
Spider's Justice

Peter Parker gets bitten by a radioactive spider in Oscorp in Gotham City and as he gets his powers, he learns of responsibility. With Batman off-world with the Justice League this is Peter's test to see if he's a hero.

masterchief2285 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Season 0; Ep 9

Harry was in his office, looking over some humanitarian projects. He had a tab on his laptop which played some live news and was listening to it.

"Wait," the anchorman said, "we just got breaking news. Sightings report Otto Octavius coming from the Amusement Mile district."

Harry got up from this office and looked out of his window with a telescope and saw that it was indeed Otto who was coming towards Oscorp.

He took out his phone and called a number, "I need you two to come."

"On it," the voice of Dick Grayson was heard on the other line as he hung up.

Harry had no choice and had to do something. Under his desk, he pressed a button as a capsule shot out of the ground. He approached it and used his handprint that opened the capsule.

Soon, he decided to dress in a specialized special operations suit [A/N: He wears the Echelon suit from Splinter Cell Chaos Theory]. He had a Balaclava mask on with multi-vision goggles that he developed as well as a rifle that had an EMP barrel, it also contained an under barrel gadget launcher, and a computer assisted scope. He managed to change into his tactical suit as he looked back to see Batman and Robin in front of him.

"Thanks for coming, I need you two to hold off Octavius," Harry said, "I'll find what he's looking for."

"What are you going to do with the Tritium," Batman asked.

"Destroy it," Harry said as he ran off.

The precious Tritium that Otto was trying to gun for was down the lower levels of Oscorp and he needed to get there before Doc Ock could.

He also knew that there were guards that were not going to recognize him in his new suit so he had to stick to the shadows and just stay hidden. He looked at his left forearm which had an OPSAT (OPerational SATellite Uplink). It showed schematics of the building as he was at the bottom of the stairwell, but it was nowhere near his destination. So he looked to his right and saw an air duct.

He ran up the wall and broke it open as he crawled in and along the vents. He went down to the lower levels while using his OPSAT as a map inside the vents.

He soon saw that he arrived at the floor that contained the Tritium as he gently opened the vent grate and exited. He used his multi-vision goggles and saw there were seven heavily armed guards in position at the elevator door. Harry took them off and saw that it was mostly dark as the guards did have night vision, but no thermal which was perfect as his suit made him invisible to night vision.

His objective was to steal the last of the Tritium and destroy it before Otto gets to it. Around him were columns of cloud servers as it gave him lots of cover to stay behind and created shadows for him to stay in. Harry stayed low and sneaked past the guards by staying close to the wall and then using a setting in his goggles called Electronically Enhanced Vision to scan the security terminal as he was also using his OPSAT to hack open the vault.

"What was that?" Guard One asked.

The other guards looked to the source of the sound and saw the security terminal was open which showed the Tritium.

"Someone hacked the vault," Guard Two said, "let's spread out and find the robber."

The others nodded as they commenced the search for the robber, little did they know, Harry was on top of a server tower in a crouch position. He saw that the guards were split up as it was perfect for him to take all of them out. He knew the guards wouldn't know who he was as he was dressed in different attire and was masked.

He got down to the ground as he stayed low and knocked them out one by one. After everyone was down, he went into the vault and grabbed the Tritium.

'Got it,' Harry thought, 'now time to destroy it.'

As he was about to enter the grate, he heard massive booms as he crawled into the airduct. He didn't look back as he knew Otto was at the lower levels, trying to find the Tritium.

Harry managed to escape the lower levels and went up to the upper levels. He had no choice but to call Peter as he ran up to his main office.

"What's up Harry—" Peter was cut off.

"Peter," Harry said he assumed the worst as he was talking to Peter, "Otto is at Oscorp, he's trying to get the Tritium. Batman and Robin are down, please hur—"

He felt where he was standing shaking and had to hang up as he ran up the stairs. 'Sorry, Peter,' Harry thought as he was running up.

He soon went into his office, but saw Otto standing in front of him.

"I took out Batman and Robin," Otto said, "just give me the Tritium and I won't have to hurt you."

Harry started to run back, and dodged Otto's metal arms which were trying to grab him. He did a 360 dive as two arms were trying to grab him and he turned around to shoot an EMP charge to temporarily disable the mechanical arms, but they knocked away the rifle.

One arm grabbed Harry by the neck and he tried to struggle, but to no avail. The arm pulled Harry closer to Otto, "Where's the Tritium young man?"

Harry just gave Otto the middle finger which pissed the scientist off. He threw Harry into a wall as the Tritium fell out of Harry's pouch. Otto took it and soon saluted Harry, but not without bringing down the ceiling to crush him. He felt the pressure under him, but didn't feel any pain as he tapped a setting on his OPSAT that pulsed a frequency. All he had to do was to wait for Peter to come rescue him, Batman, and Robin.


Spider-Man and Batgirl arrived at Oscorp as it was being surrounded by paramedics and Cops. Jim Gordon looked back to see Spider-Man and Batgirl.

"Spider-Man," Gordon said in surprise. Finally seeing him after weeks of being missing.

"What's going on?" Spider-Man asked.

"Oscorp was invaded by Dr. Octavius," Jim said, "Batman and Robin are in the building, but I don't know where they are, and a new hero."

Spider-Man's lenses narrowed with confusion, "I was not made aware of a new guy." He looked at Batgirl who had her hands up as if she was saying, "Don't look at me."

"What is he dressed like?" Spider-Man asked after looking back at Gordon.

"I'm not sure," Gordon said, "he's in the building on the top floor and based on a frequency pulse he sent. My men and I are not fast enough to—"

He was cut off as he saw Spider-Man doing a super jump onto the wall and running up on it. Peter was up the wall and noticed a radio pulse through his HUD in his mask. It was coming from Harry's office which was the strongest. He ran up to the broken window that showed his office and saw a bunch of rubble and debris.

"Harry!" Spider-Man was looking around to find Harry and heard someone call out, "Peter!"

"Where are you?" Spider-Man asked.

"Over here, Peter!"

Spider-Man heard the voice on his left so he turned that way and lifted the rubble off and threw it away. He saw someone who was dressed in a special operations suit and trifocal multi-vision goggles.

"Peter," the suited man said, "help me please."

Spider-Man's lenses widened as he realized it was Harry, "Harry!" He saw the rubble and knew it was going to be hard to throw away.

"Will you be able to move!" Spider-Man asked. Harry nodded as Spider-Man went to the rubble and lifted with his strength. It was too heavy to move, but he was able to lift it high enough to have Harry crawl away. Soon after, Harry found his rifle and picked it up. He was relieved after he made a few inspections and saw it was still working.

After Peter tossed the debris away, he helped Harry up.

"Where's Octavius?"

"Let's see," Harry said. He displayed his OPSAT, "I put a tracker on the tritium before he left." The OPSAT displayed the tracer and its surroundings within a certain radius.

"It's in an abandoned Pier south of here," Harry said, "but before we go, we need to get Batman and Robin out of here."

Peter nodded as he and Harry searched the entire building for them, they saw the Dynamic Duo unconscious at the reception area which was on fire. Spider-Man ran through the fire while picking up Batman and Robin with Harry following behind him.

The two exited Oscop and saw the paramedics and fire department. Jim and Batgirl ran towards them as they saw the Caped Crusader and Boy Wonder out of commission.

"Batgirl," Spider-Man said, "take them to the Batcave."

"H-How?" Barbara asked.

"Call HIM," the webbed hero said, "HE will be able to access the Batmobile through the cave."

Batgirl knew who he was insinuating and nodded.

"We're going to take care of Octavius. He's in an abandoned pier south of the city," Peter said. Harry took out a grapple gun and launched away while Spider-Man was following behind.


At the abandoned pier, Otto was inspecting the larger amount of tritium than he had last time. He was happy as it was going to be a bigger fusion reaction. Otto was typing some code as the lasers shot the tritium, creating another fusion reaction.

Peter and Harry were hiding behind cover. The two had an electromagnetic field vision on, Harry had his goggles on as they had to identify the power source of the fusion reactor. There were a total of eight switches that powered the reactor.

"You see the eight switches?" Harry asked.

"Yep," Peter said, "I will distract Otto while you turn off the reactor."

Harry nodded as he snuck off, leaving Spider-Man to distract Otto. He stood up and walked towards Otto.

"Ehh, what's up Doc?"

Otto looked back and saw Spider-Man who was leaning against a metal pole. He sneered as he didn't expect Spider-Man to be here.

"I thought you quit," Otto said.

"Change of plans," Peter said, "sorry to shit on yours."

Otto approached Spider-Man and attacked him, but Spider-Man avoided them. He jumped towards Otto, but two metal arms grabbed Spider-Man and threw him out of the pier through the window. As Peter was flying out through the window and quickly spun a web, swinging back into the building. He soon brought his foot up and kicked Otto into the ocean.

Soon the two started to emerge and punch each other with the metal arms hitting Peter back.

Harry was avoiding Otto and Peter as he was shutting down all eight switches. So far he shut down four out of the eight and saw the fifth on a platform. He wall runned up to a ledge and climbed up to the same level to where the fifth switch was. He was away, so he shimmied to the fifth switch and now had three more to go. He leaned to a rail and looked down to see Peter getting knocked down. He wanted to help, but he would just be in the way.

Barbara was in the Batcave, Bruce and Dick were treated at the medbay. She was walking around in nervousness as Peter and Harry haven't returned back yet. She decided to no longer wait and got onto her motorcycle and drove off to the pier.

Both Peter and Harry were hanging upside down, it all happened while Peter was down and Harry was about to shut off the last switch, but Otto stopped him.

Two metal arms that didn't hold Peter and Harry each shot out a blade as Otto said, "You boys have been a thorn in my backside for too long. Now it's time to put you out of my misery."

Just as Otto was about to kill them, but he felt a concussive blast shooting him back into an electrical box. Peter was slowly getting up as he saw Otto being electrocuted. He looked to a direction and saw Batgirl with a concussive blast rifle.

"Shut it off!" She said.

Peter nodded as he jumped to the last switch and looked back, the miniature sun was big and it didn't shut off. He looked to his right and saw Harry and Batgirl approaching him.

"What," Harry said.

"The," Barbara continued.

"Hell," Peter finished.

The three saw that the magnetic field was pulling things towards them. Peter looked at Harry and Batgirl.

"You two go back to the cave and contact the league," Peter said.

"What about you?" Barbara asked.

"I'm going to try to see if we can destroy it, before they can arrive," Peter said.

The two left while Peter went to Dr. Octavius whose arms are deactivated. He approached him, "Dr. Octavius."

Otto looked at the man in confusion as Spider-Man took off his mask. Peter had a concerned look on his face as he was talking to Otto.

"We have to shut it down," Peter said, "please tell me how."

"Peter Parker," Otto said, he soon smiled at the boy, "brilliant but lazy."

"Look at what's going on," Peter said, pointing to the chaos, "we must destroy it."

Otto saw the structure of the pier being sucked into the sun and shook his head, "I can't destroy it." His arms started to work as one raised up and soon started to choke Peter.

"I won't!"

Peter chose not to struggle as he wanted to get through to Otto with his words.

"Weeks ago you told me about intelligence," Peter said with strain in his voice, "that it was meant to be used for the good of mankind."

Otto nodded remembering what Peter said, "A privilege," he said.

"These things turned you into something you're not," Peter said, "don't listen to them."

Otto looked at his arms as Peter was saying this and then back at Peter, "It was my dream."

"Sometimes," Peter started to say, "to do what's right we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most, even our dreams."

As Otto understood what Peter was telling him via Aunt May's teaching, a metal arm was shrieking telling him that Peter was wrong. Otto on the other hand had a look of realization as he nodded, "You're right."

His metal arms started to become angry as Otto said, "He's right," to them.

Otto was now trying to get them to listen to him as one of them was tightening their grip on Peter's neck.

"Listen," Otto said, "l-listen to me now."

Otto soon started to concentrate as he said, "Listen to me now!"

The metal arm that was strangling Peter let go of him as he was coughing and breathing for air. After he was able to recollect himself he looked at Otto.

"Doctor, tell me how to stop it?" Peter asked.

Otto had a look of sadness as he realized his mistake, "It can't be stopped."

"Wh-What do you mean?" Peter asked in confusion.

"It's self-sustaining now," Otto said.

"C'mon there has to be something!"

"Unless…" Otto was thinking and had an idea, "the ocean. Drown it!"

Peter was about to go, but an arm grabbed his wrist.

"I'll do it," Otto said while getting up, "you have to go."

Peter nodded as he put on his mask and swung out of the abandoned pier. Otto looked to see Peter swinging away and closed his eyes.

'Otto,' the voice of Rosie was in his head, 'it's time to go.'


Peter landed on a rooftop as he saw the abandoned pier getting sunken down into the ocean. He didn't see Otto and soon drooped his head down in sadness.

[Otto Octavius was a man whom I looked up to for so long. His work was going to save millions of lives and help change the way we live, but with his own hubris it all went down the drain. After being in the hero gig for this long I learned something really important. You can't always save everybody. And in doing so, I felt like I'm not ready to be Spider-Man, but sometimes you just need to take a leap of faith.]


A/N: Now for the first season of Young Justice which happens 6-7 months after the events of this chapter.