

In a mystical realm teeming with legends of deities, a tale unfolds of a zombie-infested apocalypse. As humanity struggles to survive, Adam becomes a beacon of hope. However, he grapples with his own internal conflicts, battling demons within. With unwavering support from loyal companions, they embark on a perilous quest to rescue their world from impending doom.

ShawnGuh · Fantaisie
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86 Chs


Belfar summons his bronze dagger, which glows with magic. He then plunges it into his chest, causing it to dissolve into the wound, emitting bright magical light. The crown on his head radiates immense power as he rises from his throne, the tubes connected to his back is pulling out one by one. The magic box containing all the soul weapons and armor explodes with magic, converting the armors into energy that flows into Belfar. Hundreds of soul weapons appear in the sky. Belfar ascends, summoning a katana, and declares to Runica that his pain is incomparable. He vows to destroy the Draconic village, allowing the demons to ravage the kingdom, while he obtains what he needs from it. 

Belfar sneers, admitting he hadn't intended to use his current form, but Runica and the others have proven to be more formidable foes than he anticipated. Runica, exhausted, rubs his eyes, knowing he must end this battle quickly before his fatigue renders him unable to fight. Alice steps forward, her determination evident, and declares that they will protect the village together. June joins them, revealing his mission to bring Runica back to the kingdom, and his resolve to ensure Runica's survival. Runica takes the lead, charging towards Belfar as he points his katana at them, unleashing a wave of soul weapons that advance in a worm-like formation. Alice unleashes her magic, amplifying Runica and June's strength, defense, and speed. June expertly spins his golden staff, deflecting the incoming soul weapons, while Runica rides his magic staff, boosting his speed with a beam of magic. Dodging and deflecting the weapons with agility, Runica catches sight of a dragon in magic form, shooting fireballs at Belfar, who effortlessly cuts them down with his katana

Runica quickly assesses the situation and deduces that the crown on Belfar's head is the source of his immense magical power. He theorizes that destroying the crown might be the key to their victory. Belfar, sensing Runica's plan, unleashes a fierce counterattack, channeling his magic through the crown as it radiates an intense glow. Suddenly, a barrage of lightning bolts descends from the sky, hurtling towards Runica at incredible speed. Drais swiftly intervenes, raising his shield to absorb the lightning attacks and protect Runica. As the strikes cease, Runica sees Magnis sprinting past him, with numerous magic circles generated by Alice forming in front of him. Magnis then unleashes a flurry of punches into the magic circles, which transform into fist-shaped energy blasts that shoot towards Belfar. However, Belfar is prepared, using his magic to command the soul weapons suspended in the air to deflect the energy blasts, neutralizing the attacks. 

Runica soars through the air on his magic staff, quickly closing in on Belfar. With a swift swing of his butcher blade, the two clash weapons in a shower of sparks, amplifying the already intense magical energy surrounding them. Belfar snarls, declaring he'll stop at nothing to achieve his goals, and that Runica will surely fall. Undaunted, Runica retorts that he'll emerge victorious and become the greatest Nara of all time. Their fierce battle cry echoes through the air, but suddenly, Belfar vanishes, leaving his katana behind. Runica's momentary confusion is shattered by Alice's urgent warning to dodge. Before he can react, Belfar reappears, wielding a battle axe and striking Runica from behind, slicing through his armor and sending blood splattering. Runica quickly recovers, counterattacking, but Belfar teleports away once more, this time appearing above Runica and unleashing a hail of magic arrows. Runica barely blocks the attack with his blade, but the force sends him crashing to the ground. As Runica struggles to rise, Belfar unleashes a maelstrom of soul weapons and lightning bolts, raining down on him with relentless fury. The onslaught threatens to overwhelm Runica, but he refuses to yield, his determination burning brighter with every strike that he takes and blocks.

As Belfar continues to wield his magic, his body begins to pay the price. Blood streams from his nose, ears, and eyes, a grim testament to the lifeforce he's sacrificing for his powers. Desperation creeping in, he grows more reckless, unleashing even more magic in a bid to quickly defeat Runica. But just as he's about to strike, a wounded June intervenes with his golden staff as he strikes Belfar with a fierce blow. Belfar teleports away once more, reappearing behind June with a longsword in hand. His anger boiling over, he snarls a warning at June to stay out of his way. But before he can strike, Magnus and Tobey launch a fierce counterattack, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks that leave Belfar reeling. As Belfar struggles to recover, he resorts to his magic once more, summoning a wave of soul weapons to push everyone back. But in the brief respite, he catches sight of Runica, heavily wounded but receiving healing magic from Alice. Belfar's gaze narrows, his determination to eliminate Runica burning brighter than ever

Belfar plunges downwards, his magic surging to new heights as lightning bolts and soul weapons swirl around him. But Kuma intercepts him, his demon and angel wings beating fiercely as the two clash in a maelstrom of magic. Amidst the chaos, Alice notices Runica's fatigue, one of his eye closing from the prolonged strain of wielding his magic powers in the past months. Runica vows to end the battle with a single, decisive blow, charging his butcher blade with intense magic. Belfar overpowers Kuma, sending him crashing to the ground alongside June and the others. Undeterred, Belfar continues his relentless descent towards Runica. Alice attempts to buy time for Runica to fully charge his attack, summoning magic dragon heads that unleash a barrage of fireballs. However, Belfar effortlessly absorbs the attacks and strikes Alice aside with a flurry of soul weapons. Just as Belfar approaches Runica, his magic staff suddenly floats behind him, unleashing a colossal energy blast. Belfar retaliates with all his might, unleashing a torrent of soul weapons and lightning bolts that collide with the magic blast in a spectacular display. During the clash of magic, June and Magnis charge towards Belfar, Magnis delivering a powerful punch to Belfar's right cheek and June striking his left side with his golden staff. Enraged, Belfar bellows that he's had enough of their interruptions. With a swift motion, he summons soul weapons that impale both June and Magnis, the blades directed at their stomachs

Distracted just for brief moment Belfar loses the clashing of magic with Runica, the magic blast then strikes Belfar, within the blast, Runica approaches Belfar, with one of his eye closed he unleashes a mighty swing of his butcher blade upwards. The blade barely grazes Belfar's face, but the force of the blow sends the crown flying off his head. As the crown is spinning in the air it releases a magic aura that envelope them both. Runica then sees a surge of memories from the past crown wielders. flooding Runica's mind, He sees a dying man, his final moments spent in the arms of a woman, entrusting her with a crucial mission: to save their sister. The woman, now wielding the crown, embarks on a perilous journey, seeking a strong team to aid her in this quest. Her search leads her to Belfar on a wooden boat, a starving and desperate individual on the brink of death. She saves him, and lets him joins her team, eventually falling deeply in love with her and pledging his unwavering loyalty. Together, they form a formidable team, preparing for their final mission to rescue her sister. With the crown's power, they reach a ruined location, and the woman, now a powerful leader, opens a portal, ready to face whatever lies ahead.

Belfar and his team step through the portal, finding themselves enveloped by a mystical, floating ruin city. The atmosphere is shrouded in a eerie green hue, and the gravity seems to defy the laws of nature. As they venture deeper, a colossal green wolf emerges, its haunting howl echoing through the realm. The battle that ensues is fierce and devastating, ultimately claiming the lives of Belfar's comrades. Barely escaping with their lives, Belfar and the woman find themselves at the mercy of fate. With her final breath, the woman entrusts Belfar with the crown, charging him to continue her mission. She whispers words of hope, that one day, a powerful enough person will arise to save her sister. Cradling the love of his life in his arms, Belfar is consumed by grief and determination. He vows to become stronger, no matter the cost, even if it means embracing cruelty. Unable to harness the crown's power on his own, he devises a plan to plunder soul weapons and armor from the outer villages, fueling his ambition. The flashback concludes, leaving Runica and Belfar lying on the ground, their fates intertwined in a tale of sorrow, determination, and the unrelenting pursuit of power. 

Runica reveals to Belfar that he's aware of his troubled past in the kingdom, where he was mistreated due to his lack of a soul armor. However, he cautions Belfar against blaming the entire kingdom for his hardships. Instead, Runica offers a gesture of goodwill, promising to save the girl who has driven Belfar's actions thus far. With a bloody cough, Belfar reveals the girl's name to be Eve. In a moment of clarity, Belfar acknowledges that his methods may have been misguided, but he recognizes that his defeat was predestined, allowing a worthy successor like Runica to carry on his mission for the greater good. With a final act of will, Belfar conjures his bronze dagger from his chest, and it teleports into Runica's hand. Belfar's eyes lock onto Runica's, and he declares that from their first encounter, he sensed that Runica was the beacon of hope for many, and that they all relied on him. With his final breath, Belfar entrusts Runica with his mission, saying, "The love of my life always said, 'Eve once saved the world; now we must return the favor and save her.'" With those words, Belfar's life fades away. As Alice and the others rush to Runica's side, exhaustion overcomes him, and he falls into a deep slumber, the weight of his new responsibility settling upon him.

Five months pass, and Runica awakens in an unfamiliar room, his mind foggy. As he takes in his surroundings, he approaches the window and discovers he's in the castle of the Nara Kingdom. Drais enters the room, and Runica demands answers. Why is he in the Nara Kingdom? Drais reveals that Runica has already achieved his goal, and produces a newspaper as proof. The headline reads, "The Greatest Nara," and features stories of Runica's battles with Belfar and at the Demon's Gate. Drais explains that, as the greatest Nara, Runica must now continue his legacy within the Kingdom of Nara. Runica inquires about Alice and Magnis, and Drais informs him that Magnis is in the kingdom training to catch up with Runica's power, while Alice has chosen to remain in the Draconic village to defend Demon's gate. Just then, June enters the room, introducing himself as Runica's half-brother and revealing that Runica has a larger family than he ever imagined.

June escorts Runica out of the room, passing by numerous chambers filled with young Naras from various clans. June explains that every individual in this section of the kingdom is his family, all half-brothers and sisters. Runica ignores this and inquires about the whereabouts of Belfar's Crown, June reveals that the crown's immense uncontrollable power has led their father, the king, to seal it in a magic box within the treasury. Runica asserts his claim to the crown, but June clarifies that it now belongs to their father, and if Runica wishes to claim it, he must speak with him directly. Runica confronts June, emphasizing the weight of his responsibilities - defeating the demons at Demon's Gate and in need of saving a certain person. June dismisses these concerns with a laugh, saying they all have more pressing matters to attend to. He invites Runica to follow him, promising that he will soon understand their father's plans for their family's future.

June leads Runica to the throne room, where a gathering of knights and noblemen await. As they walk down the red carpet, they approach King Gaica, the ruler of the Nara Kingdom. Gaica's face lights up with a warm smile, remarking that Runica bears a strong resemblance to his mother. Runica's anger flares, and he demands to know why Gaica abandoned him and his mother. Gaica's expression turns solemn, explaining that there are many things Runica doesn't yet understand. According to Gaica, everything has unfolded precisely as planned. He reveals that Runica is part of an extensive family, the largest in the Nara Kingdom. Gaica's reasoning for having multiple families is that his DNA contains the strongest adaptive cells of all Naras throughout history, making it a waste to limit himself to just one family. With a wave of his hand, several of Runica's half-brothers and sisters step forward, showcasing their impressive power despite their youth. Gaica proudly declares that they already possess the strength of commander knights, thanks to his DNA that runs through their blood streams, that Runica too has this kind of power because of him. 

With this, the previous king was confident that he was the rightful next king in line to change Nara history. He reveals that he sent June and his team to the Draconic village not to stop the ongoing war, but to bring one of his strongest sons back home. According to Gaica, all past kings and their ancestors worked tirelessly to reach this pivotal moment in Nara history, where one strong enough Nara could inherit the combined magic power of all past Naras. As the curtains behind the throne part, a colossal diamond crystal is revealed. Gaica explains that this crystal contains the stored magic power of all past Kings and Naras, waiting for a worthy successor to harness its power to protect the world from catastrophic threats. In this era, the Naras are poised to experience the power of this stored magic. Runica finally understands Belfar's motivations - he sought to destroy the Nara Kingdom to obtain the diamond crystal, allowing him to wield the crown's power without limitations to save Eve.

Gaica extends a hand of invitation to Runica, offering him a place by his side, promising that together, they can surpass even the title of the greatest Nara and forge the strongest kingdom in the world. Runica hesitates, then firmly declines the offer, leaving the room in stunned silence. He passionately argues that their pursuit of power has blinded them to the kingdom's true needs, allowing noblemen and upper clans to oppress those from lower clans and the ungifted outer village Naras. Runica warns that if they don't address these issues, they risk creating an army of Belfar-like individuals fueled by hate, spelling doom for the Nara Kingdom. He asserts that Gaica and the others are so consumed by their desire for power that they neglect the kingdom's internal problems, hindering its potential for true greatness. Runica declares that the Kingdom of Nara will never become the strongest in the world until they focus on fixing its internal flaws and injustices.