
It's your call

"sex", until two days ago it was something he would never put in the same word as his little sister friends, would would think his fetish was loose hair, because that could be the only reason why since she opened the door with her hair down something change in the way he started to see her...

What could he say, until 2 hours ago,, " sure, it's not like you are my type", but at the moment, specially when the word "s**" came, wrong choice of word, damn, now he even has to be carefull with his own thoughts...

Suddenly he was aware of every single inch of her body and...

- Yixing- Dara started to worry something was wrong with him, she was expecting him to make a joke, even tease her, but he became silent as if he really didn't think further about what he was proposing- Mr...

- Lay, call me Lay, we're going to be married

- I didn't say- Dara sighed frustrated

- You didn't?!

- I'm pondering and to be honest the possibility of say yes is still lower than 10%

- That's cruel wifey

- Lower than 5%- she said when he called her that she wasn't really upset, TBH, she kind expected something like that to come from his mouth...

- Honey?!- he raised his brown with a boyish smile- No, we'll bargain about it later, so what can I do to increase my score?

- Assure me that I won't regret it

- And by that I have to?

- Answer what I asked

- About what

- Don't play fool with me Zhang Yixing, I know you know what I'm talking about, but I don't mind asking again, are you sure you'll be able to...

(yayo, yayo, moo-la-lah,Better have my money..), Dara ran to the phone hitting her toe on the sofa, then she hid the phone on her chest trying to muffle the sound...

Save by the bell, better say, by Riri

Lay didn't know he should laugh or cry of relieve...

Looking at her mortified face he had to make an herculean effort not to laugh, one wrong step and he coud drop the 5% barrier, and for some reason he didn't like that thought even knowing that it didn't mean anything...

sso trying to keep a straight face he raised an eyebrow questioningly

- Nya, she said red

- Not going to take it?- she looked like if her parents found her with a boy after she promised that she wouldn't let anyone in while they were gone

This time Lay couldn't help the chuckle, she gave him a deadly look turned her back on him and went to another room, that for his scanning of the house was her room...

She came back less than 2 mn later, what was the point of going there in the first place

- Something wrong?- he asked

- Nya decided to come back early afraid that I would starve if she's not here

- I see

- You see WHAT exactly- she looked at him with a fierce look, and he thought she was a scary cat, he raised his arms defeated

- You have to go, she can't find you here

- Why,it's not like we're having an affair we're going to be married soon- he coud help the tease and he was rewarded when she took a deep breath cleary holding to her last thread of patience...

" I'm gonna have fun teasing this wife of my in the future" he thought happy with the idea

- When did I say I was going to marry you

- You still didn't?

- No, and with every second I am pretty sure that I won't

- You you were going to ponder about it

- Yeah, ponder and

- For what I see, ponder, think about it is 80% of the way for a yes

- I don't

- You said you were going to meet her, were I'll take you

- When did I, were you eavesdroping

-No, your house is small,when we get married you can ask for a house that we have to use megaphone to comunicate between rooms

- Shameless

- To add to snob, childshi, my wife really knows how to

- Enough, let's go, she'll be at the supermarket we went before...

At the car

- I thought we bought everything you needed

- Yes everything I needed- enphasized the I- I'm not good when it comes to house chores

- We can have maids

- How many more times- she started but he raised his hands to sush her when his phone started to ring

Save by the bell again...

She held her seat belt exasperated and he couldn't help teasing her, he knew she found his childish side annoying so he went further

- Pretty nice umh?- She looked unimpressed

- Every car has bluetooth nowadays- he laughed out loud

- Omma- he answered

- Hi my love

- Sup

- You are a CEO now don't "sup" me or anybody as a matter of fact- Dara smirked

- Hello dearest mother what can I help you with?

This time she chuckled

- Have you decided?

- I have meetings planned for the whole month and after that I have to go to Macau and

- That was what I thought- she cut him- where are you know

- Gonna drop my wife to meet a frriend and I'll be home in less than a hour- he said casually

- I didn, YAHA Zhang Yixing, you're doing what, taking WHOOOO?

- See you at home mom, love you- he hung up without giving his mother a chance to react

Dara looked at him livid

- I told you...

- You're going to think about it- he said, this time without the playfulness- I know, no pressure,I swear, but in a way or another I have to find a wife, I'm just getting her a heads up ahead, so she won't be too suspicious, I'd rather do it with you, but it's your call after all...