
Spider-Man Mayhem

Reincarnating into Peter Parker and Spider-Man isn't what it's all cracked up to be... Would the Mc have what it takes to wear the symbol and the mask. You would just have to read and find out ... My Mc is a heroic type, killing isn't going to be what goes through his mind when he's Spider-Man, sorry for those that want an edgy and dark Spider-Man but mine doesn't have that boner... This is an Algamation of different Spider-Man stories and making it into one big universe, so some dates won't match with what you know... anyways enjoy

Shadow_D_Monarch3 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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186 Chs

Chapter 109

[Third Person's PoV]

As they ate their Chinese food, Felicia looked at all of them in confusion. "Weren't the two of you supposed to go on a date today or something?"

"Oh damn, you're right, I completely forgot about it," Peter said casually.

It took him a moment before he turned towards MJ and started to immediately apologize, realizing how his comment sounded. "I'm so sorry, that wasn't what I meant... what I meant was–"

Seeing Peter trying hard to defend himself and stumbling over his words, MJ chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Don't worry about it, Tiger, it's alright. I even forgot about it myself."

Peter put a hand to his chest and let out a sigh of relief.

Felicia let out a sigh of her own, but it was one of resignation. "I still can't get over the fact you're practically going to start building your own harem. I'm surrounded by weird people, I swear."

Peter scoffed. "Whatever you say, cat-lady."

Felicia looked offended by that statement and pointed her fork at Peter. "I'll have you know I only own one cat. I'm far from being a cat lady."

"And you only need to kill one person to be labeled a murderer. Your point?" Peter scoffed.

"What kind of comparison is that?" Gwen asked, looking at Peter weirdly.

Meanwhile, MJ choked a bit on the dumpling she was eating before she proceeded to laugh at the comparison.

Felicia simply rolled her eyes and grumbled a bit. "Those two are very different things, and you know it."

Peter shrugged his shoulders. "They're both labels to me."

"Yeah, because killing someone and owning a cat are so very similar, Parker," Felicia said sarcastically.

They all kept bantering among themselves for another hour, finishing their Chinese food and just lazing around.

Then Felicia practically threw them out after they overstayed their welcome. "Alright, you've been bothering me long enough. Go home already. You guys already made sure I was alright, and you two have a date to go to." Even though she said that, they all knew she was joking and just wanted to spend time by herself.

Respecting her wishes, the others started to leave while saying their goodbyes. Felicia then looked at MJ and said, "You better call me later and tell me how the date went."

MJ smiled and nodded. As they got in the car, MJ looked towards Peter and said, "Can you drop me off at home? I'll call you when I'm ready."

Peter nodded and did as he was told. During the drive, Peter kept thinking about what to do for their date, as he hadn't really thought about it.

When they arrived at the Watson residence, an idea had already formed in his mind. He turned towards MJ and said, "Wear something comfortable."

MJ smiled and nodded before saying goodbye to Gwen. Then the two drove back to their hideout.

Gwen fell asleep on the way due to how tired she was from the previous night. Peter softly chuckled, looking at her sleep as his lips curled up slightly. He unconsciously started to drive a bit slower.

When they arrived, Peter slowly picked her up from the car and took her to their room in the hideout.

After tucking her in, Peter went back to the lab and did his own thing while waiting for MJ's call.

Peter first started checking out the weapons he had acquired during his earlier expedition. He disassembled them and began examining every part.

"These cartridges hold electricity. As it passes through the gun, it's guided to the nozzle where it compresses into laser shots... I should be able to make watch batteries that hold more electricity than this and make a tiny enough nozzle that could be hidden in the watch," Peter muttered and immediately started to get to work.

It took him a few minutes and a bit of trial and error to get everything right and ready. When he did, he grabbed the neural transmitter and got some spiderbots, which were already built, to create everything much quicker than he could have done it.

Peter made five watches in total and made sure they were accessorable and looked well-made.

Peter then put one on. "By turning the outer part of the watch, I can change how high the voltage is gathered and how strong it's going to be," he muttered as he turned it slightly before touching the screen and shooting a quick blue laser towards his own hand.


Peter closed his eyes and opened and closed his hand before shaking it. "Yeah. This should be able to knock out a person."

After he was done, he took it off and put it to the side. He then grabbed their masks, which were scattered around, and flipped them inside out.

"Aria, I thought of something earlier during our night out when we were hunting the Tinkerer. Honestly, if this works, I'm even scared of the possibility of what we could accomplish," Peter said with a hand on his chin.

A hologram of a tiny Aria appeared by his work table. She looked towards Peter, her little head tilted to the side. "What is it, Daddy?"

"Well, there are two ideas. The first one isn't as impressive as the second. When we're invisible, I find it really inconvenient to talk with Gwen. I feel like it minimizes our stealth. So, I was thinking, what if I connect our neural transmitter, but instead of sending commands to objects, we send messages to one another? We should be able to receive them in our own heads and not even need to talk out loud," Peter explained.

Aria copied Peter's posture, placing a hand under her chin, which Peter found adorable.

"It's a good idea and shouldn't be too difficult to add and fix up," Aria said. "I should be able to quickly come up with a suitable blueprint for it if you like."

Peter nodded. "Blueprints are nice. I can always see if we miss something with them."

"What's your second idea?" Aria asked curiously.

"This one is a bit difficult to put into words, but I'm thinking about a helmet based on the Neural Transmitter that would let us enter our own minds," Peter explained.

Aria's eyes widened. "You mean like those VR headsets in fiction?"

Peter nodded, his expression serious. "Imagine the possibilities. We could train our unconventional skills or develop new ones. For example, Gwen always wanted to try performing surgery. She could practice in there and develop her skills until she practically becomes a master or the best-renowned surgeon without needing to practice on real people.

"Or our own inventions. I've always wanted to try building something crazy, but I'm mostly scared of what could happen if I mess something up. I could accidentally create a black hole if I'm not careful."

Aria looked at Peter in confusion. "What idea do you have that could cause a black hole?"

Peter smiled. "An artificial sun, practically a ball of endless energy."

"I'm sorry, Daddy, but… are you crazy?" Aria practically shouted.

Peter continued to smile. "In science, to achieve greatness, we all have to be a little crazy, don't we?"

Aria let out a little giggle, covering her mouth. "Hehehe, I guess you're right."

"Want to hear the best part?" Peter teased.

"There's more?" Aria asked.

"We should be able to meet in the VR world and physically make contact with one another."

"What the fuck are we waiting for? We have things to build!" Aria said, fire igniting in her eyes.

"Aria," Peter's strict tone called out. "Language, young lady, or you and I are going to have a serious discussion."

Aria looked down in shame. "Sorry, Daddy. I was just really excited," she said sadly, as this was practically the first time she had ever been reprimanded by her father.

Peter's stern expression softened a little as he tried to rub her little cheeks. "It's alright. I understand. I'm a little excited as well, so I don't totally blame you."

Aria and Peter then got to work. The first project was finished rather easily. After a few tests here and there, Peter found that it worked just as he intended. But as he started working on the second project, his phone rang.

It was MJ, and it was time for his date…


A/N: Update: since the last chapter I made it to 318 issues… out 34,000 plus… that's right… there are fucking more than 34,000 marvel comics I have to read… *sighhhh* just kill me. BUT MAMA AIN'T RAISE NO BITCH, I WILL PERSEVERE