
Speed Wars

Everly's family lived in Tokyo for the past 10 years now. She tries her best in school and works at her families donut shop. Although life isn't always perfect. Her family situation isn't the best so she turns to what she loves most, street racing. Christopher has lived in Tokyo his whole life. One could say he has everything and if he doesn't, he could easily buy it. He belongs to a rich family who is never home. He turned to car meets for simple fun, until he grew a passion for it. Eventually they both meet each other and a new friendship flourishes. However, one night changes everything from what they know and who they can count on. Hey guys, I've had ideas for multiple stories and decided to put it on paper. Please feel free to add some helpful criticism. Thanks and hope you enjoy the story. Disclaimer: This is all fictional and do not try to pull off any of the actions done in the story. All names, locations, and details are all for the story purpose. Any real connection is coincidence.

DriftGemini · Sports, voyage et activités
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7 Chs

Only Up

Chapter 7 ~Everly {June '19

My phone rings and I immediately decline without looking at the contact. Whoever it was can wait. I had a shitty night and did not have the energy to have a normal conversation. My phone keeps ringing and I keep declining. Next thing I know my phone is blowing up with messages. Who the fuck keeps blowing up my phone, acting like the god damn FBI.

I finally decide to check and see who I will be murdering this morning. I have 10 missed calls from Azriel and at least more than 20 text messages. It takes a moment to click. SHIT!

I jump from the bed and grab my things for a quick shower. I run to the room after and pack my backpack. I finally look at the time. 9:34. Damn it, I'm gonna be late to class. I run to the kitchen and see a plate set on the island with a note.

sorry I had to leave you early. have a good day! :)

I smile at the small text and swallow the food. I sprint to the elevator and run out the doors. It takes me a moment to remember what part of Tokyo I'm in. My school is about a 20 minute drive from Sam's condo, but Azriel's house was at least 30 minutes from the school. Except he's on the other side of the city. If I'm right, the garage should be a short walk from the condo. Time to find out.

The good news is I was right. The garage is surprisingly close to the condo. Bad news is I can't make it to Azriel's, which means I would have to go there after school. My phone rings and I take a quick lance to see Leo's name pop up. He's probably wondering why I'm not at school. I'll talk to him when I'm on campus. In the meantime I push harder on the gas pedal and pray the cops don't pull me over.

"I still can't believe you were late, I mean… it's you!" Victoria says

We had just gotten out of our class, the only one we had together, and began walking to our table.

"There's so much I have to tell you. I had a fight with my dad and was basically kicked out."

"Wait. EVE ARE YOU OKAY? OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!?" her eyes wide with shock and voice filled with concern.

"I'm fine now. I'll tell you when we meet up with everyone else. That way I only have to relive it once."

"Okay, but seriously, are you okay?"

I take a second before answering. Am I okay? No, not really, but I have so much going on I can't exactly sit and cry about it.

"Um, that's a tricky question. Physically, I'm tired and my head hurts. Emotionally, I feel betrayed and pissed. Mentally… I don't know. The conversation keeps running through my head and I still don't know how it ended so badly."

"Im sorry Eve, if you need ANYTHING just let me know. You're always welcome at my place. You know that."

"Thanks Vic, it means a lot."

She shares a soft smile and gives me a hug.

We finally reach the table where Olivia and Nathan we're already waiting.

"You okay Eve? You look like shit?" Nathan points out.

"Don't be an asshole" Olivia gives him a glare before turning to me, "But you don't look well love. Is everything okay?"

I explain the whole story to the group. From missing a shift, getting home late, and arguing with my dad. I skipped over some bad parts of the talk and skip to the part where I got kicked out. How Lola and Samuel helped with everything. To how I now basically live with my brother. It takes all of me to not cry. I haven't had the time to accept it or let alone process it.

"Shit. I'm sorry for being an asshole earlier." apologizes Nathan.

"Let me know what we can do Eve. We're all here for you." Olivia says in an assuring tone.

"Thanks guys."

There's a lingering silence before Nathan speaks.

"Do you think you'll ever be allowed back?"

"Honestly, who knows. I don't think it would be the same. I don't even think I could allow myself to live there again. I already had plans on moving out. Going back doesn't exactly appeal to me."

"I wouldn't." Victoria claims.

"Well, think of it as a sign. Maybe you just had to move out a little earlier than planned. It's not the ideal situation but it's a start right?" Olivia points out.

She's not wrong. The timing is horrible but maybe this was meant to happen.

"Do you have enough money saved up though?" Nathan asks.

"Welll. No. Not really. I also don't have a job so…"

"We'll help you find one. Five people looking for jobs is better than one anyway. Right Leo?" Victoria turns to look at him.

I turn to face Leo. Damn it! I didn't want him to know so soon. Especially with him moving and all, it's bad timing.

"Uh sure. But who are we helping exactly?"

"Eve obviously." says Victoria

"But you work at the donut shop. Are you trying to get a second job?"

Nobody says a word. Clearly they had realized that I haven't told Leo yet. Idiots I swear to g-

"She got kicked out and fired. So she's living with Samuel but needs a new job now." summarizes Nathan.

Leo doesn't move. His eyes face the ground, his expression unreadable.

"Wow, way to go asshole. You really are great. Truly, where do you get your common sense from?" Victoria and I give him a cold glare.

"He was gonna find out anyway. You can't say we all thought he knew though. If Eve told anyone first it would have been him. Kinda of shocked he-"

"Jesus Nathan shut the fuck up!" Victoria hits him in the arm.

"Nathan, that wasn't cool. You should really think before you speak next time." Olivia says in a disappointed tone.

Nathan looks down as if he's been scolded by his mom. The only one he seems to shut up for is Olivia. It couldn't be more obvious.

"Eve can we talk? Alone?" Leo finally says.

Before I could answer, the three of them get up and leave. Olivia holds onto Nathan like a little kid needing guidance. Victoria says her goodbyes and forces me to promise that I'll call her later. I agree and wave goodbye to the rest.

"Why didn't you call me?" he sits down facing me.

"I didn't want you to worry. Besides, you already have so much going on that it's not right for me to put this one you."

"I don't care if I have a lot going on. If something's bugging you or if shit goes south you need to tell me. That's why I'm here Eve. I will always be here for YOU."

"Not right now you don't. Leo, you're about to move to a whole new country. Where you don't know anyone or anything. I know it's stressful for you and if you say otherwise I call bull."

"That's not the point."

"Then what is?"

"All I'm saying is you gotta trust me once in a while. You don't have to go through this alone."

"Then why did you wait until the last minute to tell me about the move? Have you even told the rest of them?"

"Don't start with that."

I try to read his face. He hasn't raised his tone at me, so he's not mad at me, but he's also not happy either. His eyes look desperate. Like he's trying to get to me, a last resort.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore. Class starts soon. C'mon." I say softly.

He gets up and walks besides me.

"I here if you need anything. A ride, food, homework, or just to lend an ear. Okay?"

I smile at him and nod my head, "Okay."

I finish up my classes for the day and head to Azriel's house. I've avoided calling him back and haven't texted him either. I didn't feel like dealing with another asshole after Nathan's comments earlier.

I park the car and walk to his door, ringing the doorbell.

"Wow, hello there. Did you finally decide to make time for me?" he says sarcastically.

"Listen, I don't have the energy to deal with this right now. I'm sorry for not coming in this morning or replying back. I had a shitty night and a long day."

"And? What's that supposed to do with me? If I remember right you came up with this whole agreement. Not my problem if something comes up. Figure it out."

I roll my eyes and ignore him. I'm not dealing with this shit right now. I push through him to get inside.


I make my way to the cleaning products. The sooner I start the sooner I can leave this hell.

I'm halfway through the living room when a strong hand grabs me. Azriel pulls me so hard and fast I bump into him. I look up and realize there's only a couple inches between our faces.

"What the fuck are you doing! Let me go!"

"I'm not dealing with your shitty attitude. Just leave if that's how you're gonna be."

"Fuck off! I owe you nothing, remember? I'm doing this for her. Don't think you can treat me like your little maid."

"Yet that's exactly what you are right now."

Fine. He wants to go low, I can go lower.

"And what are you Azriel? If I'm right you're a lonely boy with too much time on his hands. Who races to feel some type of fulfillment. Who craves any type of attention from anyone, since mommy and daddy clearly don't give enough fucks to talk to you."

"What did you say?" he threatens, his voice filled with venom.

"I said, you're an attention whore since your parents could care less about you." I challenge.

His grip on my arm tightens. I won't be surprised if he leaves bruises. Fucking asshole.

"Azriel. Let go. You're hurting me."

I could have sworn his eyes softened but I wasn't sure. His eyes went back to a cold glare before I could confirm. He lets go and looks down at the floor composing his thoughts.

"Go." is all he says.

I don't want to go, I agreed to help until his maid came back and leaving doesn't feel right. I also don't want to continue this conversation though.

"Go." he says a little louder, letting some of his anger slip.

I walk towards the front and open the door. I don't look back as I close it behind me. I get in my car and turn the key. All I want to do is go to bed and forget the last 24 hours ever happened.

I arrived at the floor level, remembering it was the 21st. I walk towards the condo door and try pulling out keys. Wait. I'm at the door when I remember that Sam hasn't given me any keys yet. I knock on the door praying he's already home. Nothing. I let out a pathetic laugh, of course I'm locked out. Of course I'm stuck outside with no home. Away from my parents who probably hate me. Where I don't have Leo to turn to anymore. And made an enemy out of Azriel. I don't even have a job anymore. I'm so tired. I can feel my eyes getting watery. Then a tear slips out. Then another. Then I'm just crying.

"Eve?" a concerned voice says. Sam.

I don't dare look at him. I already know if I do I'll start crying even more.

"I forgot I don't have keys." I try to sound content.

I move so he can open the door. Once it opens I rush straight to my room and close the door behind me. I can't let Sam see me like this. He's done so much for me already, I refuse to break down in front of him. Surprisingly, he doesn't open or knock on my door. I whisper a small thank you to God and go to my bed. I climb under the sheets and force myself to sleep. Thankfully it didn't take long.

I wake up to drool on the side of my mouth. My eyes feel puffy and my nose stuffy. I get up and go to the bathroom. Jesus. I look at my reflection. My hair matted and tangled. My eyes are puffy and there's crust from dried up drool. I quickly wash my face and use an ice roller to reduce my puffiness. My eyes look a lot better but it's still obvious I've been crying. I leave the bathroom and go straight to the kitchen. The lights are off and I can only assume Sam is in his room. I open the microwave to heat up some leftovers I found in the fridge. Sam had left me a tupperware with my name on a sticky note. I grab a fork and start eating the warmed up food. It still tastes fresh and I realize just how hungry I was. I go to the couch and sit down. Looking out the windows it's dark and quiet. I turn to the clock on the stove. 1:45. At least I still have a couple hours to sleep.

"How you feeling?"

I turn my head fast and see Sam standing in the corner of the wall.

"I'm okay. Thank you for the food. It's delicious."

"I'm glad you like it." he smiles.

I return the smile but it doesn't meet his.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

"I don't know." I say truthfully "I might get a headache if I cry again."

"I have pills for that. Crack would help."

I can't help but let out a small laugh.

"Que paso? Digame."

I eat my last bite of food and set the tupperware down. Sam sits down on the couch, giving me space but still close enough in case I need a hug. I tell him everything. From Leo leaving. To the fight. I even tell him about Azriel and the whole deal. How school and work was overwhelming, and the fact I don't have a job bugs me. How I planned to move out but lost the money. I don't cry again, which thank God, but I also can't look at Sam. I feel guilty and foolish.

"How do you feel now?"

I still don't face him, but the skyline instead.

"Honestly, relieved. As bad as that sounds."


It takes me a couple seconds before I look at my brother. He looks just like him. Lola is the only one who looks like my mom. Small but curvy. Her short light brown hair and matching eyes to go with. Soft facial features that rest on light olive skin. My mom's twin. Me and Sam take after our dad. The dark hair and dark eyes. I'm a little taller than Lola at 5'6, but Sam soars at 6ft. But unlike my older siblings, who share my mom's olive skin I'm a light ivory; thanks to my father. Sam's face is more angular and cutting. I don't have my mom's roundness nor my dads striking face. I kinda have both.

"You're gonna be okay. Don't worry about all of it right now. Just focus on the most important things. School and Leo. He's leaving in a couple days so make sure to spend time with him, so you're not regretting it later. And for now just get back into your rhythm. Get back to studying, to being consistent, a routine. Don't worry about getting a job right now. I have that covered. Don't stress about mom or dad. When it's time, and when you're ready, y'all will have that conversation. As for Azriel, fuck that. Forget him. No point in worrying about shit that happened. It's already in the past."

"Yeah. Yeah you're right. I just need to breathe for a day."

"Exactly. Here." he hands me a key and a black card.

"What's the card for?" I turn it to find account numbers.

"Sam, no, please take it back." I have my hand out with the card.

"No. Keep it. It's an extra account I had. There should be enough money to hold you for a year. If your hungry, get some food, need some essentials, go buy them, and I know you'll need gas money." he smirks.


"What do you mean gas money? I don't have a car."

"Eve. Let's cut the bullshit. You said you raced right? I know you didn't borrow someone's car for that."

"Well, it could have been Leo's."

He laughs before asking, "What car is it?"

I debate on telling him. I don't want him to keep a lookout for my car. Yet, I did tell him everything and he didn't judge or lecture.

"An FRS, blacked out with a decal on the side." I couldn't help but smile with pride.

"That's not a bad starter. Hopefully with the new job you'll drive something more… pristine."

"I'm sorry but my car is beyond pristine. It's also fast."

"Mhm, okay. But don't spend all your money on any more parts. You have an apartment to save up for, remember?"

"Well duh, but with what job?"

"Oh right! I found you one at my company. It's nothing crazy, just some front desk stuff. You'll manage appointments, clients, meetings, schedules, all that stuff. You'll start Monday, so go buy some work clothes."

"Wait? Are you serious?! Sam are you fucking with me?!?"

"Does it look like it?" he raises an eyebrow.

I don't know what to say. I'm shocked and speechless.

"Thank you Sam!! Oh my god thank you thank you thank you!" I hug him tight and can't contain my excitement.

"Your welcome kid. I thought it's a nice start into an actual career. Meet some people. Learn the behind the scenes. Then once you've graduated you can decide what you can do. It's all yours until then. Of course, don't act up or think you can get away with shit. This isn't a donut shop and we share a name. I have a lot of high end clients. My company has a standard to hold."

"Of course. I won't fuck this up. Promise."

"Good. We'll talk more about it later. For now, get back to a routine. I said Monday, but if you need another week let me know." he gets up and makes his way back to his room.

"Thank you again Sam. You have no idea how much this means to me."

"I know." he says, sharing a soft smile, "Night Eve, see you tomorrow."


I go back to my room and immediately grab my phone. I send a text and get ready to fall back asleep. Right before I close my eyes the phone dings. I look to see the message and smile to myself. I'm going to be okay.