
Spectral Order: We Are The Law Of The Multiverse[Paused]

System user's abusing their abilities? Villain's killing millions on a simple whim? Corruption spreading through a world's government? What happens when a System like no other awaken's from its slumber. One that has one true goal and that is prepared to turn the entire Multiverse on its head. The villains shall be punished. Incompetent gods shall be stripped of their power. Those who commit acts that break the Laws created by them shall be imprisoned. They are the ones who will bring Order. They are the ones who set the rules. They are the Law of the Multiverse and their mission begins now. Author Comment: This Fan-Fic is a little different from the normal ones I have seen on this site. Do give the first two chapters a try before making a decision.

Aizen_Dleitch · Anime et bandes dessinées
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30 Chs

Break Through

[A/N: Sup...]

As a ship flew through the sky right below the clouds, Shirei spoke to both Asami and Kazuma inside. "Alright, we're finally here." Shirei tapped on the ship's console, which displayed a small holographic minimap in front of him and the others. "This is the area where the golem should roughly be. I took the time to find the best location to drop you off around here."

Pointing towards a location on the map that had a direct line of sight of the ruins, Asami paid attention and nodded. "Those areas are covered in hills, right? I should be able to find a safe spot to keep an eye on you two so you don't get killed." Shirei nodded as he leaned back in the pilot seat.

"Kazuma you'll mostly be acting as support during this. It's unlikely you'll be able to take a hit from that golem. I'll take all of its focus and the punishment it dishes out so try to create and use any opportunities." Kazuma looked at Shirei with surprised eyes. "Oh? I mean right no problem!" His voice was suddenly filled with enthusiasm, and the reason was obvious.

He thought would actually have to fight alongside Shirei against a massive golem two on one. At this point, both Shirei and Asami just shook their heads lightly. "So you really thought this out huh." Leaning on Shirei's shoulder with a smile, she prodded at him with his hand. "Well, I wouldn't have had to if you two would have listened the first three times I explained the plan."

Despite how much they get at one another's throats, both Kazuma and Asami had the same procrastination-like attitude. It really made Shirei wonder how the hell they survived this long in their individual environments. "Oh right, you two should take these. We will be arriving over the first drop soon."

Holding out his hand behind him, both Asami and Kazuma saw two small disk-shaped devices. "Eh, what are these." Picking up, Kazuma held it up and observed it. "They go in your ear, it'll let us communicate easier. And don't break them! I wasted a crap ton of power just making them." Asami shrugged as she put hers in her ear.

As soon as she did so, she heard a light beep, with Kazuma doing the same soon after. "Good you two can hear me right?" Looking over at Shirei, the two of them saw he wasn't opening his mouth or more, so he was in his robotic form, but he didn't even need to speak verbally. All of the sounds went directly into their ears with no interference.

"Nice alright I guess it's my turn first." Asami began to walk to the back of the ship as it flew closer to the point she would drop from. Near the rear of the ship were two strange bags. They were rather thin and small in size but had a metal outer casing with flexible straps attached. "Those are-" Before Shirei could say anything, he saw Asami put one of them on.

"I know you just have to jump and it'll deploy automatically right?" As Shirei pushed the button on the console to open the ship's back door, he turned to her. "So you were paying attention and you just decided not to contribute?" In response, she just smiled as she walked to the back of the ship. "What can I say I'm good at being lazy while listening."

With that, both Kazuma and Shirei saw Asami disappear off the ship without a moment's delay. "Jeez is she fearless or something? I wouldn't trust something like that with my life." Shirei changed the ship's trajectory slightly as he spoke. "You've almost died so many times I'm surprised you're even worried at this point."

Kazuma raised his head slightly as he spoke. "You know I'm from a world just like yours… I'm too young and have my entire life ahead of me. I cant become a battle-hardened maniac when I know of a better way of living." Kazuma made himself sound dramatic when the two of them suddenly heard a voice.

"Or you're just a pussy. Both are possible heh." Asami, who was in the middle of the sky falling down at maximum velocity, heard the mechanisms in the pack she was wearing activate. In a couple of seconds, a large parachute way out of proportions to the pack itself unfolded. Having slowed her descent, it took Asami a couple of minutes to hit the ground, landing in a rocky hill area.

After landing, the pack began retracting the parachute folding it back in perfectly before closing. 'Well that's just convenient as hell I should keep this for the future. Any ways I should get moving.' Having double-checked Asami had landed, the ship quickly sped up as it made its way to the second drop point. "AI lands the ship at the point I marked on the map and then locks it down."

After giving a command to the ship's AI, Shirei walked to the back exit. "Hey Shirei, why were there only two parachutes when there's three of us." Kazuma looked up at Shirei, confused when Shirei gave a lax response. "Well, apparently I underestimated how durable this body is. The AI said it's not necessary."

With that, Shirei saw they were over the point they had to jump from and proceeded to do so without hesitation, just like Asami. Staring at this, Kazuma shook his head. 'I swear these two have zero consideration of their lives! They didn't even bother double-checking anything before jumping. That's how you end up dead!'

On the other hand, Kazuma proceeded to inspect his Parachute before putting it on and jumping carefully. Falling through the air Shirei's robotic body weighed a lot more than a normal person. He was like a stone in water with barely any air resistance and fell straight to the ground. Crashing down like a missile, the entire area's ground suddenly shook.

With a large cloud of smoke appearing around the crater he created, he slowly stood up, seeing his body was still relatively fine with just a few scratches. "Asami where are you?" After checking himself, Shirei checked on Asami's position. "Setting myself up but I'm basically in position." With that, Shirei nodded and saw Kazuma land next to him not shortly after.

"Took you long enough." As the two of them stood before the large ruins, Shirei did a quick scan of the area through his HUD. "Looks like it's noticed we're here." With a violent tremor, the ground beneath their feet shook as a looming figure rose from the rubble of the ruins. Accompanied by the fact it was slowly getting late in the day, its red eyes were exceptionally noticeable.

Its entire figure was based on the concept of a robot-like mecha instead of a simple golem, but that didn't take away from its intimidation factor. It easily dwarfed both Shirei and Kazuma and size as it gazed down on them. Shirei didn't hesitate as he reached for the hilt of his plasma blade. Holding it to his size, one flip of a switch caused the blue blade of energy to appear.

'Ok, I gotta focus this time around.' Kazuma had already retreated as the giant golem began to attack. Raising its right arm into the air, it bore down onto Shirei, who was closest. Shirei immediately began to rely on his visual interface and prediction function to avoid and counter. Jumping into the air, the golem's first attack hit the ground instead of its target.

Immediately rock and stone were thrown everywhere as its fist embedded itself in the ground. "Crap if you're hit with a punch like that even with your body you'll be in trouble." Hearing Kazuma's words, Shirei agreed as he began to fall down onto the golem's fist. Slashing downwards at full force, smarks flew through the air in every direction.

The place Shirei struck immediately turned red hot as the plasma blade cut just slightly shallow. Standing over the place he attacked, Shirei cursed inwardly. "No way I'm cutting through it with one attack its armor is too thick." Suddenly Shirei looked up as he saw the golem using its other arm to try and grab him.

Holstering his plasma blade Shirei jumped back as the golem's attempt went just short of his body. Having so much of its weight leaned one way, it began to tilt slightly, which presented an opportunity. "Gotcha!" Kazuma yelled out loud as he channeled Mana into the large sword in his hands. With one wave, a burst of wind erupted like a localized hurricane.

Striking the side of the golem's body, it began to tilt even more to the point of falling over. "Alright let's see how it deals with blunt force." Seeing the golem falling over, Shirei suddenly turned and ran towards Kazuma. "Kazuma give me a lift." Kazuma looked towards Shirei in a moment of confusion before thinking back to what they talked about before.

"Oh, I see." Kazuma smiled slightly as he propped his sword up in front of him while also gathering his mana into the blade's edge. Jumping into the air Shirei landed directly onto the blade, causing his full weight to fall onto Kazuma's arms. "Ow… Ow… Ow..." Tensing Kazuma released the built force as he pushed with all his might.

Having that much force under him, Shirei felt his body suddenly rocket upwards into the air. Having his gaze locked directly on the off-balanced golem. "I can handle falling from this height but what about your body? Let's see which is harder!" With that, Shirei began to brace himself as his body began to fall towards the golem legs first.

As the golem began to regain its balance, it turned its head and looked towards Shirei in the air, but it was too late by then. A loud bang rang across the entire ruins as the sound of metal creaking and bending became ear-shattering. "Holy crap!" Covering one of his ears, Kazuma saw the golem's entire body immediately fall into the ground at max force.

Standing in the center of the golem's chest as it fell, Shirei glanced at the large dip in its armor he had made. 'Let's try this again!' Reactivating his plasma blade, Shirei made a second attempt at cutting through its armor. Using his full strength, he proceeds to cut into the Golem's chest in an X-like formation.

This time the blade had no issues cutting through the thinned out and crushed armor. As he did so, the Golem began to recover and stand back up, clearly aggravated. "That was fast." Shirei immediately backed up, jumping back to the ground. "Asami it's your turn try not to miss." Shirei and Kazuma began to back away from the Golem as Asami, who was far away, replied.

"I got 'em." Laying flat on a small rocky plateau around one 3rd of a mile away, Asami already had her rifle out and prepped. The screen attached to the side showed her current bullet type was Armor-Piercing. Lining up a shot in the scope Asami calmed her breath. In use with her quirk, her eyes began to glow blue as her pupils contracted. 'First shot.'

Pulling the trigger, a loud bang echoed through the chamber and the area around her as the muzzle flash. The bullet flew straight where she wanted it to with barely any alterations. It didn't take long for both Shirei and Kazuma to hear a whizz-like sound followed by a crack. "The first one's a hit!" Shirei responded that one of the golem's eyes shattered like glass.

"It's not like I can miss when its eyes are shining like stars in the middle of the evening," Asami spoke with a smile as she lined up the next shot, this time turning to the other eye. The golem immediately panicked, taking a step back, but it wasn't soon before another whizz accompanied by a cracking sound caused its other eyes to go dark.

"And the second shot takes its vision fully." Seeing things go so well, Shirei smiled on the inside as he thought back to when the three of them spoke on the Spectral Hub. 'Once we get it off balance and take out its vision It'll most likely go wild. It'll try its best to get us away from it no matter what and the moment it leaves itself open….'

As if reenacting Shirei's words, the Golem immediately began swinging its arms in random directions. Both Shirei and Kazuma had backed up beforehand, so they were not in immediate danger; however, soon, the Golem's panic reached its max. Raising both of its arms above its head, it stretched its body out to its fullest.

"Oh shit! Kazuma get down!" Slamming its entire body weight down with its arms, it felt like an earthquake had hit along with a shockwave rivaling that of a massive explosion. The entire ground under the golem cratered inwards as the shockwave carrying rocks and dirt blew across both Kazuma and Shirei.

Kazuma was knocked out almost instantly, flung backward and slamming back first against a boulder protruding from the ground. "Crap… We didn't back up far enough." Even with his weight, Shirei was pushed back slightly as his feet left ingrains in the stone. "Are you ok?" An urgent sense of worry came out of Asami's voice as Shirei responded.

"Ya I'm fine, Kazuma was just knocked out but he's in danger of being unable to move like that. Get ready to take the shot." Despite the sudden burst, Shirei did spot the opening he was looking for. As the shockwave subsided, he broke out into a sprint and charged towards the Golem. Leaping into the air, he landed directly on the Golem's chest while grabbing hold of a piece of its armor that he had cut into.

'Ok now pull!' Using all the power in his arms and legs, Shirei began pulling the X shape cut armor. Like peeling off a lid slowly, the Golem's armor began to get pulled back as Shirei's feet began to sink and indent into its chest. "Alright, Asami it's on you!" Without Shirei even having to say anything, Asami was already narrowed in.

Although the armor had a hole in it when he had cut through before, it was wide enough for Asami to shoot, especially at the distance she was at. But now that it had been peeled back, she had a clean shot. The screen on the right of the sniper rifle showed a clear change in bullet type as she pulled the trigger. "Boom."

Firing for the third time, Shirei didn't get any type of warning as a streak of light flew through the air and went straight through the gap in the Golem's chest armor. As soon as the tip of the bullet touched the inside of the Golem, it began to shine as the entire Golem's body shook. In the second's, an explosion rang out as it engulfed everything inside of the Golem's body, including its core.

In the act of a secondhand explosion, Shirei was forcefully pushed back and slammed against the ground fire, and smoke shot from every joint and limb the Golem had. Flying straight off its body, its head flew into the air before coming crashing down just a few meters away. Lying on the ground for a moment, Shirei slowly got up.

"Well damn." Seeing the head of the Golem as its body slowly collapsed to the ground shook one final time. "Nice shot." Shirei heard a charming response as Asami spoke back to him. "I'm guessing you have recordings in that robotic head of yours. You definitely need to send that to me when you get the chance."