

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "What if he’s a daydream disguised as a nightmare?" ___ Season 1 - COMPLETED In her daydreams, her wedding day always took place on a fine sunny day. Who would’ve thought she is going to get married in the middle of the night and to a creature of the night?

KazzenlX · Fantaisie
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700 Chs

Damn it!

Once again, Gavriel lost it. Only this time, he truly and completely lost it – his mind, his rationality, his gentlemanliness. His mouth came crashing against hers as both his hands grabbed a breast each, caressing it so hungrily yet tenderly until Evie was reduced to a whimpering mess of pleasure. He broke the kiss and his mouth trailed downwards, to her jaw, her neck and then to one of her peaks.