
What is this story? (Please read)

I want to make some things clear for those who are reading this story.

This is story is not a spectacle. It is not meant to show Spider-Man being Mr. Perfect or being overpowered or anything of that nature like many of the other fanfics on here. There's no harem. There's no system. No reincarnation.

This is simply a story about Peter Parker.

Spider-Man is more important to me than almost anything else in the world. He is my earliest memory, swinging across the big screen when I saw Spider-Man (2002) in theaters as a two-year-old. I was immediately entranced, immediately in love with the character.

I wanted to be him. I dressed as him for Halloween more times than I could count.

Even now, the character brings me more joy than anything else in this world does. Seeing No Way Home is, and will always be, the best day of my life. This is no exaggeration, even my own future wedding day will not surpass that feeling of seeing the man who I share my earliest memory with swing across the screen once again with the two versions of himself that came after.

The point of me saying all of this is to say that I love Spider-Man and I want to write a real Spider-Man story akin to that you would see in a comic run. For those who do not know, I am the author of Spider-Man: Absolute Godspeed. In that story, I wrote my own unique version of Spider-Man, however, he was mostly wholly original in terms of his personality and backstory (He is my own OC named Eren Parker), along with the unique superpower I gave him. He wasn't really Spider-Man, just a semi-self insert version of him that I made up.

This time, however, there are no gimmicks. This character will just be Spider-Man. Just Peter Parker.

This story has no planned end to it. Peter will go from a child to a man over the span of however many years I write this story for. You will watch him grow and change over time. You will see him love and lose. You will see him struggle and prevail.

This will be the most true-to-character incarnation of Spider-Man you will find on this app. Will it be the best story? That depends on who you ask. But I can assure you that it will be the one story that shows the most respect and care for the character out of any other fanfic out there. It pains me to see the many fanfics that disrespect the character, not even bothering to put a hyphen in his name, but it's all fanfiction so I guess it doesn't matter. Still, I want to be the one to go against the grain.

If you are the type of person who just wants to see him do cool stuff, this book is not for you. I'll be honest, this book will probably bore you. It is a character study more than anything.

If you love Spider-Man and Peter Parker, then this story is for you. If you love the essence and mythos of the character and who he is, then this story is for you.

If you too had that same awe-filled feeling of seeing Spider-Man swinging across the screen as I did in 2002 or whatever year you saw him for the first time, then this story is for you.

Please, if you're looking for the perfect chad MC or an anti-hero who goes against everything Spider-Man stands for, don't bother. I don't want to sound rude, mean, or arrogant, it's just that I can't take it anymore from those types of people. They leave such vile comments and reviews to the point where it almost ruined my drive to write anymore...

That's all. Maybe I'll update this if I have more to say.

Update 1: I forgot to mention that each volume will have Peter learning something. I want to structure each volume in a way similar to how the Raimi movies are structured. My favorite thing about those movies is how each villain is the antithesis of Peter Parker in that movie. By the end, Peter learns a valuable lesson. This is especially so for Spider-Man 2, though it hits hard in Spider-Man 1 as well.

Peter is flawed on purpose. For example, Volume 1 is about the consequences of actions. Peter is new, he literally just started. He's a child. Therefore, he is making so many mistakes as he gets the hang of being Spider-Man. I know people criticize the MCU for this but it's about him learning to be Spider-Man. However, he will not regress. He will learn to become Spider-Man one single time. After that, he will learn something else.

Volume 2 will be about balance. Learning how to balance being Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Something completely different that will build off of what he learned in volume one. Though he will still struggle with the balance between Peter and Spider-Man (One of the most important aspects of the character), this is when it will be emphasized.

Volume 3 will be something new that will build off Volumes 1 and 2. As you can see, that's the pattern. That's the structure.

If Peter Parker making mistakes as a kid bothers you, PLEASE stay away because you types really annoy me. I don't mind criticism by the way. However, there's a difference between criticism and lecturing me about how you would write my story. I find it annoying when people tell me all about how they'd do something way 'better' than me. If that's the case, go do that. Writing isn't that hard and I believe in you! You can go write your Mr. Perfect Peter Parker with a system and harem if you want. I will continue with what I like.