
Sparkle Mystery

A detective must resolve the theft of her inheritance from her grandmother.

Texasjane · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Sparkle Mystery; Chapter 4; Beware of Dog

"I can't believe what you just did. I appreciate you bringing my grandmother's ring out of the police evidence room. But to be so clumsy as to let your dog swallow it. Now we can both be in trouble. I have a duplicate made of the stone if you want to use it in court.

I need to let you know that my grandmother had her body cremated and the ashes were turned into this man-made diamond. It is pink, a little over fifteen carets. When I had it briefly, just before it got put in the evidence bag bound to the station, I heard my grandmother's voice. I know I did. I also know I could be imagining this whole thing. If she is trapped, I must find a way to free her. If not, I don't really know, if not.

I am watching the Chief's face. He seems to have a faraway look in his eye. I bet he is trying to decide if I have lost it or am just a fruit cake.

I want to keep your dog at my house this weekend. I can watch him and make sure to get the ring back.

"We'll get it back. Let's go to the vet's office and get some x-rays done. I would like to know what we are dealing with here.

"Janie, Officer Farrar, I think you are so full of grief over your grandmother you are seeing and hearing things. Granted, I had no idea the juice from the burger I had while waiting for you would get on the ring. You stopped for one too, I see. The ring got some of the burger juice on it. The dog just went after the flavor."

"Please do not patronize me. My name is Janie. My grandmother and childhood friends call me Janie. My mother's name is also Jane. It made it easier if one of us was a Janie. I am telling you all this because during that few minutes I was in contact with the ring I heard a mention of a murder plot. That old woman that lives East of here. Her family is plotting to kill her and take over the property… I need to go check it out this weekend. I just know Grandmother would not get something like that wrong.

"Are you listening to yourself? Your grandmother has passed away. You are grieving. You are not hearing her say anything about a murder plot. You are not going anywhere until you go to the company shrink."

"Boy, what is your dog's name. Ruddy, watch him. "Ruddy." He is trying to talk to us. He keeps tilting his head. I bet grandmother is licking in his ear. "If you can hear me, make Ruddy say yes."

"See, he is doing it. He is moving his head up and down. We can communicate. Yeah!!"

"This is too bizarre for me to really believe."

"I bet I can figure out what is going down with the murder plot."

"I am going to go home, with your dog and pull up a movie for us to watch until we figure it out."

"Stop Ruddy. He is pawing the computer. I am going to let him have it." The chief is pacing now. "Bruce, ask him a question and see what happens."

"I am not going to dignify all this with a response. You, Officer Farrar, are on sick leave until I hear from the shrink.

"Can I have Ruddy at my house tonight?"

"Yes, I would feel better if you were not alone. Will there be anyone else there?"

"Yes, my mother will be living with me in Grandmother's house. I was supposed to meet her there today, but time got away from me. I gotta find out what Ruddy knows.

"You really are losing it, Janie. I am going to send the shrink to your grandmother's house so be looking for him."

"Ruddy, go get into my car."

"Watch, Bruce. He is doing exactly what I asked him to do. He understands me. Grandmother is talking to him."

"I am so sorry to see you go through all this. I have watched you pass that very difficult exam with a perfect score. I just want what is best for you. Please, talk to the shrink when he gets there. I am talking to you as a friend and your boss."

"I appreciate you walking me out to my car. Ruddy and I will be just fine. Are you gonna turn yourself in for taking evidence from the lock-up? You should."

"I will be by later." He is so serious. I know he will figure it out sooner or later. Maybe I can get Grandmother to say something. My mind is going a mile in a minute.

"1 am expecting great things from you, Ruddy."

Hey, there you go…. Nod that pretty head for me. Yeah!

"Ruddy, you come back here." Please do not drop the laptop. You don't want to wait, then slow down a bit."

"I see, you are wanting me to set up the computer so you can talk to me?"

"Got it. Your feet are too big to hit the right keys. Here, put this pencil in your mouth. Use the eraser end to touch the keys. We keep this up and we can always be typists."

"Janie, you need to take Ruddy here and go to the greenhouse on that estate. You need to go quick. Today is the day.

"Oops, you dropped the pencil. I am supposed to wait for the shrink to show up. Leave a note for them. Tell them you have gone to the Estate due east of here. Tell them you are trying to stop a murder."

"Ooo this place looks awful. It really needs some TLC.

"I have knocked but get no answer. Yet there are cars in the parking lot just across the street. Ruddy, we need to get into the greenhouse. I will follow you. I see some lights on inside the house. I hear some music, clinking glass, and some laughter.

"Someone is celebrating something." Oh, the siren. The chief must have read my note. Good thing I got my flashlight. It smells funny in here. Oh, my. Her head is wrapped in bubble wrap. Like she got caught up in the machine by accident. Good boy Ruddy, he is tearing the plastic off her face.

"Chief, did you see that? Tell me you saw that. Ruddy, peeled that bubble wrap off and started jumping on her chest. There is some tea here. It is that Ayahuasca Tea?"

"That tea will make you hallucinate. No telling what she thought she was wrapping around her head. Accidental, it would have been declared accidental."

"Why did you come here, alone, I especially told you…"

"Ruddy brought me here. Grandmother and I have been communicating through the laptop. She is in there." I can tell I am wasting my breath. He thinks I have lost it.

"Let me have your gun. You are off duty as of right this minute. You can have it all back the minute I figure out myself what is going on and you have talked to the shrink."

"Bruce, you don't have to be this way. Why? I know it is all a bit weird. Ruddy and I are getting some cases settled. We got that theft ring booked solid. That DNA sample I got from my attorney's office let us know where to look. It was just enough to tell us which one of them led to her ending up here in the greenhouse. It looks like he is getting the bust taken care of and all the bad guys rounded up. Not even a Thank you. He just thinks I have gone crazy.

"You best report to the station and make out some statements on all this activity you've been doing while you are home on sick leave."

"Ruddy, you come with me. Janie is going to the station alone." Ruddy looks at Bruce and shakes his head no. He tilts his head and does his snarl growl. Then bolts. Ruddy runs around the back of the property. Then after a few minutes, he runs to my car. He jumps in my car. I had to laugh all the way.

"See yah' at the station."

"Officer, I need you to get a clean up crew out here. I need a poop patrol. Every pile of dog poop must be bagged and tagged. This is very important. Get it done right away."

"Yes, chief. I'll get right on that."

"I am not joking. That dog swallowed evidence, there is a chance he has left it behind this time."

"Left it behind… that is funny."

"I am not being funny. Just get it done."

"Yes, sir."

"I am headed to the station. I want every pile, bagged and tagged."

"I am not making enemies in this department. I am calling a yardman. I would be laughed out of the office if I ask my buds to do poop duty. If I have a yard guy to do it, it won't make a difference as long as it gets done. Right?

I guess the police don't want to get their hands dirty. What do I care? Twenty-five dollars to go poop scoop this yard and bag it. Here's one. Gloves first, one scoop, and what is that? It is pink. It is a ring. I am bagging this one for sure.