
Spider-Man 0X

Alex Wilson was reborn in the Marvel world as a regular civilian, without any special power. He was living away from the bustling city where villains mostly lurked around. But his luck eventually ran out like all those humans who die all the time thanks to those supervillains and Heroes' fights. He got caught up in a fight between Hulk and Abomination, when he went to the city to buy some supplies and meet his father who was living in the city, resulting in a spinal cord injury. But thanks to the lunatic doctors who performed various tests on him, he found out he had a perfect immunity mutation. But excessive tests killed him in the end. Once again he woke up in a new body... Peter Parker's body. Now, he has a second chance and power to tilt the balance of power. Follow this journey as he goes on a revenge rampage and tries his best to make the most out of Peter's intellect and luck with girls. A selfish hero is what he plans to become who will put his own happiness before others and live his life his own way. But do things always go as planned? --- MC kills villains without any mercy. --- I don't own anything related to Marvel except for my OC --- Cover picture found on Pinterest --- Support Link:- https://www.patreon.com/XcaliburXc [Read over 20+ advance chapters] --- I am also posting this on Scribblehub, Royal Road and Fanfiction sites. Do not translate or post my work anywhere.

Xcalibur_Xc · Anime et bandes dessinées
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191 Chs


[Location: North Pole] [3rd person POV]

The frozen hell. The icy cold winds. The low temperature and the thick snow made it seem like something that was taken out of a Hollywood movie.

That was the first thing Otto felt when he tried to stand up from the hard-freezing snow. His whole body was aching, his back felt like it was bleeding, and he could barely move his body without his mechanical arms.

It didn't take long for Otto to realize he had been transported to the North Pole. All he could see around him was a vast snowfield for miles, an icy cave, and some strange rock formations nearby. He could hear the sound of cracking ice, rushing wind, and some strange low growling sounds in the distance.

"Where am I?" Otto struggled to move but decided to use what little energy he had to take off his broken metallic goggles and look around, but the thick mist didn't make things any easier. "Spiderman! Where are you?" He yelled, sensing the danger approaching. The growls were coming closer. Something was stalking him. The question was who or rather what.

But nothing replied and no sign of Spiderman was to be found, as the only sounds were that of the howling wind and snow hitting him.

Slowly, amidst the snowy mist came out a group of Arctic Wolves. Their white fur made them almost invisible in the snow, their sharp teeth and claws were gleaming as they approached slowly, growling and baring their fangs, looking at their new prey.

"Oh, no... Spiderman, please help me," He tried to crawl backward, but it was hard to do so while having a broken spine.

The wolves approached slowly and surrounded Otto. They were wary of the human before their eyes. But at the same time, he was their prey. The wolves finally found a big prey and no matter what, they weren't going to let it go.

"Please don't kill me," Otto begged the wolves, knowing full well that they wouldn't listen, but it was better than just sitting there and waiting for them to attack him. He pissed his pants and did the other thing too already, and could smell his own fear.

But the wolves weren't stupid. They knew that their prey was weak, wounded, and vulnerable. They could smell his blood. There was no way they would have let such a great opportunity go to waste. And so, one of them took the lead and slowly approached the crawling Otto.

"Please, don't. Help," Otto pleaded and closed his eyes. He knew it was over.

The alpha male wolf snarled and leaped toward Otto. It grabbed his neck and pulled out a chunk of his flesh with its sharp fangs. Blood started flowing from the wound as Otto screamed in pain.

The only thought that flashed through his mind was, 'If only I wasn't this greedy...'

Blood sprayed everywhere as the icy snow slowly turned red.

Otto felt the warm blood flow down his chest, and the cold wind blew on his face, making his skin numb and turning his expression into that of a frozen corpse.

HOWL! The alpha wolf howled and the rest followed suit.

As if on cue, more wolves came out of the mist and joined in the feast. Their fangs tore through his flesh, leaving no part of him intact. The sound of bones crunching, guts splattering, and flesh being ripped apart filled the air as Otto's body was torn to shreds.

Spiderman was standing above the location on a magic rune. His exo skeleton armor beneath his suit protected him from the severe cold as he watched the whole thing unfold before him.

"You know, Otto. I might have left you alive, but now that you know that Gwen and I had a relationship, I'm pretty sure that your genius mind could easily tell that Spiderman and Peter Parker are the same person, which is something I can't risk. Also, I don't even know which version of Otto you were, maybe good, maybe bad... But that's another risk I won't take. So, goodbye, Otto Octavius," Spiderman watched the wolves feasting upon the bloody remains of Dr. Otto Octavius and shook his head.

He waited for the wolves to leave, then flew down on the bloody spot. The wolves ate the flesh and chewed the bones, but his metal-wrapped spinal cord and the metal vest around his chest were too tough for them. So, they left after cleaning off the flesh.

"So, this is the chip," Spidey picked up a small device blinking with a red light and looked at it carefully. "Humf!" He crushed it between his fingers and then burned the remnants. The special metal melted in the scorching flames that he summoned. Then, after making sure that no blood or anything that could probably cause him problems in the near future was left behind, Spiderman left the North Pole.



[Baxter Building] [Changing POV to Peter's first person POV]

I arrived in the room where I sent Gwen earlier.

"Peter!" She came running and hugged me the second I stepped out of the portal, "God damn! You have no idea how afraid I was. You know, I actually thought I was going to die in there," I hugged her back, glad to see that she was safe and sound, while Sue was a few steps away from us with a serious expression. "I thought it was Dr. Strange's portal, but Sue told me it was you."

"Don't worry. He won't ever hurt you again. I made sure of that," I put a smile on my face.

After calming her down, we sat around the dining table. Gwen explained everything that happened in Otto's lab.

"So, Otto wanted to use you to force me to work for him and he was after my implants?! Then he planned to release my work under his name so he could take the fame and profit. That damn madman," I frowned. That bastard... I knew something was wrong with him. It's good that at least his body became food for some hungry animals in the Northern Pole.

"When he said that, do you think that he was under the AI's control?" Sue asked while lightly tapping her finger on the table.

"I don't think so. He said that he was close to losing control. But then again, there's no way of knowing what was actually going on in his head," Gwen sighed and leaned her body on mine.

"Peter, is he...?" Sue didn't say anything but kept looking at me, urging me to understand her words without actually saying them.

"Yeah. He won't be coming back. Oh, I didn't have the chance to get his broken mechanical arms. The cops arrived at the scene so, you might want to send someone to secure them. We don't know how his arms work, so there might be a possibility that the AI is still in those arms, and this could turn into a big deal really fast," I rubbed Gwen's shoulder as I replied to Sue.

Gwen wanted to say something, but refrained from saying it.

"I'll let SHIELD know. So, what's your next plan? I'm sure you know that some bad people will aim for you now that you woke up and that would also put those around you at risk," Sue's voice was very calm and serious. I can clearly tell that she understands the severity of this matter.

"Haaa... Just when I thought I'd take a long vacation, more problems popped up. Well, tell you what, I gave it a thought... I want you to officially take over the project and announce to the public that I'm suffering from ‌Post-traumatic amnesia or partial amnesia and couldn't remember much about those projects that's why I handed it over to you to continue them in my stead... I'm sure you can think of something... Just say the most convincing lines and make people understand it the way you wish, but keep the reasons as simple as possible," I explained.

"That could work to a certain degree. But you still need to be careful," Sue didn't seem fazed at all, nodding along with my idea, while Gwen remained quiet next to me.

Over the next few hours, we talked about the way we'll be proceeding with the project. As much as I would have liked to complete what I started, I can't possibly put my girls in danger like today. Instead, I'll enjoy the 70% profit share from this project and live a peaceful, comfortable life with Gwen and the others.

Next time, I'll develop something, it will be as Spiderman, not as Peter Parker. That's the only way to keep them out of harm's way.


[3rd person POV]


Emma Frost already sent her men to carry out Kingpin's order. They spread out around Peter's house, keeping an eye on his family and girls. They plan to kidnap them according to Emma's order. But they weren't allowed to cause a commotion. So, breaking in and kidnapping them was out of the question. They plan to target them one by one as they leave the house.


Support Link: www.pat reon.com/XcaliburXc

⭐Read 17 advance Chapters⭐

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Next, Ch: 126: Nasty Sue

Ch: 127: NanoWeave Suit V1

Ch: 128: Intruder

Ch: 129: Black Cat
