerge from the shadows, threatening to plunge the city into chaos. Will he also stand tall with Earth's greatest heroes the Avengers, as his planet continues to become under threat to alien invasions and villains planning to rule the world? Can Peter protect his loved ones? Can he maintain his relationships with friends, family and maintain a love life? Can he beat the villains that threaten him and the city? Or will he crumble and die trying? *Hello everyone the Author here. This is my first attempt at writing a novel so if its a bit stinky please understand and type your critiques in the comments so I can improve. There will probably be some breaks every now and then due to exams and planning out the future story/chapters. If I plan on stopping this series I will announce it, so unless I do that it just means something is currently going on. Thank you for listening to my rambling, I'll try my best to write a story you all enjoy and I wish you all an amazing day. Peace!*

MassiveSimp · Anime et bandes dessinées
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76 Chs

68) Vulcan (1)

"I have bad news, sir," said the old voice. 

"What is it?" asked Vulcan, peaking at 3D-Man helping Tigra recover from her injuries. 

"Everyone has been taken out, only you and..." the man started to speak.

"I already know who it is; there is no need to tell me; he was never meant to see a battlefield," replied Vulcan. 

"What should we do?" asked the man.

"I'll just have to finish it myself!" Vulcan said, turning around and facing 3D-Man. "So, what will be 3D-Man? Will you join me and face the cause of so much pain, or will you stand by the very people who tortured you so they can simply get data? I believe I gave you enough time to think it over," asked Vulcan, holding out a hand, hopeful for his response.

3D-Man faced Vulcan and started to get up, being stopped by Tigra, who grabbed his arm. "You can't!" she pleaded.

"It's all going to be fine," replied 3D-Man, taking her off and standing, confronting Vulcan. "I'm afraid I can't join your cause; I made a promise to save, not kill. I recognise your pain and intentions, but the way you went through with it, I simply can't agree with it," replied 3D-Man to Vulcan.

"I see," said Vulcan, disappointed and regretful. 

3D-Man stared him down before glancing towards what appeared to be someone swinging towards him before smiling. "About goddam time!" he muttered. 

Vulcan looked behind him to see Spider-Man landing in front of him, facing him. "Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm just your friendly neighbourhood Spider-Man!" Peter responded, standing straight and strong.

"What took you so long?" asked 3D-Man. 

"I may have gotten sidetracked with someone else," replied Peter. 

"Sidetracked in what sense?" asked 3D-Man.

"I just fought a human flashlight right after beating a big bulky guy with claws; what else could I have been talking about?" replied Peter, confused. 

"Nevermind," giggled 3D-Man.

"You two seem confident you can win, I assume, since you can crack jokes," said Vulcan.

"Want to get some Chinese after we finish this Spider-Man?" asked 3D-Man with a smile.

"Sure, but only if you're paying!" responded Peter, also smiling under his mask.

Vulcan smiled. "Let's see if you keep this attitude much longer," he said. 

3D-Man and Peter ran towards Vulcan, who stood his ground. As Peter was about to punch, he quickly ducked as Vulcan's fist flew over him, Peter feeling a small gust of wind on his face. 3D-Man hooked Vulcan's waist before being knocked back by his elbow, his nose already bleeding.

Peter leapt with an uppercut to Vulcan's chin, who acted like nothing had happened at all before hooking Peter's waist, who held his shoulder and arm in a blocking stance. Peter got pushed a few feet with his arm and felt like he was hit by a speeding car after blocking Vulcan's punch.

3D-Man punched Vulcan in the back of the head as he used his other hand to swing backwards, hitting only smoke. Through the smoke, Vulcan could see 3D-Man spread paper thin like he was reading a comic before disappearing from sight.

3D-Man threw a series of jabs towards Vulcan, and all of them landed as Vulcan didn't even bother to block. Vulcan went to hook 3D Man, his punch being stopped by Peter's webs from his side. 

Peter struggled to keep Vulcan at bay before being flung through the opposing building's wall, groaning and coughing. Peter coughed quickly, getting back up and running back to the fight. 

Another jab landed directly on Vulcan's face, who punched 3D-Man's waist with a hook, lifting him slightly in the air and forcing him to exhale and cough from a cloud of smoke.

Like a sticker, 3D-Man peeled off a metal bat from his back and swung towards Vulcan after it puffed from into reality, making Vulcan flinch after the strike.

Flying from the other side, Peter falls towards Vulcan, punching in the face before rolling across the ground. Vulcan took a step back before being hit with 3D-Man's bat once more. 

Vulcan tried to hit 3D-Man back before being interrupted by another punch from Peter as 3D-Man hit his leg, making it shake. Peter kicked Vulcan's other leg, causing him to fall on his knees. 3D-Man struck at his face while moving to his side as Peter jumped off of Vulcan's back, webbing his face. As soon as Peter landed, he threw his hand downwards, causing Vulcan's face to slam into the concrete.

Vulcan quickly got back on his knees, grabbing Peter's web and lifting himself up while swinging Peter towards the ground. Peter released himself midway before webbing the road on both sides of Vulcan. He pulled himself with full force, ground pounding Vulcan back to the concrete before leaping off.

As Vulcan started to get back up 3D-Man swung his bat across his face, still getting up like nothing happened. 3D-Man went to swing again, his bat getting caught by Vulcan, who easily pulled it out of his hands and punched him in the chest. 

As 3D-Man fell to his knees in pain, Vulcan threw the bat towards Peter, who was swinging towards him. Peter let go of his web and pulled his knees close to his chest, letting the bat go under him. Peter looked behind him and caught the bat with his web, swinging it around in a circle, and hitting Vulcan across the face.

Peter landed at his feet and manoeuvred out of the way of a flurry of punches thrown by Vulcan. Peter's back was now against a wall and Vulcan threw one last punch that went through the wall as Peter jumped up and hung onto the side of the wall.

"I've had enough!" yelled Vulcan, his eyes glowing orange. Peter's senses warned him immensely as he started to sling himself to the other side. A pair of orange beams blasted through the walls of the building, vaporising it as it could be seen going up into the sky, barely missing Peter.

"HOLY SHIT!" screamed Peter, making sure he didn't get touched at all. 

"Oh fuck," said 3D-Man, only a few feet away.

"You should have joined me, 3D-Man," said Vulcan, lifting his hand towards him as his palm started to glow orange.