
Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story

The Spear of Longinus most would say it’s the most powerful sacred gear in this universe . It holds the dying will of the Biblical God yet why am the guy stuck with it! And why am I in the land of oppai and OP Gods! *Sigh* Well then let’s see how this goes… (Any and all recognizable characters and settings belong to their original authors, and I am in no way, claiming them as my own.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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68 Chs

Spear Boy Takes A Vacation

(Sigurd POV)

My boss is a monster.

The first thing I thought when I saw him was that he could not be human.

The light and endless strength that no one else seemed to possess, it was like sitting next to a black hole. Everything just seems to gravitate towards him as if the gravity of his mere presence pulls it in.

Yet the offer he made, I could tell it held no lies; each and every word was given with utter sincerity. But the reasoning for it when asked was simply "Because I can."

It was the height of selfishness, but it felt more real than selflessness could ever be, or that may just be my own cynicism. It's a wonder I'm even able to speak still or even breathe as I could be the first or one of the first stray Devils ever to be turned back to normal, and I kept pinching myself to see if it was a dream, but it was not.

And then I was shown the HQ, and I was left aghast at the pure scale of it all. But what caught my attention was the silence as there was no wind nor cars or anything electric, just giant floating islands and what I assume are an artificial sun and moon. But even with such limitations, it was still a sight to behold.

As I was placed down on an island, the Cao Cao clone that carried me asked, "How would you like your island?"

I turned around to look at him as if he was insane. "You don't just give someone an island for no reason. What's your game?"

The clone placed a finger on his chin and said, "Socialization? Maybe something more. Or I just want to keep the fact that a stray can be cured a secret from the world."

All valid, but no answers, but before I could ask, he was already speaking, "I desire your skills and your potential as a clone of the original, but it is your choice."

Taking a breath, I look out to the endless sky and ask, "What shall be expected of me in this group?"

"Nothing other than improvement and the continued happiness of all that exists here. I did not make this place purely to train or hide away from the world but to create a Haven of my own. Maybe we'll just be here, or maybe more will join us. Many in this world can't ever truly live because they are hunted for simply being what they are. Humans, Devils, Yokai, Fallen Angels, Gods, and monsters prowl the world, seeking fulfillment they may never find or power they may not deserve. But there's always one common factor in most situations: it always comes at a cost to either themselves or those around them. I simply want to cut out the latter if I can for those I choose."

"But what makes you different from them?"

"Absolutely nothing." He answers immediately.

The blunt honesty genuinely surprised me, but I relented and said, "I never owned anything before, so I may need some help."

He smiles widely as if expecting this as he grabs me by the shoulders and shows me around. But I would then see others here, from Scathach to a dhampir, and I may have made the wrong decision to join these freaks of nature.

The smile on my face never left.

(Scathach POV)

"So, disciple, are we heading out?"

"Yes, Master, I'm just waiting for Valerie to get ready."

"That girl is way too trusting."

"She is, but it's a part of the charm."

Disciple, if anyone normally heard you saying that, they would believe you to be a pedophile. But the fact that he seems much more confident shows his growth as a warrior and a person. For me, though, I'm just happy to have a regular sparring partner who can keep me on my toes, as even now, his talent and potential just seem to grow with each passing day.

It's almost infuriating how much of a monster this kid truly is and how different he seems. While he is still a child, he carries himself as if he is two times his age. Maybe this is a good thing that he seems much more sure of himself. That dragon boy he brought back seems to be lost even now, but he may find a purpose soon enough.

But as we aired for the young princess, my disciple asked, "Master, have you heard a word from the Fae before being sealed?" I shook my head as I explained.

"While they were present during my time, I wasn't there to see them after the Great War, and when I heard that the sword of Excalibur had been shattered, I assume they all fled to their pocket Dimensions within the Isles of Britain, those fairies while not physically strong are definitely a force to be reckoned with in terms of their creations. But I am surprised you are asking me this. Are you looking for them?"

He then looked to the distance, summoned a large case, and showed what was inside. All the pieces of Excalibur.

I deadpanned my disciple. "Disciple, how did you get all of these?"

He didn't look me in the eyes as he said, "Well, no one was using them, so I just borrowed them. Besides, the swords are not owned by the Church, so I am completely innocent in this."

I palmed my face as I asked, "Did you at least replace the swords with something so it couldn't be led back to you as well? None of the church members could truly threaten you. It would definitely be annoying."

He nodded his head as I sighed at the rather kleptomaniac tendencies of my disciple, but in this case, it would be the pot calling the kettle black as I was the one that stole the ribs off of a monster to create the Gae Bulgs. It does make me question if he got his rather sticky fingers tendency from me.

Before I could ask anything more, Valerie came down the stairs of her home and looked positively radiant, which brought a small smile to my face as she exuded the excitement I could no longer feel. 

My disciple simply looks on in contentment as Valerie opens the door and sees us and immediately rushes to hug, but as I try to do, I cannot move as my disciple has used that damn telekinesis of his.

The girl then lets go as my disciple asks, "So everything is set to go?"


'Well then, let us be off. Any preferences?"

"Oh! Can we go to the palace so I can try to make the guards laugh?"

My disciple nearly laughs at the question but shakes his head as he opens a portal above the city. As we went through, I immediately felt eyes on us, and my disciple did as well, but nothing showed on his face as he lowered us to the ground.

I then hear him mentally ask, "I assume you felt that as well, master?"

"Yes, I did. It seems that the city is being watched by someone. Do we engage?"

He shakes his head and says mentally, "No, let them watch. They will learn nothing, and if they attack, we are completely allowed to defend ourselves. If the prying gets more annoying, I will place a ward over us. Keep your guard up, Master."

"I was going to say the same thing to you, disciple."

"It's nice to know you care so much, Master."

"Hmph! I just can't have you embarrassing me. I would never have a student defeated by some fairies."

"Riiiiiggghhht. Let us be off then as the city awaits." He then cuts off the connection as we explore the city of London. But I do hear my disciple grumble about how he's disappointed that there was no piece of Eden under the palace. What is a piece of Eden?

(??? POV)

These beings are oddities.

But what makes me more alert is the one with the blindfold as his signature cannot be understood. His power and origins are lost to me, even with my fairy eyes. Interesting.

My scouts that monitor London saw them moving about the city as if they were simply tourists, but as they never even acknowledged the scouts, they are either unable to sense them or they feel no threat to their person. If it is the former, I can understand as fairies are masters at hiding their signatures. If it's the latter, then I would feel rather annoyed.

Many have crossed through the city, from wizards to devils, but none of them have shown anything truly interesting to see, yet the more I stare at that man with the blindfold, the more my curiosity just increases. I can sense a very faint holy aura but nothing else, but that may just be a ploy.

I almost feel intrigued by these strangers, and as I look away from the pool where I use my scrying techniques, I connect my mind to the scouts and say, "Keep watching them, but under no circumstances are you to engage them unless provoked."

"Yes, your Majesty!"

I then return to the throne room and sit down on my throne, but as I focus on monitoring the wards that keep the fae realms hidden from the world, I cannot take my mind off of that being. What power does he possess? What are his origins? Why does he feel so close to nature?

My curiosity has always been my weakest point, but it is also a key part of my being.

I wonder why they are here in the first place.

(Lavinia POV)

Upon returning to the Grigori to report my findings, I see the home of the Fallen abuzz with activity, and as I pass through the halls of the large facility, I arrive at the meeting place for the cadres and open the door as I was expected.

"Azazel, I have heard that the Spear Of Longinus has been found. I demand that you inform me of his location so I may test myself against him!" I see Va-kun already wants to make friends.

Azazel sighs as he tells Va-Kun, "No, Vali, I won't, as he may just kill you if you try to fight him. None that he has fought before have ever left alive. In fact, he's even managed to get the Olympians to recall the bounty on his head. And as much as Athena wants to sugarcoat it, they did it out of fear, and you are nowhere near that level of strength yet, Vali."

"Such is the point, Azazel. I must test myself against a worthy opponent so that I may prove the power of the white dragon!" I see that he is still in his Chunni phase. Must resist taking pictures.

Before Vali can say more, Azazel sees me and smiles, saying, "Ah! Lavinia, good to see you. Are you okay? Have you anything to report on our God Slayer."

I nod and hug Va-Kun, and as he tries to resist, I can hear Albion laughing as Va-Kun eventually gives up.

"Yes, Lord Azazel, I have met him and learned some information." Azazel then pulls out a notepad and bids me to continue.

"Well, his name is Cao Cao, and he is a bully!"

Va-Kun's wings then appear as he yells, "He dares try to harm you!"

"No, Va-kun, he is not like that. He just likes teasing me."

I expected Azazel to say something after I told them his name, but he simply stopped writing, slammed his head on the desk, and groaned in frustration.

"He also took care of the Utsusemi Agency for us and found a connection to some group called chaos. Other than that, all the information is on these papers." I then hand him the information, and he slams his head on the desk again as I look on, confused, as Vali tries to run out of the room to find Spear-Kun.

I wonder why Azazel keeps saying to himself, "Of course, it's that ntr enjoyer's descendant, of fucking course."

What is NTR?