
Specially "Gifted"

A girl finding her way in life, finds more than she ever thought possible. A whole world, a family, and friends of every kind. Will she find that family that she always wanted or will it prove to be a great mistake. Let's venture through this riveting tale of a teen who thought she had nothing.

Cherise_0088 · Fantaisie
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2 Chs


Hello, my name is Nihasa, this story is about my life. I am currently enrolled in a school for specially gifted teens, which is what my story will be about. The school was founded to help teens like me learn to control themselves and live life sorta normal. The school, so ironically named, Paine Boarding School, is not as bad as it seems. Before I get ahead of my self and ramble on about how amazing my school is, let me take you back... to where it all began....