

Ken reaches the hospital

And rushes to meet his grandparents

He talks to the nurse and rushes into the emergency room and realises they're dead

He realises theirs a letter written by his grandparents

" We've always loved you even tho we never had actual kids nor did we plan for any yet you came into our life like a sun light

Even tho their was nothing left for us

You felt like the warmt and we doozed around it

We don't know what path you will take from here

But remember to have enough friends and help anyone in need

Our sunlight ..." ( This feels like it's something out of a Indian TV show omg )

Ken silently stands next to the door

The nurse : can i help you ?

Ken : no...it's nothing

Ken starts catching a grasp as he's lost everything he loved

And has no friends

Nor any family members

Ken goes out of the hospital to realise the same taxi driver standing outside ( haru )

Showed Ken starts ignoring him

And starts moving forward

Haru says : i knew your parents

Ken : i don't have any... go away the ones i had died today

Haru : stop lying to yourself

Suddenly ken starts seeing intense fog surrounding as everyone around him start falling down unconscious

Ken slowly falls down

(Kens dream : >

His previously dead actual parents show up

Mother : akane = red

Father : hiro ( hi - fire , ro - reactor )

Akane and hiro : we are sorry that you had to go through all this as a kid eiri

Ken : i don't know what you are talking about

Stop calling me that already

Akane and hiro respond : but that's what your name is eiri ken ...

Ken gets a flashback of him being left alone close to a tree as he watches the house of his parents burn

Ken has red hair ( red = his fathers powers in general )

Ken wakes up tied up as he panicks

Haru responds : i told you we are related

Let me introduce myself properly

My name is haru

And I am a celestial ...

Ken stares into thin air and looks at haru

Ken : what are you talking about ... Just let me go already

The only family i had just died