
Chapter 54

June slammed the phone on her bed and pulled up the laptop once again.

It's been almost a month since June had said her farewell to Subh, the stranger who had wooed her soul!!

But, sitting in her bed, after a month, June felt utterly foolish. Apart from his name, she practically knew nothing about him.

It wasn't that he didn't contact her, but it was one weak moment, while missing him terribly and waiting for him to respond, she had deleted his number along with the chat history. And, he hasn't been contacted since then.

June let out a deep sigh and typed the words in the search engine.

'Style-Up Spa and Salon'

And pulled up their website.

The about page proudly showed the picture of the owner, a middle aged lady named Veronica Verma.

There was no mention about anything related to her family or kin.

June opened up another page and typed,

Veronica Verma, Style-up Wiki

A few results popped up about her success story and her journey to the peak of women entrepreneurship.

June opened the page that said BIO.

Married to: Wilson Rogers (div.)

Children: Liam Rogers (son)

That familiar knot of deception engulfed her being, as she felt a pit in her stomach once again.

'Why did he lie to her?'

The question echoed in her head in a continuous agonizing loop.

It wasn't that she would have liked him less if he weren't the owner's son, but, the point that he gave her wrong information was torturous enough for her to pass those pleasant memories that he had given her.

'I'll be waiting for you with a ring!' wasn't that what he had told her!!

June's eyes started to burn in the fire of betrayal as she almost threw the laptop and screamed.

"Why? Why? God why??"

It had become a daily nightly routine for her, torturing herself with his memories and googling up his name only to end up finding hopelessness.

Liam Rogers, Veronica Verma.

June suddenly pulled up her laptop and typed again.

But, this time a number of reports came up which she hadn't read before.

Liam Rogers, the Indo American boy who made it big!

June rubbed her eyes and started to read.

Liam S. Rogers, a boy of Indian origin made it big in the Paris Annual Art Fest. He owns La Galleria de cuori Infranti.

His work was sold at a hooping price of....

June scrolled down to find a picture. But there were none. She pulled the laptop even closer and started typing again.

Liam S. Rogers pictures.