
The Split

The chapter is dedicated to Cameolon.

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Watson family home

Gwen sat with MJ on the bed, looking at her textbooks. The blonde didn't understand what was going on. During last night's bell ringing, the redhead had seemed cheerful and perky. And today she was too quiet.

Stacy thought that as soon as she crossed the threshold of this house, she would be swept into a hug and dragged shopping. At least Mary Jane gave the impression of a spontaneous girl who was hard to predict and adventurous.

Even with some jealousy, Gwen felt Mary was cool and had clearly called yesterday to befriend Stacey, not just to ask for help with her studies.

- MJ?

- Yes?" the redhead asked, as if waking up from a trance.

- Are you okay?

- Of course, what kind of question is that? - Mary replied a little nervously.

- You seem a little anxious. And to put it bluntly, you're like a spring, like you're going to jump up.

- It's probably because of Peter.

- Pete? - Gwen's a bit tense, is everything all right?

- Just a feeling. You like him, don't you?

The blonde girl felt like she'd been electrocuted.

- N-no, I mean, yeah. I mean, he's a friend of mine, I mean.

- It's all right, Gwendy. I'm not jealous.

- You're not? - Stacey asks incredulously.

- Maybe from my side such a statement will be very loud, we have not seen him for many years, but I feel like I know him better than I know myself. And I trust him.

- Oh, wow. This is really unexpected. Did you know when you invited me?

- Honestly, I'm just guessing now. I only called yesterday to make friends," MJ smiled, seemingly distracted from her previous thoughts.

- I guess that was a failure," the blonde said a little sadly. She was really starting to like Mary.

- Why? - The redhead wondered.

- You said it yourself. I like Peter, and it usually gets in the way of friendship. You know, when a friend admits she likes her friend's boyfriend.

- Still, I don't see the problem," the redhead shrugs lightly at the blonde's shocked look, "you're not going to seduce him, I can see that, you're not like that, Gwen.

- Yeah, I wouldn't do that...but

- No buts, Miss Stacey. You're great and I want us to be friends, and Peter.... we'll see, so what do you say? - Mary's hand out.

- 'Miss Watson, you can consider us friends,' smiles Gwen, shaking the redhead's hand.


New York sky. Peter Parker.

I know I've heard the name Lincoln Thompson somewhere. And if I get information and need to clear it up, I always go to the same place.

Landing on the roof of the Daily Bugle, I climb into the vent and head for the familiar caretaker's room.

No one's here, as usual. I check my stash - spare clothes are there. I change and open the door.

As always, the newsroom is like a beehive. But today I don't need the main one. I move through a scattering of equally staffed desks. Only the chief has his own office here.

- Hello, hard workers.

- Peter, good to see you. What brings you here? - I'm shaking hands with Ben Urich.

- I need some information.

- Then you're in the right place.

- Lincoln Thompson, you know who that is?

- Sure do. Back in the day, this guy was the top thug for big-time mobster Silvio Manfredi. And rumour has it he's the one who put the boss behind bars. To get rid of his "Tombstone" stigma. Now, in high society, he's posing as a philanthropic businessman, which is a poor cover, if you ask me. But it's enough for him, the police don't bother him.

- And his office?

- It's in the centre, you'll see, cream with reflective glass. There are six arches upstairs. What's the purpose of your enquiry?

- Just curious.

- OK, but I wouldn't advise spying alone, Pete.

- Don't worry, Ben. I'm not an idiot.

And I'm not going to go snooping.

 I'm sneaking into the den and changing.

Now you can't get away.


It's a short walk from the Bugle building to the centre. Twenty minutes later, I'm in front of Big Boss's office.

At first I planned to barge in just like I did to the Hammerhead in the past. Now I'm choked with anger, bitterness, frustration, and the desire to destroy.

But one must not give in to these emotions. It is necessary to act methodically and cold-bloodedly.

Gently I jump off the building and cling to the top arch of the roof, climbing down to the balcony from the cobwebs.

I open the door and calmly walk in.

Looking up, cameras. I look around, four on each side. I shoot each one with a spider bullet. Minus cameras.

The door swings open and two guards come running in.

So they saw me.

Aiming their weapons at me, I shoot a spider web at them and pull them to me. I kick them, and they're thrown up. I finish the job by tying them to the ceiling.

I begin to walk calmly to the table when the man who had been sitting in the chair all this time turns around.

- Just making an appointment was enough for the meeting.

Pale skin, pointed teeth, faded hair and black eyes over yellowish sclera - that was Bigman.

- So you are the Big Boss poisoning my life?

- To be fair, you were the first to disrupt Bigman's operation by screwing up business. The rest was just retaliation. It's nothing personal, hero," the thug replies in a businesslike manner.

- No, it's personal," I shoot my opponent and throw him across the room.

Suddenly, Tombstone moves in and hits me in the body. I barely have time to dodge as the enemy strikes with a left, hitting me in the cheekbone.

He's fast.

I catch the cue with my web and throw it at Thompson.

He just blocks it with his hand.

- Now stop and listen," Lincoln puts both hands in the air. - Please.

- Talk.

Let him talk while I figure out how best to deal with him.

- I take it you got all this from Reno?

I'm not talking.

- I'll take that as a yes. Even before his transformation, he was a member of Bigman's criminal gang.

- Even in your own office, you can't make any connection between your identities?

- Anyway, you've disrupted enough of this network's operations. But not enough to cut off twenty per cent of the profits going to Big Boss," Lincoln left my question unanswered, "although I must admit that the gangsters are beginning to fear you and won't risk taking on big cases. But when you fight someone like Rhino or Beetle, they realise they're not worth Spider-Man's attention.

- And as long as that works, you're gonna keep giving me trouble? - I'm crossing my arms over my chest.

- But there is a way out! - Lincoln went back to the table and started pulling something out.

I tensed up. But my gut wasn't working.

- Work for me," Tombstone pulled a suitcase from under the table and opened a briefcase full of money, sliding it toward me. - Here's four hundred thousand, compensation for all your problems that I caused, plus this month's advance. Every three months I'll give you your salary, $200,000. All you have to do is turn a blind eye to certain things when I need you to. You'll continue to help people, but now for a reason.

- Until you need a six for another crime?

- No responsibilities to me other than enforcing some boundaries.

- And acceptable losses?

- I'm sorry?

- If your men kill a guard or beat up an old man who happens to be a bystander? Are you suggesting we turn a blind eye, too?

- I'm in no way trying to insult you. The Bigman Syndicate people are clean and tidy. In these seven months, it doesn't bother you that there hasn't been a single robbery death in the southwest centre? If someone crosses the line, the Big Boss will first ask you to get rid of the unnecessary threat," Thompson turned away to the window. - 'It's not blood money, Spider. I'm a businessman, not a thug. Face it - organised crime has existed, exists and will continue to exist. You take out one leader, another will take his place. And gang warfare has never been a good thing, for civilians in particular. I'm trying to run a clean business... as clean as possible.

- Are the drugs in that warehouse part of "clean business" too?

Tombstone sighs.

- Understand Big Boss isn't the only player on this board and, sad to say, there are bigger fish to fry. We have to make concessions. Your decision?

I'm proud of the man you've become, Peter.

You can't save everyone. Spider-Man.

Take care of your aunt.

I walk over to the suitcase, under Lincoln's watchful eye, and pick up a stack of hundred-dollar notes.

What am I supposed to do, Uncle Ben?

No. Uncle Ben's not here. He asked me to take care of Aunt May.

Even if I have to make a deal with my conscience.

- I'm telling you right now, I don't work for you. One fuck-up and our deal's off. One dead, injured civilian or cop, and I'll come after you.

- That's acceptable.

- I also need information on Kingpin. I'm sure he's your main competition, and he's the one you've been supplying the coke to. I think you'd be happy to let me get to the bottom of it.

- How do we keep in touch? - Lincoln leaves my comment unanswered.

- There's a block of flats on South Force Street, away from the others. Closest to the harbour, in the shade. Easy to view and easy to track down unwanted spies from there. You can leave all your requests and stuff there. I fly past almost every night. But remember, if you try to mess with me: bugs, watchers, traps, I'll kill you," I say in a tired and deadly serious voice.

- I got it, partner.

Tombstone holds out his hand, but I grab my suitcase and step out onto the balcony.

I shoot out a web and fly away.

Lincoln, who turns away, just smiles.


I walk a few blocks before landing on the roof of the helipad, one of the tallest buildings in New York. I chose it for one thing.

Taking off my mask, I start screaming furiously and hammering the metal walls.

I can't believe I did that!

What now, Parker, you criminal bitch?!

I rip out a metal pin and hurl it at the opposite wall.

Suddenly the claws come out.

There's more!

They seem to be reacting to my attitude. I try to calm down, and the spurs retract back.

I only took the money to help May.

Not for myself.

"Don't pretend, you did it exactly for yourself. Is that how Ben raised you?"

I did what was necessary to save her. And I'm not going to feel guilty about it.

Putting on the mask.

I cling to the wall of an industrial air conditioner in the shade and place the briefcase in my lap.

My gut is silent.

I open it and start examining each stack of notes.


Twenty minutes later.

No bugs. I don't think the notes are marked.

I'll leave the case here just in case.

I shoot out the cobwebs and weave a small bag. I give the glue structure time to harden and put all the bundles in it.

I look at this bag.

I'll take care of May, no matter what the price," I think, clenching my fists.

I jump off the roof and grab onto the nearest building.

I need to fly to the hospital.

"And what am I going to tell them, took this money out of my retirement account?"

I land on the roof.

How do I explain to a seventeen year old bloke that I have this money?

All of a sudden, someone closes my eyes.

- Hello, handsome.

I bounce back

- Cat?

- Hey, spider, you look a little jumpy, is something wrong?

- You have no idea, I'm leaning on the railing.

- Are you okay?

- Not really. A friend's in trouble and I did something very bad to help him.

- You want to tell me? - the girl takes my hand.

- His aunt had an accident and he asked me to get some money. But I don't know how he's gonna explain its sudden appearance.

- Why don't you just give it to him and let him work it out?

- I don't want to set him up. And, wait, you're not even gonna ask me where I got the money?

- You're not gonna ask me how I got the earrings, are you? And we both know the answers to those questions. There's no point in rubbing it in.

- You're right.

We're standing here, not talking.

- Listen, my... friend's mum runs a charity fund, if you tell her who they should be transferred to, the funds will be transferred to the hospital on behalf of the fund," Cat suddenly starts talking.

That's right, Felicia's mum is a famous philanthropist and she's expanding her foundation to the US market.

- Are you really gonna help?

- You, not your friend, silly," the girl puts her hands on my shoulders and leans in slightly, "but I want something in return.

- What's that?

- A wish," the girl smiles, "maybe sometime in the future, I'll ask you for that favour?

- Um... okay, sure, - it doesn't matter right now.

- Great! - the cat steps back. - So the money?

- Yes, - I hand the girl the whole bag, - there's more than it's needed for the operation, but maybe the foundation will send it to charity for other victims.

- I'll handle it," the girl climbs the ledge, "name of the victim?

- May Parker, city centre hospital," I try to keep the sadness out of my voice.

- Got it. See you later, Spider, - sending me an air kiss, the girl jumped off the roof and, catching the wall with her hook, disappeared into the night.

I simply walked back to the middle of the building and lay down on the cold concrete.

I did it, the first time Spider-Man, the hero, had crossed the line. Betrayed his principles.

Sighing heavily.

I'm sick of it.

I'm getting to my feet.

The hospital will take care of Aunt May, and I need to get some rest.

Time to go home.

I shoot out a web and fly towards Queens.


Forty minutes later.

I'm mentally drained.

As the spandex-clad hero swayed on the web.

How fast and fickle life is, today everything is fine and great, and tomorrow you lose your most precious possessions.

Landing on the roof of my house.

The streetlights burned out or the central power system failed. Either way, the whole street is flooded with nothing but the light of the moon.

It's so peaceful and serene. I want to sit here a little longer, but there's no time.

I carefully crawl along the wall and open the window to my room on the first floor.

I take off my mask and fall on my bed in my costume. I need to sleep.

A couple of minutes later, the doorbell rings.

What the hell?!

I open my slightly glazed eyes. I grab my dressing gown and throw it over my suit. I take off my gloves and socks and stuff them in my pockets. The mask stays on the bed.

I descend the stairs and walk to the door, which is already starting to knock.

- I'm coming! - Who the hell cares?

I open the door and a beautiful red-haired girl I know is on the doorstep.

- MJ?

- We need to talk, Tiger.


North Central New York.

Felicia Hardy's apartment.

The black cat stepped out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around her silver hair.

A hot shower was the thing to do after an evening marathon across the rooftops, a great way to tone the muscles.

The girl collapsed on the couch and began rubbing her foot against the foot, remembering tonight.

At first it seemed to the blonde that the walk would be standard: jogging, following the next rich man, hiding dishonestly gained good in the wall safe behind the painting (how banal).

In the end it was, but near the end of the walk she saw the one who never made her evenings dull - a handsome man in a red and blue suit. Though Felicia would have given a lot to see him in black.

Although her first encounter with Spider was not the best, the fact that there was a spark between them was undeniable.

Cat's dressing gown is a little too high.

Spidey is so sexy in that costume," the girl's thoughts drifted far away, and her hands reached down....

- Miss Hardy, it's the porter, your dinner delivered to your room!

The blonde jumped up sharply from the sofa with a muffled growl.

- And why is it always such a bad time, - Felicia said quietly - I'm on my way!

Opening the door, the girl saw John in front of her, an unremarkable employee of the complex in which Hardy had a flat. Like many men, John was crazy about Felicia, and right now, Cat could literally feel the guy's lustful gaze directed at her still slightly damp, after the shower, body.

- Y-y-your order, Miss Hardy," John mumbled.

- Very nice, thank you," Hardy said with a fake smile. She knew what to expect from guys of that calibre. John was relatively harmless, though.

Insistently pushing the guy out the door, not forgetting to tip him, the blonde walked over to the table.

In addition to the lunch, there was a bag lying there, apparently a spider had woven it from its web.

Felicia pulled money out of it.

Four hundred thousand dollars, not bad. It was time to fulfil the promise.

The girl walked to the living room and picked up the phone:

- Hello?

- Hi, Mum, listen, can you give me our New York stock account numbers?

- Felicia? Sure, why would you, I thought you said you would only participate in our philanthropic endeavours if necessary?

- An unexpected sponsor has donated funds to pay for several people's surgeries.

- Really, that's great! It's great that you've started getting investors, just a smart thing to do. What's his name?

- Wants to remain anonymous. And I'm afraid it was a one-off. So, bills?

- I sent it to your computer. I've got to go, darling. I love you.

- Love you, too.

Great, I'll take care of Spider's request tomorrow morning.