
Spear of Retribution

[ HAITUS: WILL PLAN AND REWRITE NEXT YEAR. ] After being experimented on for one thousand years to become the greatest human weapon of the world, Geraldine Gauthier swore to seek revenge on the wicked Emperors of the Empire. What will happen if the individual remodeled to serve the Empire turns her back on them? Taking advantage of the 16th Prince named Alexjin, Geraldine began to pull the strings to manipulate the scenarios according to her will. "I shall receive your grace, Master. What can I do to remain by your side forever?" A deep, manly voice spoke politely while he was looking at the woman he adored so much. "Well, well, well, look who do we have here. Your Majesty!" The woman responded in a sarcastic manner. "You... must obey me, Majesty!" She added, smiling like a maniac. [UNEDITED]

Monachre · Fantaisie
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164 Chs

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The white cloud of smoke rise up slowly in the air as it joined the sky. The crisp of the burning wood sings a song while burning a beloved. The flames dance across as if celebrating an event.

The group incircled the flame with sad eyes and throws flowers over it. Aaila created another ball of flame between her hands and let it join the rest of the flames that was burning Aurelie's body. They are all wearing black clothes as they continued grieving for a loved one.

"She's the best mother in the whole world," Aaila sobs and cried at Daisha's shoulder. Maxwell also goes to her side and patted her back in comfort. 

Geraldine's eyes focused on Alexjin who is staring at the fames as it burns his mother's body. Since the flames are created by magic, it easily burned a human body and it didn't take long before the fire died down, leaving a mountain of ash.