
Spider-Man WEB OF Multivesal Heroes:Persona Nexus

In a universe teeming with heroes, villains, and unimaginable threats, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, faces his darkest hour. Betrayed by his friends, family, and allies when he needed them the most, Peter is left broken and beaten by his enemies. As he lies on the brink of death, a mysterious system known as the Persona Nexus activates within him, unleashing a torrent of powerful new identities that transform him into an anti-heroic force to be reckoned with. The Persona Nexus grants Peter access to the abilities and personalities of several formidable beings from different universe. *Notice: I don't own spider man,or any other marvel characters it's owned Marvel Studios and Comics similarly other characters that comes from other universes belong to thier respective production I only own OC character that appears through the fanfic Thank You.

DragonChaos_2000 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Chapter 15:The Effects of Peter's Absence part2

In an apartment in New York,

Mary Jane Watson's pov.

I think about past how I used to treat Peter and realize how often I cheat on him with his best friend and still he always stay loyal. And she left him to be a model in drama. It's always saddened me. My drama company shut down when the owner of our drama company was murdered by some criminal.


I'm preparing for my upcoming role when I heard my phone was ringing. It's a call from my drama company.

Me: Hello, I'm almost ready for my role when we gonna start filming.

Manager: I don't think we gonna filming anymore.

Me (shocked): WHY?

Manager: The Owner of our company was murdered yesterday night by someone. So this company is being shut down.

Me: what!!

Manager: We are also unemployed now. And I suggested you that just stay at home for time being cause the crime rate increased very high after Spiderman has gone missing.

Me: Ok, I'll stay at home.

Me (Thinking): Tiger, where are you?

Flashback ends

When I heard he's been injured critically and I

didn't even bother to check on him. What kind of friend I'm. I thought I'll talk to him when college starts. But on his vacation trip, his plane got crashed. Heroes still can't manage to find his body so there might be a chance that he is still alive. Hope he Comes back so I can apologize to him. So we can get back together again.

May Parker's pov.

I disown Peter cause he was always so irresponsible I loved him dearly maybe too much but he was good child I just didn't understand his behaviour at certain times nor di he clarified it there was another reason I saw and loved him as man my own nephew who I as raised as my own child I loved him as man. But he Never took responsibility for anything this irresponsiblity led me to take a harsh decision.My employer and friend J.J. Jameson Spiderman's former biggest opposer. It's the only thing that we disagree on. Cause I always find Spiderman helping someone or saving a life. No matter what type of crime is he is always there to stop it. But the poor guy always becomes a topic of criticism because of her Boss. Now he's gone missing. My Friend Finally understand his importance so he apologizes to him on live TV. But he still didn't come back.

After that, I heard the news my nephew got in a plane crash and now he's missing. The rescue team was not able to find his body. So safely assume he might be alive somewhere. But They have very little hope for that. When I hear this news I was heartbroken I loved him maybe I should have kept him and not disowned him do guardians not take care of child even if child turns to wrong direction maybe I thinking too much like woman and not as aunt a guardian. I became even more heartbroken finding that my nephew is Spiderman. A most responsible hero among others and I disown him for not being responsible. Now he's gone missing. Hope he came back so I can apologize to him and maybe sort out this feelings too no I have do somethings about this this feelings is what took him away from me.May Parker was now in mental trauma which she didn't realize.

Felicia Hardy Pov.

I am thinking about the time when I was with Peter. How he used to treat me.

Even though he knew I was cheating on him. When I look back I still can't find an answer to why I cheated on him. Back then I want to keep him jealous of me when I kissed his friend Matt Murdock while looking at him. Instead of seeing a jealous eye, I saw a heartbroken eye. His Eyes filled with pain and betrayal. I had never seen him that much broken before. I immediately regret doing that. I quickly got away from Matt and look at Peter to explain the situation but he was gone. I felt something come out of my eyes. It was tears. I was crying but it was too late for that. When I heard the news of his being critically injured but I still didn't go to check on him. After I heard he got caught in a plane crash. And now he's missing. It's been more than 5 months they still didn't manage to find him.

Felicia: Peter, Please come back home, I want to apologize to you. Please come back I'm sorry.

Spider team pov.

All members of Spider theme heroes except Peter and Jessica are trying to control the crime rate which is increasing very fast after Peter stop being Spiderman and went missing after a plane crash. They all regretted the dicision of miles.


Miles Morales, Cindy Moon, Gwen Stacy, Kamala, Hope, Ben Reilly, and Laura are enjoying the party at the restaurant. When they got the call from Peter. They never include him in Party before cause they never take the original Spiderman very seriously and consider him as a friend.

Peter: Hello,Guys I have got intel that sinister six is trying to rampaging the city park and are meeting some kind dealers in a warehouse. So are you guys available for that?

Everyone just stared at each other. Peter always spoils the party. But miles decided he can't let him do that anymore.

Miles: Sorry Pete. We guys trying to catch some kingpin's goons but those guys are very slippery.

Cindy Moon A.K.A. Silk: Yea, we almost caught them.

Ben Reilly A.K.A. Scarlet Spider: But your call distracted us. Now we have to catch them again.

Peter: Sorry.

Miles: It's okay we will catch them again.

Then miles cut off the phone.

Gwen A.K.A. Ghost Spider: Guys we gonna let Peter fight alone with them.

Miles: Pete always fought with them so he will be okay.

Ben: Yep. And we still have Party to finish.

Hope, Gwen, Laura (Thinking): Peter please be safe

Kamala: Let's go guys. Stop worrying about him. He will be okay.

Kamala drags them in.

Unknown to them Peter looking at them from the top of the building.

Peter thought, "Should have told them that the dealers were kingpins goon they were trying to catch and they will not catch them in restaurant,atleast they have to keep check of you surrounding stupid bastards and bitches, F**k Parker luck"

Flashback ends

Gwen: Why?

Miles: Why! What?

Gwen: Why did I listen to you guys when Peter asked for help?

Miles and others looked down in shame. Even they asked this question themselves but no answer was available.

Hope: If I Didn't listen to you guys back then Peter is still around here.

Laura: We never considered Peter as a friend.

Miles: What!! No, we considered him as a friend and we still and we will.

Hope: Then why he was never at the party we did behind his back and make excuses to him?

Miles looked down in shame.

Gwen: I just hope. He will be okay. And I decided something.

Others: What??

Gwen: When he come back. First I am gonna

apologize to him for not being there for him and Second...

Miles has a very bad feeling about what she gonna say.

After some time Gwen spoke again.

Gwen: Second I'm gonna confess my feelings for him.


Gwen: I liked you but seeing how you even betrayed the person who made you who are you today. I lost all the love I have for you.

{A/N:Yeah tell this about loyalty Sucker,Bitch}

Miles seriously looked down in shame.

Hope, Laura, and Cindy (Thinking): Not, If I confess first.


In a mansion near New York,

Peter has bought a mansion in his name, the mansion was near New York yet quite far for any kind of trouble that happens in New York occasionally for example super villian attack,terrorist bombing ,alien attacks,etc aletc if new York wasn't one of therichest cities and had Some top rank folks reciding there it would have been already consider a wasteland. Also Peter installed all types of serious machinery here that could easily take down a raging,the hulk,rhino,the thing,abomination etc this were mostly the big guys he knew. He had put triple force shield around the mansion each that easily take a nuclear explosion in case some psychos decided to do so he was planning to pu two more just in case.

"Well this looks quite, nice doesn't it"Togi said.

" Yeah quite fancy"garou replied

"Ohh, this is nothing let's go to our base of operations now"Peter said

They got inside the library in the mansion then,

Peter said." Initiate Code:Blue"

<Code:Blue intiating>

Then then whole floor started moving down and as they go down they could see another floor from each sides of walls coming together & going up.

There It could as a seen that high tech base which could easily be much vaster than the mansion but Peter also had that part of land in his name actually he owned the whole hilly region so it was not problem.

The central room has series of high tech computer,the left hand panel had storage for weaponry , vehicle garage, training room the right panel there was lab which consists of various chemical,advanced machinery,scientific devices some blueprints of various projects that Peter is working on.

In much depth there could be seen an reactor that was powering the base and even the mansion this energy reactor was based on the ark reactor and sun reactor which was designed by Octto Octavius but failed.

Well Peter wasn't Octto certainly wasn't after transforming into Upmatter a combination between grey matter and upgrade gene and

Grey right the combination between grey matter and chugrigg, to tell the truth he likes the first one better the latter just laughs maniacally like some has freed him to do what he loved and kind sick about science always shouting 'science' then laughing anyways . It was his invention to put what it could do bluntly I could provide enough electricity to New York that every day would look like there was never night.

So he was going get the toned down version by removing arc reactor factor and make two reactor's one improved version of octto's reactor and another improved version of the arc reactor rubbing salt on both of them while he keeps this one for himself.

"Well, it looks pretty good pete" Issei said

(Quite place you have put together son) ddraig.

" It certainly share similarities with the bat cave, just this is more advanced"Jason said.

" The plumber headquarters near the president mountain was also quite similar "Ben also said.

" Well thanks I guess this all there is and also nexus"Peter said.

[Yes, Peter how may I help]

Then Peter moved to the series of super computer,which showed many files and then opened a file

"'This is Cybernetic Yottabyte Processing Hyper-Intelligent Entity and

Regulator' (C.Y.P.H.E.R), I want you to connect with it.It's an Ai I developed from. This you could operate all the base if any thing happen and with your connection to me it will be much easier although your connection with me is much stronger so if any mishap happens you can quickly remove the connection. "

[Ok Peter I will take care of this ]

"Now it's time for the meeting,"Peter got inside the left panel and took out the Lamborghini Reventón. And proceeded to go and meet for the military personnel for the deal.

At the place of meeting,

Peter got to reception and asked the woman, about the the meet and showed his card to women. She asked him to wait as the military personnel would be arriving, As he was going to to the meeting location, he heard a voice,

" Hey Parker,"Peter looked back he just didn't wanted it to be any of the avengers Or other crap there was still time for his plan to be done as he turned he saw Harry Osborn and to make it worse Flash Thompson was there.

"Hey you Puny little Parker have lost you way," Flash said

" Yeah Parker this is not a place for somebody like you", Harry said while putting his hand on Peter shoulders and applying pressure.

"This little bastard", garou said.

" Oh look at this these two hatchlings trying to peck on the wrong tree, shouldn't we discipline them if mama bird can't", toji said

" Your Bullys are quite cliche I must say,"issei said.

(Show them thier place son)ddraig

"I don't know what a bully is but these bastards are annoying" Natsu said.

" Well I haven't been bullied since I was 10 this is quite something "Ben said.

" Peter hold it don't do any reckless thing no matter how punchable thier face are just not here not now", Jason advised Peter

"Peter I agree with jason, master roshi said that a 'martial artist must be like water,'calm'."Goku said.

" Finally someone with some sense", Jason said seeing goku agreeing with him

"Until and unless someone disturbs and cause ripples in it" Goku said.

"F**k you bastards, you kow what f**k this shits up so much so that even thier wouldn't recognize them", Jason was furious

" Hell yeah, now you are talking." Togi said.

But before anything could happen another voice came,

"What's going on over here", they saw a muscular in well dressed suit, Norman Osborn.

'Look who we have the Green Goblin in flesh,looking good norman perhaps too good', Peter thought

" Wait,Peter is that you what pleasant surprise how are you here,son"Norman said.

"Nothing much Mr. Osborn just was here for a for a meeting with a client."Peter said.

" Whoa, Peter even has a client who is it some bak---" Before flash could finish his sentence harry elbowed his stomach.

Flash looked at harry who was bowing his head down,then felt an intense glare he looked and seeing the menacing Norman he quiet down and also bowed his head down.

Pater was really trying to control his laugh he always liked Norman apart the fact that he was green goblin,cause Norman always put him higher than harry, heck he one time said that he wished peter was his son instead of harry that to in front of harry and his friends although peter got beat up pretty badly the smile never escaped peter's face as peter had one up on harry that too in something harry wanted the most his dad's appreciation.

Although Peter knew that Norman apart his goblin counter part wasn't really an all bright dude but it's not like every top rank doesn't have blood on his hands it's much better than being a psychopath, 'well I think I can help him,No Not only him but the others too ofcourse after my plan is completed that is you know let's add this in the last bit of plan.'

"Well what kind of meeting are you going to attend ,if I may ask"Norman said

Before Peter could think he heard,

"Mr.Parker you have been called to you meeting room"the receptionist said.

" I must go now, bye Mr Osborn"Peter said with a smile on his face.

" Bye Peter best of luck for your meeting"Norman said but before he could turn his head he saw Peter taken to his meeting room by military personnel his eyes widen.

Norman quickly asked harry, "Harry, what kind place is Peter working in right now, what is he doing??"

"I don't know, Dad"Harry replied.

" You useless boy if only you were half no quater as intelligent as Peter,I would have been so much relieved to trust Oscorp to you" Norman beerated Harry.

"Mr.Osbo--"." Quiet you idiot "before flash could say anything Norman quieted him with his rough tone.

Norman goes to receptionist and ask "If I may ask who did Mr Parker had a meeting with?? "

"Sorry sir it's Confidential"receptionist replied.

" Ohh please I insist" Norman said while passing a check of 100,000 dollars.

"Sir.. Ahem.. General.Thunderbolt Ross", receptionist replied while quietly taking the check.

At this moment Harry and flash were shocked as Norman was looking at them with smile and dangerous glint. They gulped down thier throats.