
Spear Boy Gets Creative (Cao Cao SI) DXD Multicross Story

The Spear of Longinus most would say it’s the most powerful sacred gear in this universe . It holds the dying will of the Biblical God yet why am the guy stuck with it! And why am I in the land of oppai and OP Gods! *Sigh* Well then let’s see how this goes… (Any and all recognizable characters and settings belong to their original authors, and I am in no way, claiming them as my own.)

EzioAuditore_1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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69 Chs

Monster Slaying With Spear Boy

(Cao Cao POV)

I have been in this place for three weeks now, and it was the best choice I could have made. I have nearly unlimited opponents, as well as a place to develop my skills without anyone bothering me. If anything or anyone hurt me by saying or thinking this, they would believe I was insane, and technically, they would be correct, but I have the advantage that I can self-sustain myself and create skills out of nowhere.

I am under no illusion that if I did not have my skill creation, I would not have survived this long as I truly lacked that killer instinct and talent that the original Cao Cao did, but I digress. This place has also helped me develop my defenses. Specifically, trace and corruption defense, as I know that Scathach is watching me through her connection with this place, and so I have been allowing her to do so to train my defense against scrying. 

In terms of my corruption defense, simply existing in this place is training it as this entire realm is filled with necrotic and corrupting energies as well as burdensome negative emotions. I imagine that this place is only surpassed by places like Tartaurus or Yomi. Regardless, this training exists for my benefit as my LP has risen to 3,628,800 LP, and I am a bit stumped on what to buy as I have so many options.

From buying the ability to have zenkai boosts or the smart atoms that viltrumites have that allow them to grow stronger as they age or jujitsu sorcery techniques. But I have decided to improve on the skills that I have, and with the help of shadow clones and the overpowered thing called my magic core from Archmage, I have been improving rapidly. 

While it is good, I have also learned something else in terms of the power scaling in this universe from Celestine and Cato, and the fact remains that any being that is satan class has gained access to conceptual-based attacks.

Take Serafall, for example. In the normal continuity, she is considered low Satan class, too high ultimate class in this universe. She is definitively Satan class and has the ability to freeze nearly anything other than those above her weight class. 

Or other being above ultimate class, which, while presenting an issue overall, changes nothing as it simply gives me more motivation to train. Celestine was jumping for joy at this answer as for Cato, in Celestine's words, was questioning his existence.

Unless you were an inheritor of a hero or descendant of a god, Humanity would barely be able to surpass the ultimate class if they trained their entire life. There have been outliers like Adam, Lu Bu, Sasaki Kojiro, and others, but they are very few and far between. 

All of them had the same problem, and that is because they were just human in terms of lifespan. While none of the previous wielders of the Spear of Longinus had been present for any of their deaths, they had learned that most of them died because they were simply too old to fight back.

Lucifer killed Adam during the final battle between the Devils, Fallen, and Pure Angels, Lu Bu was poisoned and killed by Cao Cao after becoming too old so that his body could not fight the divine poison that Cao Cao had, and Sasaki died due to old age. Most others suffered the same fate as they were either killed or died of old age somewhere.

Yet in this sea of death, I exist now, and I am lost on what I want to do as my more selfish side wants to simply wait to buy a dimensional travel skill and nope the fuck out of here, but my other side wants to make the world better if not for a small group of my own. 

I am under no illusion that Humanity is better or worse than other Supernatural races, and to be honest, if the larger consciousness of Humanity knew of the existence of the supernatural, there would be an arms race to dissect various races to learn how they tick and thus use their traits to improve Humanity.

This would end up causing a war on a global scale not even seen during the original two world wars, as it would be devils against gods and gods against monsters and monsters against various religious organizations. It would be a free-for-all, and no one would survive. It would be chaos, which surprised me as I thought Rizevim would want to do such a thing, but he is an idiot and has an isekai fetish.

I mean, as soon as he caught a whiff of other worlds, he immediately wanted to go over there and go to war with them. It is rather unsettling, but such thoughts are for the future, and if I find him before the original crew fights Loki and eliminates him, he won't be able to send a message of war to the alien gods. With said alien machine gods being able to one-shot Great Red as a warm-up. Not to mention the Alliance Of Hell and the Khaos Brigade being a thing before those Alien Gods even show up.

"The power creep is truly real in this universe," I mutter to myself as I sit and meditate after a training session. Currently, I am trying to improve my mental resistance by having my clones try to invade my own mind using telepathy, and while it took them a bit to get my mind to notice, it eventually became an actual challenge. Now, I have been trying to train both my mind and my body as during fights, they would actively try to invade my mind, and with the purchase of the Rokushiki and Taijutsu, their physical prowess has increased dramatically.

In terms of taijutsu, the skill itself does not provide much in terms of information other than some martial arts styles from Naruto and various methods to increase my strength using chakra. It has helped refine my control and my regeneration, to my embarrassment as my hands became gory messes after failures to control my chakra in my fists. 

Luckily, my regen healed the damage after half an hour, and it seems to be getting faster. While I am not a masochist, I am tempted to follow the ways of masochistic protags in cultivation novels.

Before I can continue this line of thought, I hear multiple screaming noises, and looking to the tree line near my camp, I see a group of wendigos and cleric beasts appear with their eyes filled with madness and bloodlust. Summoning some wood clones, we all nod to each other, with one saying, "Highest kill count gets bragging rights!"

All the clones, along with myself, became more motivated as we rushed the small army of monsters, and using armament haki in tandem with observational, I began to see something new. 

I saw a cleric beast throw a punch before it even made it, and dodging it, a small smile formed on my face as this may be the fight I need to test this. Stabbing my spear through the beast's arm, and as it yowls in pain, I run along its large arm, and with a haki and holy light-infused punch, it is nocked through multiple trees as its face burns.

The other clones are fighting the wendigos and are most definitely styling on them as one spins the spear they are using and begins to air juggle the wendigo like a demon from DMC, and I can almost hear the announcer from DMC 5. Honestly, I'm lucky my clones do not have access to my skill creation, or else they would simply create a perk that literally acts as an announcer from Devil May Cry. 

However, with that small thought out of the way, I looked to the cleric beasts that had formed ranks around me, but lighting my spear in holy fire, I slammed it into the ground and sent out a circular plume of flame.

This catches most of them on fire as one of the clones comes in for the kill steal, and I throw my spear through him and cause him to poof away as the other clones look at me with faux betrayal in their eyes, to which they continue to fight their opponents. 

A small thought Echoes between all of us, and that is that you do not kill or steal. So, jumping into the air using soru, I blitz on top of one of the beasts and cut its head off, but not before using its horns as a weapon and throwing the head into another beast.

That same beast is then launched into another large tree and is impaled on it via a horn through its forehead. The other four beasts then began to charge me, and using observational haki, I saw all of them attempting to grab at me, but then, after that small vision, I used my tk to slam all three of them together and lift them all up into the air and slam them all down onto the ground over and over again. 

After around five times, most of their organs were ruptured or simply out of place, and then, to finish them off, I jumped into the air, slammed down on their stomach, and punched right through all of them.

Jumping from the corpses, I see that my cones are nearly finished with the wendigos as One used his tk to gather all of them together and then used a portal to cut them all in half, Darth Maul Style. The other two clones then finished off their opponents, and after all the bodies disappeared, we met up, and I asked, "So, kill count?"


"Six Dammit!"

"Hah, I win. I killed Eight Wendigos."

I then looked at all of them and said, "Well, I did kill six cleric beasts, so I won."

They all looked at me like I was stupid as I continued, "Because you see, I have the argument ender." I then dispelled them all and smiled at my victory. (You are utterly shameless, aren't you?) Cato says with a small amount of mirth in his voice.

"I have no idea what you are talking about," I said while using my cleaning magic to get all the blood off. Cato then sighed as Celestine asked if she could fight me while I used shadow clones. Nodding, I then returned to camp to take a break as I still had around 11 to 12 weeks left. I do wonder how the witches are doing.

(Scathach POV)

This is infuriating, as I can barely sense him now. While originally I could see him using my connection to the land of shadows, now I can't even gain a general location. This fuzziness was originally there, but it was so small I could simply break through it using my power over the Land of Shadows, but now it's as if he is simply becoming one with the planet or the realm at least.

I can tell that he hasn't cheated as I would be able to recognize him taking out the spear, and he simply is just learning how to hide himself from scrying as well as sensing, which I do approve of as an enemy that can't sense you have already lost half the battle. 

Truly, I am impressed, especially with the small amount I have seen of his fighting styles. In truth, I have not felt such interest in a long time, and this child keeps surprising me. I am most likely having to go out of the castle to watch him.

I do wonder, though, if you will last through the other part of my training, as the possible expressions he would make do bring a small amount of laughter to my chest. I do hope the time goes by more quickly.

Keep improving, child, as I will be watching.

(Cao Cao POV)

"I just felt chills. Cato, have you sensed anyone?" (No, I have not. Maybe it is an omen of some kind?) 

I do hope it is an omen for good things.